Milestone: NATO’s Occupation of Afghanistan as Long as Soviet One Unlike the Soviets, NATO Far From Giving Up on a Failing War
As NATO Rubber-Stamps Prolonged War, Afghans Losing Patience Anti-NATO Sentiment Grows as Officials Vow War in 2014 and Beyond
NATO Agrees on Missile Defense Shield Across Europe, US Officials Hope to Convince Russia to Join Shield
NATO Agrees to Remain ‘Engaged’ Worldwide Despite Afghan Trauma Summit Agrees on 10-Year Strategic Document
Survey: Few Afghans Know Why NATO Invaded It Remains War's Excuse, But Most Afghans Never Even Heard of 9/11
NATO’s 2014 Drawdown ‘Not Set in Stone’ Britain's Hopes of Exit Strategy Dashed as Obama Vows NATO to Remain
40 Insurgents, At Least Five NATO Troops Killed in East Afghan Sweep Kunar Province Raids Lasted Four Days, According to Report
A Goal Not a Deadline: Pentagon Downplays 2014 Afghan Drawdown As NATO Seeks to Emphasize New Date, Military Says Afghans Won't Be Ready
NATO Envoy: ‘Eye-Watering’ Violence in Afghanistan After Troops Leave No Indication When Troops Might Actually Leave, However
NATO in Afghanistan: 2015 and Beyond NATO Officials Gives Glimpse of What Afghan War Will Look Like in 2015