Syria Civil War Violence Spills Over Into Jordan, Lebanon US Blasts Syrian Govt. Because Rebels Attacked Jordanian Troops
Jordan: US Troops Helping Prepare for Syrian Attack Forces Fortify Border, Prepare for Chemical Weapons Attacks
US Military Planners Sent to Jordan With Eye on Syrian War 150-Man Task Force Discusses Invasion to Establish 'Buffer Zone'
US Warns Israel: Attacking Iran May Ruin Treaties With Egypt, Jordan Public Backlash Against War Could Force Regimes to Scrap Israel Deals
Jordan Militant Leader Vows to Send Fighters to Syria to Fight Assad Another Faction With al-Qaeda Ties Heading to Syria
Syria Troops Take Town on Refugee Flight Route Rebels Say Move Attempts to Prevent Refugees From Fleeing
US Military Planning ‘Completed’ for Syria Attack Pentagon Claims 'Full Understanding' of What Would Be Needed for War
Jordanians Face Military Tribunal, 10 Years in Prison for Speech The tyranny in Jordan harshly suppresses democracy with US help