European Nations Will Remain in Iran Nuclear Deal, Despite US Threats US warns EU banks against using legal trade mechanism
Europe to Resist US Sanctions on Firms That Do Business With Cuba Nations reject US threats to move against foreign companies
All 28 EU Nations Reject Israeli Annexations of Golan Heights Trump's shift in position broadly rejected internationally
EU Digital Chief to Reject US Demand to Ban Huawei US has warned Chinese telecom is a threat to national security
Germany’s Ban on Arms Exports to Saudis Over Khashoggi Murder Have Growing Impact Ban on German parts are limiting sales by other European companies
US, EU, and Kurds at Odds Over ISIS Prisoners in Syria US wants Europe to take detainees, but France and Germany say no
EU Mulls New Venezuela Sanctions, With Many Endorsing Guaido France says Guaido can organize new elections
EU Launches New Payment Channel With Iran to Bypass US Sanctions US warns Europeans not to use new system
Trump Warns Europeans Not to Defy US Sanctions Against Iran Threatens stiff fines and penalties for circumventing sanctions
EU Struggles to Find Host for Iran Trade Clearing House Diplomats warn plan faces collapse without a willing host