Italy Court Upholds Convictions on CIA Agents for Torture and Rendition Program The 23 Americans sentenced were not extradited, but were found guilty of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric in Milan
Poles Shocked as Facts of CIA Torture Site Continue to Emerge CIA Sought Local Contractor to 'Build a Cage' for Detainees
CIA’s Phony Vaccination Program a Thorn in Aid Workers’ Side in Pakistan Aid Workers Flee the Country Under a Cloud of Suspicion
CIA, Department of Energy Behind Program to Attack Iran Computers Officials Say Move 'Preferable Alternative to Airstrikes'
Into the Vault: Controversy Over Kill Team Filmmakers’ Access We Call Everything a Vault, CIA Insists
CIA Rendition Victim Will Have His Day in EU Human Rights Court Top Macedonian Official Expected to Confirm Masri's Kidnapping
British Played Central Role in CIA-Saudi Undercover Underwear Bomb Plot British authorities will neither confirm nor deny their involvement