US Fumbles With Chinese Activist Seeking Asylum as China Condemns ‘Interference’ The tangled web of mismanagement and contradiction is a fine example of why the US should stay out of other nations' internal affairs
Role of Philippines in US Imperial ‘Pivot’ in Asia May Expand Washington has been building up the Filipino military, like others in the region, to contain a non-threatening China
Philippines-China Standoff Could Lead to Open Conflict Washington's imperial policies in the Asia-Pacific region have only exacerbated tensions
China Criticized as Too ‘Assertive,’ as US Expands Military in Asia-Pacific US security deals and ubiquitous naval presence have heightened tensions in the region
Chinese Military Warns US of ‘Confrontation’ Over South China Seas Sees US-Philippines Naval Drills as Provocation
US at Center of Chinese-Filipino Naval Dispute Greater US military expansion into Asia-Pacific has heightened territorial and economic tensions in the region
First Contingent of US Troops Arrives in Australia Aimed at containing a rising China, US troops presence in Australia will grow to 2,500 by 2016