China Announces ‘Military Garrison’ for South China Sea Move Aims to Assert Sovereignty Over Disputed Waters
US Envoy Blasts ‘Deplorable’ Russia, China for Blocking Syria Resolution Russia Warns Resolution Would've Moved Toward External Military Involvement
China’s State News Agency Accuses US of ‘Meddling’ Xinhua reported that America 'militarily flexing its muscle' in Asia-Pacific is 'wrong'
China Is Secondary Target of Sanctions on Iran Other importers of Iranian oil have been granted exemptions, but Washington has refused to grant them to China
US Refurbishing Bases in Pacific For Possible Conflict With China Together with a surge of US military presence in Asia-Pacific, air bases are being reconstructed to surround China
Putin: Russia, China United Against Syria Intervention Two Nations Hope to Block UN-Imposed Regime Change
China Accuses Pentagon of Hyping Chinese Military Threat Chinese officials have repeatedly, and politely, objected to Obama's antagonistic postures
China Denies Preparations for War in Philippines Dispute US meddling is heightening the antagonism and the risk of war
China Escalates Philippines Dispute, as US Continues to Intervene Both countries are becoming increasingly nationalistic, in part because of US meddling