US, Canada Looking to Bolster Their Forces in the Arctic Canada's top general says the Arctic is NATO's 'northern flank'
US, Canada Send Warships Through Taiwan Strait China says the US and Canada 'colluded to provoke and stir up trouble'
Iran Denies Claims They Were Sending Black Boxes to Ukraine Iran still has no made no decision to send them abroad
US Coalition Partners Are Withdrawing From Iraq Over Security Concerns Allies want troops elsewhere, at least temporarily
Justice Dept Charges China’s Huawei With Violating Iran Sanctions White House: Charges 'totally separate' from China trade talks
PM: Canada Looking for a Way Out of Saudi Arms Deal Canadian company seeks to save $13 billion contract
Huawei Executive Arrested in Canada, Will Be Extradited to US US claims company is violating sanctions against Iran
Canada Seeks Allies’ Help in Cooling Saudi Tensions Egypt, Bahrain back Saudi Arabia in anti-Canada sentiments
Saudi Arabia Expels Canadian Ambassador Over Human Rights Criticism Canada reiterates call to free rights activists