US Alliance With Saleh Strained as Yemen is Destabilized The US alliance with Saleh and its aggressive covert war in Yemen bode ill for both human rights and US national security
Official Claims of a Transition to Afghan-Controlled Security Are Unlikely Claims of progress and an impending turn to Afghan-controlled security are belied by the facts, and are likely for public consumption
Wartime Contracting Commission Classifies Findings for Next 20 Years Although the Commission on Wartime Contracting was created to expose waste and abuse, their records are sealed until 2031
US Charges Singaporeans For Selling Radio Equipment to Iranians American-made radio equipment was allegedly resold to Iranians, finally ending up in roadside bombs in Iraq
Billions Lost in Secret Federal Reserve Funding of Iraq War Tens of billions were shipped to Iraq since the 2003 invasion, most of it lost or stolen. And we're not allowed to know about it.
Iraq Police Training Program a “Bottomless Pit” for US Taxpayers The bureaucratic and logistical struggles of the State Department's renewed effort to train Iraqi police is full of waste and inefficiency
Israeli Foreign Minister Attacks Abbas as an “Obstacle” to Peace The fiery Avigdor Lieberman issued harsh rhetoric for the PA President, whose major crime is seeking a state for his people
NTC Executed 53 Pro-Gadhafi Individuals A long list of crimes by NTC fighters is getting some more attention, but nobody thinks to hold their Western supporters accountable