Bahrain Opposition Urges “Serious” Reform, Condemns Government Violence US support continues to aid the Bahraini dictatorship's harsh repression of civilian protesters and the Shiite majority
Egypt’s Security Forces Increase Attacks on Civilians, With US Support Up to 13 people have died since Friday in new clashes that seem to reverse the advances toward democracy
Paul Argues for Peace, Not War in GOP Debate The GOP field is unanimous on war with Iran over imaginary nuclear weapons program. Paul urged caution and diplomacy.
Panetta Says Iraq Debacle ‘Worth the Price’ Oceans of blood and an indebted country were worth it for Iraqi democracy, he says. But a democracy is not what Iraqis have
Iran Demands Afghan Bases Not Be Used for Spy Flights Over Iran Iran told Afghanistan that future US drone flights launched from Afghan bases would be considered "an unfriendly act"
Iraqi Shiites Not So Welcoming Towards Iran Years of political, military, and economic domination from a foreign power has many Iraqi Shiites wary of too close ties with Iran
US Still Seeking Legal Immunity for Defense Contractors in Iraq Beyond 2012 Negotiations are ongoing, but granting immunity from Iraqi law to US security forces is highly unpopular in Iraq
Congress Passes Defense Bill Codifying Indefinite Detention The President is expected to sign the bill, which will allow indefinite detentions without charge or trial, even for American citizens