The G8 summit in Canada today focused primarily on US and Western nations pushing for Iran, a push that ended with the usual American confidence that the whole world was suddenly on board and the usual indications that this was far from the case.
The Canadian government started the push by demanding that the United Nations issue more sanctions against Iran until the nation agrees to entirely abandon uranium enrichment. The call then devolved into the usual US and Western calls for sanctions, with President Obama demanding that such action happen in “weeks.”
The net result was what such talks usually see: eager support from Western nations who were already on board for the sanctions and indications that both China and Russia remain far from the Western position.
IAEA chief Amano Yukiya also chimed in, reiterating that Iran was not in compliance with the additional protocol to the safeguars agreement, something Iran insists it never formally ratified. But Amano also seemed to caution against sanctions, warning that the tension could make matters more difficult for inspectors.
As a Canadian nuclear scientist, I am ashamed of our Prime Minister's call for Iran to halt all its uranium purification business. The IAEA makes it clear that every country has the right to develop nuclear science for peaceful purposes. And the level of IAEA inspections in Iran excedes that in most other countries by far. When the IAEA inspectors report that they have identified violations of uranium purification to the 5% required for nuclear power or the 20% required for new fuel rods for their existing reactor that produces isotopes for medicine, then and only then should Canada complain. I desperately wanted an Obama to be elected but he has fallen victim to the Isreali lobby within his own government (the State Departement, AIPAC, etc.). Why doesn't Harper suggest that the UN inspect Israel for nuclear activities? He doesn't have the balls to do what is right.
Until there is a widespread and universal outcry demanding sanctions on Israel until she "agrees to entirely abandon nuclear enrichment", I will regard the pressure on Iran as:
1: Punishment for not taking orders from the US
2: The result of successful AIPAC lobbying, and
3: Persecution of a country that the western powers don't like.
Well said.
The existing UN sanctions on Iran are in fact illegal as Iran has done nothing illegal. 16 US Intelligence Agencies say that there´s no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. At the same time Obama says that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. So the question is really: Is Obama mad, crazy, bonkers, insane and nuts ???
It's apparent Obama is controlled by Israel. Every word he says is pre approved by Rahm Emanuels script writers.
I don't like Iranian government in power, yet this is clearly a right wing Israeli script,(their LIkud party). You strengthen that same government in power by making a victim out of it. Sanctions are an act of war. They say bad Generals always fight the last war. This sounds like the script out of the Iraq war build up. The young in Iran like the internet and the West, this pushes the opposite way. Iraq currently actually wants a more secular government. This influence will spread unless you enflame the region. They are not dumb, they know exactly what is going on. The Congress of the US pushes the Israeli Likud line. Justice works better than a thousand bombs. Much of the Cold war fell apart by its own dynamics and the west just took credit for it. I am vary of neoconservative finger prints all over this.