Though the Gadhafi government has repeatedly claimed it, NATO today denied reports that it is deliberately launching air strikes against Gadhafi forces to bolster the latest rebel offensive in the restive southwest.
Libya’s Deputy Foreign Minister claimed NATO had ratcheted up the air strikes in the region during the offensive, and rebels have suggested the offensive was being done with NATO permission. NATO spokesman Mike Bracken, however, insisted that NATO was sticking with the UN mandate and was not becoming directly involved in ground battles.
Which seems an extremely difficult case to make after months of air strikes aimed at stalling regime offensives against Misrata, and doubly so since the rebel forces that are advancing were armed by French weapons drops in the region.
Indeed, the UN mandate called for a no-fly zone aimed at protecting civilians from air strikes. The no-fly zone was accomplished in short order but the war has repeatedly been escalated since, with NATO officials openly demanding regime change, and NATO strikes regularly killing civilians. The claim then that NATO is sticking with the mandate seems absurd on its face.
”NATO spokesman Mike Bracken, however, insisted that NATO was sticking with the UN mandate and was not becoming directly involved in ground battles. NATO spokesman Mike Bracken, however, insisted that NATO was sticking with the UN mandate and was not becoming directly involved in ground battles”.
Liar Liar their pans are on fire.., in one hand they say one thing in the other they deny what they just said.., that’s their way in presenting democracy.., that is why US and NATO are nothing but a militarism regime and their democracy is established for creating wars.., NATO is nothing but a long arm of US militarism regime with a neo fascism attitude practicing their appetite for war in Libya. The head of NATO is Rasmussen.., the former prim minister of Denmark.., his known to support neo fascism in Denmark and that goes for the Swedish prim minister Fredrik Reinfeldt as well.., Sarkozi is on the hot seat.., politically his against all kind of democracy but his own and his own is based on hypocrisy, nationalism idiocy, anti socialism and anti everything but his own scandal and so goes for Cameron, a English ”gentlemen”.., an assuming one.., that everything is going to be OK for British people if we cut everything that British people got without telling them that we are bankrupt yet wanting to rule the world with this time our French aristocrats’ brothers and sister.., but off course US needs to be along.