Recent reports suggest that Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad met with Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) number three man Qari Hussain Mehsud and that the attack was in all likelihood retaliation for the numerous US drone strikes against northwestern Pakistan.
When the TTP claimed credit for the bombing on Sunday, in an audiotape made by Qari Hussain, officials scoffed, but now they say it is “very likely” that the group played a role in the attack.
Ironically since then TTP spokesman Azam Tariq has rejected the previous audiotape and said that while the group praised the attempt it had nothing to do with it.
Not only the TTP, but also the Jaish-e Mohammed and the Lashkar-e Taiba have been suggested as possible masterminds of the attack. Still, there is no doubt that the drone strikes, occurring with increasing frequency throughout the Obama presidency, have led all these groups to look for ways to retaliate.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi also agreed with this assessment, terming the attack “blowback” and saying it had been a predictable consequence of the US drone strikes. US drones killed at least 700 Pakistani civilians in 2009 alone.
Predictable, perhaps, but still unexpected, as US and Pakistani intelligence both seemed convinced that the TTP didn’t have anywhere near the capability of orchestrating any attack, no matter how amateurish, so far from their home base.
It seems that was the case though and with Shahzad reportedly cooperating with officials it will likely become increasingly clear how they managed to do so in the coming days. The results of the investigation could provide interesting insight into the operations of a group whose existance on the margins of Pakistani tribal society has left it shrouded in mystery.
Ah I see grasshopper, the US never expected "blow back" in your eyes… You'd have to be pretty stupid or a tool not to include that possibility in your vision.
That is bullshit!
In the first place these guys (Taliban) are pros and have access to the best stuff availailable and don't use propane tanks and firecrackers to accomplish their foul deeds. Secondly when they plant something it goes off, not sits their and smokes with the emergency flashers going and the engines running. Gee do you think they might have wanted someone to notice that vehicle?
How stupid does the government and the media think we are?
Interesting.Remember the ignorance of the American public can never be overestimated. Iraq, even AfPak are recent reminders of our ignorance as the American pubic has been forged into a society of mindlessness which is the inability to discern thoughts from facts to the point where even the thoughts of others being construed into their own facts. It's what happen with a society that is narcissistic, consumerist gluttons.
keep your comments,your is crap
Maybe this can finally put the rest the absurd "We fight them over there so we dont have to fight them over here" argument.
The video taken at the crime scene is of a middle aged, balding white male suspiciously taking off his sweater??? Who is he?? Was the NY bomber, a Pakistani framed??
This has the distinct odor of another underwear bomber setup, phony false flag operation and ameturish one at that. The thing that is most insulting is how really stupid the government of the US thinks we are.
I thought that when I first heard the news, but this seems even too ameturish for that. This seems like a guy who just got pissed off that we keep killing his countrymen. I can only imagine the contrast for this guy for how he saw people in Pakistan react to the killing versus how uncaring the general american public is and how willfully our MSM ignores anything problematic with these arial robotic assassinations.
I guess we will learn more over the next few weeks.
Anyone that stupid would have blown himself up by lighting a firecracker in an enclosed space with five or ten gallons of gasoline in cans in the vehicle. Anyone that has ever picked up gas for his lawnmower knows that the fumes (highly explosive) seems to permeate your car no matter how tight you seal the containers. Those vapors can produce a huge explosion. So the guy that put this together knew how NOT to blow himself up by lighting that smoke bomb or fire cracker in the vehcle. Unless there was really no gas in the vehicle in the first place eh!
Do you folks know that the drone RPV in your photo is a
Global Hawk, not a Predator?
Do you care?
Do you folks know that the drone RPV in your photo is a
Global Hawk, not a Predator?
Do you care?
The USG doesn't think, it knows how stupid the Ameican public is.
The USG doesn't think, it knows how stupid the Ameican public is.
Does anyone know what Liability, Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverages the CIA carries on those drones and their operators?
Since they have admitted that they are CIA, which is civilian, not only are they open to prosecution for war crimes, but they are subject to both criminal and civil actions around the world.
In fact the CIA has already given out enough information to be prosecuted civily and criminally even in the US for the people they have murdered with drones and the damage they have done.
Total false flag.
"The results of the investigation could provide interesting insight into the operations of a group whose existance on the margins of Pakistani tribal society has left it shrouded in mystery."
Piquantly put, Monsieur Ditz. Have read Sanguinetti then?
Confident it is a typo but just in case: "existence", as in say, "existential threat."
"The results of the investigation could provide interesting insight into the operations of a group whose existance on the margins of Pakistani tribal society has left it shrouded in mystery."
Piquantly put, Monsieur Ditz. Have read Sanguinetti then?
Confident it is a typo but just in case: "existence", as in say, "existential threat."
A reporter should ask Obama point blank whether he has been to Langley and personally guided a drone to mass murder?
His supposed joke suggests that he has.
Quite interesting conduct for a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Perhaps the whole program should be renamed, say, "Drones without Borders."