Intense clashes were once again reported Saturday in northern Syria’s Aleppo Governorate, with Turkish-backed SNA militants attacking Kurdish SDF fighters in the area near the Tishreen Dam, which Turkey and the SNA has been unsuccessfully trying to capture for weeks now.
SDF reports suggested Saturday’s attacks were no more successful than previous ones, and said that 20 SNA fighters were killed in various clashes between Manbij and the Dam, along with nine others wounded. They did not report the casualties on their own side.
Sunday marks “Kobani Victory Day” in the SDF’s territory, which marks the 10th anniversary of the SDF and Kurdish resistance defeated ISIS in the city of Kobani. ISIS was pushing to seize Kobani in late 2014, and though actual ISIS attempts to conquer the city ended in early 2015, they continued to attack it intermittently for months after, killing hundreds of civilians.
This means a growing number of protesters rallying at Tishreen Dam, where they are calling for an end to Turkish attacks and calling for international efforts to stop the strikes in general. They have repeatedly warned attacks on the Dam would cause humanitarian crisis in northeastern Syria.

And with more protesters, this apparently was a time for Turkey to bomb the site once again. There are reports of injuries among demonstrators though so far no confirmed fatalities. Turkish attacks on protesters at the Dam last week killed a number of people, including a top PYD political leader.
The Tishreen Dam and the Tabqa Dam further downriver are major sources of freshwater and electricity across northeast Syria. Both are controlled by Kurdish forces and it has been reported Turkey intends to take those dams and use that control to force the SDF to agree to disarm.
Turkish President Erdogan has long sought to eliminate the SDF’s presence in Syria, and indeed was backing Syrian rebels even early in the civil war on the idea that a Sunni Arab-dominated government would be more hostile to Kurdish attempts at autonomy.
The Sunni Islamist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) now effectively runs Syria, so Turkey got their wish in that regard. HTS leadership has said they’re “not seeking bloodshed” with the SDF, but are also denouncing the idea of continued Kurdish autonomy. Moreover, the HTS leader has accused the SDF of using captured ISIS fighters as “blackmail” against the rest of Syria.
Erdogan’s long-standing problem with the very idea of Kurdish autonomy is also risking bumping up against Turkey’s economic ambitions for Syrian reconstruction after they managed to back the HTS regime change.
Major Turkish companies stand to gain hundreds of billion dollars in new construction contracts. Indeed Turkish steel and cement maker stocks have surged in the last month on anticipation of that building surge. Turkey also expects to use Syrian routes to replace more expensive Egypt routes for their exports to the Middle East, potentially earning even more money on the regime change there.
That all is a big boon for Turkey, but it depends on Syria actually stabilizing after the regime change. That’s not guaranteed to happened, and Turkey and the SNA’s constant needling on the Kurds is only increasing the risk that Syria is just going to descend into a new era of instability fresh off the old era of instability. Turkey may ultimately find they can’t have both a crackdown on the Syrian Kurds and prosperity from a stable Syria where the HTS rulers are grateful for Turkey’s help in seizing power.
The Islamo-Fascist regime in Syria has no money to pay for anything. All that can be "reconstructed" will be paid by Turkey or Qatar (loans maybe but that falls fully in the "hateful debt" category, ethically easy to default on after the Julani regime falls, as it will).
I don't think Tishrin will fall, SDF are absolutely determined to hold to it (it's essential for their economy) and they have so far been winning all the battles. Turkey is a giant with feet of clay.
Oh my. As if everyone writes from a memo. No need for open eyes. Who is who in Syria has been stereotyped forever — and continues with the same zeal till today. Number one — HTS and Turkey are no allies. Never been. In fact fought against each other on numerous occassios, right after Astana process was agreed to.
As many islamists or kind of Islamic groups ended up in Idlib — the process of poaching those groups by Turkey startrd, How do you think NSA was crested? Just sprung full flown from the brow of Zeus? As Damascus was unable to control its Trukush border, it was understood — despite appearances – that the task fell to Turkey. Turkey had a vital interest in the developments. There are two Kurd majority aareas in Syria — Kobane and Afrin, in oppposite sides of Syria.
ISIS was used to force Kurds into collabotating with US. Free Syrian Army was funded by US, but abandoned once Kurds in dire straits — accepted US command. This is what “liberation” of Kobane was all about. YPG (.one of many Kurdish groups signed up on the dotted line and committed to US command. Other groups were marginalized or outright exiled to avoid being killed . YPG was deliberately chosen because of their ties with PKK. PKk — in case you wondered, is wholly armed and funded through Western sources. Smuggled through Geotgia and Azerbaijan.
Once Kurds became US mercenaries, they were renamed into SDF, pretending there were Surian Arabs un this “army”. There were few, that quickly abandoned the project.
Former Free Syrian Army became self-defense units from marauding ISIS (well paid and supplied by Saudi former Crown Prince MBN) but mostly utilused by US . Once ISIS took over the world ntire belt of border with Turkey between Kobane and Afrin, with transparent goal of “being liberated by SDF”, Turkey had to act. It was facing total Kurd control of its border with Syria — and in Erdogan’s words “somebody wants us to be isolated in Anatolia, no access to Levant or Gulf. Turkey recruited all self defence groups in Syria that battlled ISIS or Al-Qaeda — and organized them under their command and pay. That is when the belt was cleared of ISIS staring from Jarabulus to Al-Bab. This name should have been remembered for many reasins — but it fell in memory black hole as the official memo writers wanted. First being strategically positioned, ISIS was actially HELPED by Kurds. Remember Hillary Clunton extoiiling Kurdish women in battle. Suddenly — Kurds wanted the town, and US gave them intelligence information in Turkish positions. Turkey complained to US. Second unusual thing happened: Russian airforce joined Turkush in the battle for Al-Bab. Third, Damascus threw in its support by not alliwing ISIS or Kurds to maneuver and take over mire Syrian territory. Al-Bab was liberated — and bith Turkish forced with Syrian units as well as Damascus commanded foorces stayed after ISIS fled to AlManbij and Rakka.
How many US media prognosticated the battle between Turkey and Damascus forces now that they controlled same areas! Cannot count! But of course it dod not happen. Turkey was then shocked that US using SDF “liberated” Manbij just to turn this majority Syrian Arab city into Kurd controlled.
Turkey continued to strengther Syrian auxiliaries— as then called – now thansformed into SNA. Those forced dismantled YPG stronghold in Afrin — a place from where weapons smuggling from Turkish PKK flowed into Syria and then -/ to Western backed HTS in Idlib.
From then on — Turkey was gradually taking over non-HTS groups in Idlib, depriving HTS of Idlib control.
In fact ladt year in March Idlib rebelled againt HTS. Protests were everywhere. Even Administrator of the city of Idlib was on the side of protests. Turkey supported Udlub population and any militant group in Idlib that was against HTS. HTS survived on British help from Cypress. Being heavily depleted — it was given the job of engaging Assad’s forces from Idlub so Assad’s forced had to withdraw from Israel’s border.
What was meant to be a skurmush — resulted in Asssad’s army standing down and Assad orgering cooooeration before leaving.
This looks more like a planned deconstruction than HTS win. HTS with its 15,000 people is no match for Turkey’s SNA that is now well over 100,000. Turkey for all purpises controls Idlub, and the interrim president — Mohamned Al-Bashar is Turkush man, former Administrator from Idlid and protector of Idlib protests against HTS.
I am not shocked that Turkey is focusing on SDF , first remived them from Manbij than now dams on Euphrates. Arab population there is 100% for Turkey, so it is unclear who is exactly protesting. SDF rule over non-Kurdish areas of Deir Azzor, Raqqa and the dam areas — has been challenged all along. Only nobody bothered to write about it.
HTS us propped up by US and UK — miney bags are surely flying in to buy bureacracy or Assad’s army.
But wverybody knows that Turkry is a factor that cannot be avoided. Even as ccurrentl Busy with Kurds. It is as transparent as ot can be — Turkey does not want US cintrolled Kurds to join HTS and create a new US controlled military. So Kurds are the priority.