An outspoken opponent of diplomacy with Iran, and against the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, Israel has made its first comments in awhile on the matter, expressing concern at US indications that they are going to engage in diplomacy with Iran and try to save the nuclear deal.
Even though this is largely what was expected of the Biden Administration, Israeli officials say they see it as “very troubling,” and that they’d expected the US to impose a tougher nuclear deal on Iran.
The statements from anonymous Israeli officials went back to the unacceptability of the existing deal, and also indicated upset that the US Ambassador didn’t accuse Iran “of any bad behavior” or suggest the nuclear deal was in any way conditional on consultation with allies.
That Israel would prefer a tack the US took during Trump’s Administration is hardly a secret, but any pretense that they expected that from Biden is unreasonable. Even if some Democrats suggest Biden might look to make the deal tougher, it’s been clear for months that saving the deal at all was going to need to be handled on its own before any changes are discussed.
Trbubbing is NOT the word I would use, more like relieving for me, especially after Trump.
Israel does not have a voice which is independence of the US/CIA/Pentagon. So reports based on “anonymous Israeli official ” refer to the same anonymous sources used by Mainstream US press, that carefully protects its “access” to the U.S. intelligence network. These references have become comical over time and no longer have any credibility.
This is merely to give the appearance that the US is doing this in the face of open opposition.
Yes, Israel’s position is as unreasonable as this explains. However, they have so far gotten exactly what they wanted.
So who is being realistic? Those who have won so far, or those who “know better?”
The love of Israel is the love from an insane mistress that only a narcissist and a glutton for punishment, like Trump, would seek. For all of his senility, I think Biden knows better – let the bitch go.
As much as Trump made me want to wretch, he wasn’t/isn’t alone. In fact he was/is more like the norm than anything else. And no way Biden lets the bitch go. Either one of them. : )
Israel’s nukes are troubling for me..
Israel is treating Iran as if it is another Palestine that they have occupied, and there fore have a right to bully and suppress…!
Anonymous Israeli officials who are so “uncomfortable” should take a long walk
off a very short pier!
Biden should tell Blinken to tell Israel to butt out.