In an unusually frank look at the theology underpinning US policy in the
Middle East, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, during his visit to Israel
said he believes that it is “possible” that God sent President Trump to
Earth as a “savior” to protect Israel from Iran, adding “I am confident that the Lord is at work here.”
This is not the first time the Trump Administration has tried to pin a divine endorsement on Trump, with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders previously saying that God is the one who wanted Trump to be president in the first place.
Pompeo tried to compare Trump favorably with the biblical Queen Esther, a
Persian imperial queen who convinces her husband to rescue the Jews
from Haman. This comes amid Israel’s Purim holiday, commemorating
exactly this religious event.
In further talks with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Pompeo added that
he believes the US has a “moral obligation” to ensure the security of
Israel, and that the US acts “on a daily basis” on Israel’s behalf.
This suggests that the Trump Administration believes supporting Israel
is effectively a religious duty, and furthermore that Trump has been
appointed personally by God to enact his will, which is in some way
hostile toward Iran. Fortunately, this appears to have been the exact
policy Trump was inclined toward in the first place.
One reason I couldn’t be a Christian or any other Abramic was I couldn’t get past the First Commandment.
Others, though, would probably miss the point. Like Pompeo just did.
I had to look it up. I knew the first several were demands that everyone kiss the big guys a$$.
Christianity is not Abrahamic.
Same root religion, but whatever.
Pompeo is demented. He would probably be more comfortable shuffling around in a tobacco barn while speaking in tongues,and holding a water moccasin high over his head than to be stuck in a country where he couldn’t find a large pork chop platter.
I’m sure Persian Queen Esther is turning in her grave..
She’d better hold still or she’ll end up on the black antiquities market.
Wasn’t god a sadistic prick in the old testament? Maybe Pompeo is right and the big prick is just adding a little humor to his reality show.
One of my favorite “God insights” was the tale in Joshua, where the Big Guy insists that all silver objects are his (and his alone) – and he destroys some little grubbers because they killed the enemy as told but then refused to kick up on everything. His rules may be stupid, but his choice of help can be even stupider.
That God must have an immense sense of humor.
Forcing your religious beliefs on those who dont believe is despicable, and starting armageddon over it is even worse.
Worst thing – its all about cutting election deals. Armageddon is a bonus.
Team Trump helps Nuttyahoo win the Israeli election now, Nuttyahoo helps Team Trump win in 2020 and likely also help keep him politically alive in the interim.
Dumbest thing to happen since President Dubya invoked ‘Crusade’ in his ‘War Against Terrorism’ 9/11 speech.
https://www. thenation. com/article/bush-crusade/
Just wow … The mentality that actually thinks this way. Unlike Trump himself, who’s just a conman selling himself to the rubes, a religious fanatic like Pompeo may actually believe this stuff. A LOT of despicable things have Ben done in the name of religion over the years.
Psychopaths always spout off about being an instrument of God; prisons are full of them.
And cemeteries are full of their victims.
Pompeo is delusional fanatic.
Pompeo is no Christian, and the Zionist Entity is not Biblical Israel.
The US is no friend of Israel unless it condemns Israel’s unaquivocal crimes against humanity, it’s called tough love, true friendship.
Every time I see Pompeo I think “John Wayne Gacy”.
It’s a lot more possible that Pompeo was sent from the opposite entity to unsave the USA.
God does have a sense of humor. With such saviors, Israel is in deep trouble. We hear that AIPAC attenance will be short of expected, as there are cancelations. Trump and his Bible backup acts appear to be too toxic for some. Love may indeed conquer all.
Er, yes, wars r u.s. made mention of that sense of humour…
What kind of Bass Ackwards Bullcrap is this? I see a sloppily glued together attempt at co-opting Iranian history. Couldn’t really expect better from the Porcine Pompadour.
Far more peculiar things have happened. For instance, a reference to the end date of World War I was already on the license plate of the car in which Franz Ferdinand is killed.
It could be coincidence, but if it is not, then it may wel be that this universe is a virtual reality and that we are all actors in a script.
If you think such a claim is outrageous, simulation hypothesis might be a good start. But you could replace saviour by clown and the claim is equally valid.
After all, we might only exist for entertainment.