Following up on concerns expressed over the weekend that a “false flag” attack might be used as a pretext for a US attack on Syria, Russian Defense Ministry officials say they are deeply concerned by signs of a US military buildup around the area, seemingly setting up for just such an attack.

Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov noted that the USS Ross, a guided-missile destroyer, has arrived in the Mediterranean just two days ago. The ship is armed with 28 Tomahawk cruise missiles, exactly what the US used in their last two attacks on Syria.
US officials brushed off Russian reports as “propaganda,” but also said that the they are preparing “should the president direct such an action.” They added that they are “on alert” for any potential chemical weapons attacks, despite conceding they haven’t seen any evidence of chemical arms being moved near the rebel-held north.
Which goes back to the previous reports of a false flag attack, which had British special forces moving chlorine tanks into rebel-held areas, to be released to stage a chlorine gas attack, which would provide the US a pretext to attack Syrian military targets.
In the meantime, US officials are saying that the Trump Administration is looking to negotiate some sort of deal with Russia ahead of the anti-rebel push, seeking “concessions” and pushing Russia on humanitarian concerns for the Idlib Province, currently dominated by rebels.
“US says they are ‘on alert’ for their own false flag chemical attacks”
Fixed it for you Jason….
I wonder how close the “last rebel held areas in Syria” are to the Golan Heights? That would explain America’s madness in trying to get involved in interfering in the last phase of a Syrian clean-up operation. I am one American sick of our war-making just to satisfy Israel’s greed for Arab land.
“should the President direct such action” Not to worry. We’ve been told the peace president will be working with Russia to get us out of Syria.
You mean the new peace president has the same bellicose policy as the former peace president?
Brings to mind the lyrics to a song: ” the meet new boss….same as the old boss”…… And the one before that one, and the one before that and so on.
One might come to the conclusion that the same people have been running foreign policy for, well, as long as I can remember.
40 children kidnapped by terrorists to play part in staged “chemical attack”
The Russians can say whatever they want, and even be right, undeniably so. It won’t matter to what they US does.
The only think that would make a difference is a credible risk of shooting back.