According to national security adviser John Bolton, the US rejected a proposal to hold off on the re-imposition of sanctions against Iran in return for a “rollback” of Iranian forces from Syria.

Bolton was vague on this offer, beyond suggesting it came from Russia. He wasn’t clear if “holding off” on the sanctions meant a delay or a cancellation, and didn’t say if the “rollback” of Iranian troops meant them leaving Syria outright, or simply being restricted to certain areas.
Either way, the US rejected the proposals, and doesn’t appear willing to trade the sanctions for Iranian military concessions. Bolton still said the US is determined to force all Iranian forces across the planet to return to Iran, and that he believes Russia agrees with that goal.
How the US intends to achieve that is another matter, and one Russia clearly does not agree with. Russia has not backed the US sanctions, and has said they can’t force Iran out of Syria so long as Syria wants them to stay. That presumably extends to expelling Iran from everywhere else, though in practice Iran doesn’t have a lot of military deployments abroad.
It seems appropriate to request that Mr Bolton and His Neo-Nazi boss Go To HeII.
Iran should propose that they’d return all their forces “across the planet” back to Iran if we’d be willing to do the same. It would take them about 2 days and us about 10 years. They live on a much smaller planet.
That worked well for us in 1939-41. If you would read some history, you would find
that pacifism has been failing for thousands of years.
Wow, grasp much?
Grasp what? That Japan tried to own us during WW2? That
Germany attacked Russia, Poland, France and Britain?. It’s
OK that you are a pacifist, as long as real men go off to war to
fight aggression.
History’s not your strong suit, is it?
Debate isn’t yours.
Debate involves logical argument in favor of or in opposition to a stated proposition. And yes, it is my strong suit.
Germany and Russia attacked Poland. France and Britain then attacked Germany. After which Germany attacked Russia. If you’re referencing a series of events in support of an argument — even one which you haven’t really stated in any coherent form — it helps if you get the facts concerning that sequence of events correctly. Or, it helps if fact, truth, reason, logic, etc. are things you value. If you’re just wanting to run your blowhole, I guess they’re not necessary.
Give it a rest Knapp. My summary of WW2 history is accurate and you know it. What is your point anyway, or are you here just to interfere and call names?
My point wasn’t unclear. You offered a false set of factual historical claims.
And now a second false claim — the next time I call you a name will be the first time.
I’m a pacifist? You gleaned that by me saying Iran should demand the same from us as we do from them? And that somehow us having 800 bases spread around the globe is keeping the world safe from countries like Iran? Never mind that they can’t project enough power outside their boarders to be mentioned in the same breath as Germany or Japan in WW2. I’d call that grasping.
Are you nuts? It’s all you talk about. Your reading list is dominated by anti war material.
Being anti-war means I’m a pacifist? Are you ignorant or stupid?
I have always used the words synonymously. Webster’s seems to agree with me. Why don’t
you educate us on the fine nuances of being cowardly.
I’m not against self defense. Is that good enough for you tough guy? I love how you internet trolls try to act like you’re bad asses. By the way I did 3 years in the army, how about you?
Now the name calling starts. You don’t know the definition of pacifism and that makes me a troll.
I signed up for the Vietnam draft, but wasn’t called up. Ready and willing to serve for defense
or offense. America wasn’t attacked by the Germans. Was that an offensive act of war on our part?
By the way, thanks for your service.
You’re right, I didn’t know Webster’s definition of pacifism. I was thinking in the “turn the other cheek” definition that is more attributed to pure pacifism. But I called you a troll because your responses to my comments here as well as other articles aren’t adding anything to the conversation and they seem to be jingoistic in their content.
I suppose you could have joined the military if you were willing to serve but that was your choice. I joined in ’73 and thankfully we were withdrawing from Vietnam. I was one of the first to join the “all volunteer” Army.
And there is absolutely nothing to thank me for regarding my service time.
Bolton really is in his element now, powered by his job of destruction of as many lives as possible, making “America” ie the most hated “nation” in the world, with complete justification. Trump is being crucified for really stupid “crimes” of his slimy law pals, while the rest of his “administration” continue the bullying which benefits nobody, not even Israel.
So much for Helsinki. God, I love that peace president of ours!