In a major blow to the Trump Administration’s “cut to zero” effort, demanding the international community stop buying Iranian oil, China has announced that they have no intention of accepting the US demand. They added that they consider US sanctions “counterproductive.”

China and India are major purchasers of Iranian oil, and major focuses of the US demands. Iran’s Foreign Minister says that China is particularly “pivotal” to saving the P5+1 nuclear deal.
The US withdrew from the nuclear deal months ago, but the US wasn’t trading with Iran in the first place. This has meant the administration’s focus is on keeping everyone else from trading with Iran, in hopes that it will collapse the deal.
China is a big part of this, with estimates that they buy about 35% of all the oil exported by Iran. Though China is apparently not envisioning raising the amount of oil they’re buying, even not lowering the amount goes a long way toward ensuring Iran stays on the market.
Iran isn’t necessarily losing all other customers either. Sri Lanka has been discussing keeping oil flowing to them, and sending tea as payment. Iran is also courting multiple African countries, notably Ghana, to buy oil and pay with gold.
Good for China. I wish the entire world would flip us the collective bird.
The cowardice of Europe is visible. NATO is supposed to be about cooperation, but the USA believes only in force and punishment, even if it is the one in the wrong. I cannot believe the EU and NATO are unable to react decisively to keep the agreement going. The Trump/Pompeo lies are blatant.
I believe that the majority of the threats aren’t from Trump himself, but from his Secretary of State, Pompous Pompeo, why did he pick a CIA Director for SOS? It makes no sense whatsoever. We don’t need the CIA running the State Dept., but that’s just what it is. There are plenty of highly experienced diplomats the President could’ve chosen from, as well as a Congressman or Senator who’s experienced in foreign policy. Neither Rex Tillerson nor Pompous Pompeo had/have foreign policy experience; Tillerson was an oil executive, and Pompeo was CIA Director; but at least, Tillerson didn’t bully foreign leaders and/or diplomats around a la Benito Mussolini, as Pompeo’s been doing.
Unfortunately, Trump’s been acting the same way toward Iran, a country that hasn’t attacked its neighbors in over 400 years. As far as Obama goes, even though I distrusted/detested him, he did one thing that was good for the US populace, he signed a nuclear agreement with Iran, along with 5 other national leaders.
There was no reason for Trump to simply scrap this agreement, just because Obama signed it; what he should’ve done was to calmly contact his Iranian counterpart, President Hassan Rouhani, and discuss the pros and cons of this contract. The only reason he did scrap it was because Tel Aviv (Bibzy Satanyahoo) ordered him to do so.
Take away China’s oil imports from Iran. Consequence: China’s GDP will take a nosedive.
How pray tell? An embargo? An explicit act of war? When we need to finance that war will the Chinese lend us the $?
It has been obvious to China that no matter how much they gave, the U.S. keep demanding more! So why give at all.
It is just outrageous that one country can go around the world and threaten anyone it wants, without regard for any international law or the livelihood of people of other countries. If the U.S does go ahead with the oil sanction and cause retaliation from Iran and make the world community suffer,do not think Americans will be exempt!
Interesting… US trade itself is already irrelevant, so our policy is to impose our will on the world, insisting they help us impose our will on Iran. Maybe the smart move for the world would be to boycott the US instead of Iran. Help the bully or the underdog? The only problem about not helping the bully, is that they’re a bully. But the bigger issue is that no one will be free from these sorts of power-plays until a critical mass of nations come together to say ENOUGH.
Interesting… US trade itself is already irrelevant, so our policy is to impose our will on the world, insisting they help us impose our will on Iran. Maybe the smart move for the world would be to boycott the US instead of Iran. Help the bully or the underdog? The only problem about not helping the bully, is that they’re a bully. But the bigger issue is that no one will be free from these sorts of power-plays until a critical mass of nations come together to say ENOUGH.
China knows it is next. You have to back a bully down quickly otherwise demands escalate. This is Chinas “Munich moment”
It’s pretty obvious, this administration has no clue . They need to study basic “cause and effect”. What is pitiful, is some people are surprised.
It’s pretty obvious, this administration has no clue . They need to study basic “cause and effect”. What is pitiful, is some people are surprised.