Since the planned Trump-Putin summit was announced, NATO nations and other US allies have been expressing serious concerns, fearing that Trump is liable to make deals to improve US-Russia relations, and undermine NATO’s recent years of hostility toward them.

hile most are just complaining, British Prime Minister Theresa May took a different tack on Wednesday. She endorsed the idea of a summit, while demanding Trump use it as a chance to confront Russia over its “malign activity.”
May was in particular hopeful that Trump would highlight the British allegations of Novichuk poisoning on British soil. She also mentioned “Kremlin-linked cyber attacks,” without specifying what the Kremlin was actually accused of doing.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau offered a new round of condemnations for Russia as well ahead of the visit, accusing them of trying to destabilize the world. The hope appears to be that making the NATO summit at least partly about railing against Russia will rub off on Trump and give him talking points for the Monday trip to Helsinki.
If anyone takes notice of the lies of Mayhem we would be at war with Russia now instead of enjoying the hospitality at the World Cup where even the Brits are happy and well- treated. That novichok joke is wearing thin, and the attack on Syria for spurious reasons shows the maniacal hatred Theresa Mayhem and her team have for Russia, which has never been allowed to be treated as “suspect” but assumed guilty.
“Canadian PM Justin Trudeau… accusing them of trying to destabilize the world”
yes, it was the Russians that invaded and destroyed Iraq, thereby destabiliziing the entire middle east; and it was Russia that bombed the sh*t out of and invaded Libya and destabilized the entirety of North Africa from Morocco to Egypt……and it’s Russia that is invading and bombing the sh*t out of poor poor Yemen, too
good thinking, Trudeau
I think she does it because she’s owned by Israel which isn’t getting its own way in Syria because of Russia. Like Assad said, our politicians commit atrocities in Yemen and support terrorists across the Middle East and he’s the bad guy?
When powerful nations become lawless atrocities always follow.
Dear world,
Sorry about Mrs. May, she sneaked in to stop Johnson and Hammond going to war, with each other.
Sorry too about that little pr*ck Gove and Soury and a dozen others. But at least Corbyn is still not (yet) in charge.
UK is stuffed, so any country who could use a load of useless whining Pohms please send us forms to fill in. We are not much use at anything else after 60 years of bureaucratic cr*p.
We promise to leave all the politicians behind, unless you want the politicians in which case we will stay behind. (Not only can you have Sad Dick Khan and May for free, we will actually pay you to take them)