Friday’s UN Security Council meeting saw votes on two Gaza resolutions failing, with the United States vetoing a resolution from Kuwait calling for the international protection of Palestinian civilians, and the alternate US resolution failing outright.

US Ambassador Nikki Haley promised the veto on Thursday, saying that the resolution was “morally bankrupt” and amounted to a threat to the Israel-Palestine peace process. In the past two months, Israel has killed 122 Palestinians and wounded over 13,000 others in Gaza.
The Kuwait resolution was heavily supported, and would’ve passed without the US veto. There were no other “no” votes, though four nations did abstain. The US managed to get its own resolution, which insisted all the deaths were the fault of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to the table for a vote as well.
The US resolution went poorly, with the US the only “yes” vote, and 11 other countries abstaining outright. This has been described as a particularly humiliating failure for the US, as they didn’t get even a token “yes” vote from a single ally.
Lack of even token support is telling. We are far outside the realm of reason.
What a joke. There is no Israel-Palestine peace process. Also Nikki Haley is a joke.
Nikki Haley is what Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump.
Of course it would be ‘morally bankrupt.’ If your morality is who gets to do what to who, but not, especially, what is done.
Nikki looks and sounds more like Bibi with each passing day.
To state the obvious, the us has now gone into the cesspool of supporting mass murder and has lost any vestige of morality and human values.
Amritsar Massacre all over again.
Well she certainly paid attention in chutzpah class…not so much international relations or law…
The complicit strikes again as the guilty walks away.
Is there any reason to believe that this nation has not been taken over by a murdering Zionist cabal ? If so I would like to hear a about it.
Is there a government body that represents the American populace?? No, Does the American government care more about the 1% and Israel? Yes, the plutocracy that rules the roost currently is about as corrupt, and malicious as any entity can get. Think of the Aryan Nation aka: Nazi party of the 30’s.