South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Chinese PM Li Keqiang have agreed that they want to see a guarantee of economic aid for North Korea if the nation agrees to denuclearize. The two leaders also discussed a possible railway connection going through North Korea.

The US has been hesitant to make any specific pledges to North Korea on what would happen in return for denuclearization. Clearly, economic assistance is a top priority, as North Korea has indicated in recent comments that once peace is achieved their focus will be on improving their struggling economy.
Railroads connecting them to China and South Korea would be a good start, certainly. South Korean officials say they also want to offer North Korea some sort of security guarantees.
Security assurances are also a top priority for North Korea, as they have said the only reason for their nuclear arsenal is to deter a US attack. With guarantees that such an attack is not coming, they’d have every reason to scrap the program.
As we have seen The Word of the United States of America is not worth two cents…….. There needs to be an iron clad treaty here, one that has been through the US Congress and passes the 2/3rds majority of the Senate no veto and the equivalent in stature to the protection of the Constitution of the United States of America, North Korea already made an agreement to close its Nuclear Facilities when Bill Clinton was President, North Korea upheld that agreement, and just like Trump did yesterday to Iran, Bush with John Bonkers Bolton ripped up the agreement and through it on the scrap pile, proving that the US doesnt abide by its agreements! It needs the wording of a formal international treaty, ratified by a 2/3rds majority of the US Senate and a UN Security resolution on top of that.
I see that North and South Korea feel that everyone, including the US, should provide the substantial bribes the north wants for denuclearising. It’ll be interesting to see whether the US, or anyone else, coughs up the cash.
Uniting with South Korea alone will ne such a benefit to N Korea they will think they are in heaven .
Are you sure N Korea is not Now much stronger and fully protected by close ties to China .Eventually with a railroad going to South Korea . South Korea maybe more dominated by China than the USA . This is O.K by me if the South Koreans are happy . I’am hoping The South Koreans will teach the communists a thing or too . Communism has a tendency to die out after everybody learns the facts .
Time to open your wallet China.