Expectations were that the inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) would enter Douma on Monday, but this did not happen. Exactly why is a matter of serious contention.

British Prime Minister Theresa May is claiming the Russians blocked the OPCW, saying that Russia and Syria are “not cooperating.” The Russians and Syrians are both denying this. Russia says the UN ordered the visit stopped for security reasons, and Syrian officials say they’ve been meeting with the OPCW delegation.
It’s not totally clear what is happening. The UN Security Council already rejected a resolution calling for an investigation, but it’s not clear they can stop the OPCW visit. At the same time, Syria and Russia have supported it from the start, anticipating it would discredit the Western allegations of a chemical attack.
The US seems to be anticipating the OPCW probe not going their way, and is already accusing Syria and Russia of plotting to tamper with the site. There’s no evidence of tampering of any kind. The US suggestion was based on the fact that Russian military police visited the site. The visit, however, was done days ago, and Russia said it was meant to deter the West from attacking Douma and destroying evidence.
The US, France, and Britain appear to have little reason to want the OPCW visit to be successful. They already used the alleged attack as a pretext to strike Syria Friday, so clearly they weren’t interested in getting the facts before bombing.
There should be no problem for the inspectors to visit; reporters are there already. Nor is the OPCW complaining of delays. However, there may be plans between Moscow and Washington to further de-escalate.
“First Western Journalist In Syrian Hospital Which Treated “Chemical Weapons” Victims Explains What REALLY Happened” April 16, 2018, WashingtonsBlog. com
“The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack” – Robert Fisk, Apr. 17 2018, TheIndependent. co. uk
By Fisk’s account, its was all a misunderstanding. There were real victims, but no fatalities. They were choking on dust and hypoxia from by a dust storm during an air strike. White Helmets jumped to the conclusion of chemical attack and everyone panicked. Certainly a nice out for the Coalition and Russia.
Paul Craig Roberts affirms there can be no chemical weapons in Syria since blowing up their alleged storage and manufacturing locations did not release them.
“Why Do They Tell US Transparent Lies?” – Paul Craig Roberts, Apr. 15 2018, paulcraigroberts. org
Why indeed.
“Russian Warships Carrying Military Hardware Spotted Crossing Bosporus Towards Syria” – Tyler Durden, Apr. 16 2018, ZeroHedge. com
“By Fisk’s account, it was all a misunderstanding.” That’s a very British way of saying, false-flag event.
It was a pun!
More like a double entendre, actually.
“No, no…not a pun…What’s that thing that spells the same backwards as forwards?”
That’s a palindrome. Peace, Tom.
Once upon a time, the British were master diplomats.
The ‘official’ narrative is always: “lie, deny and alibi.” They effort to confuse the heck out of the masses and it always seems to work.
Here is another good piece with Ron Paul, interviewing someone on the ground, in Syria, Vanessa Beeley:
Amazing what journalists on the ground can accomplish when they aren’t being shot and kidnapped.
Or embedded…
“clearly they weren’t interested in getting the facts”
Nothing harder than a made-up mind after all. Even when solid proof of staging or confusion would arise, they would simply say it does not matter considering the dozens of instances before. And suggest it’s not 100% proof. And also that the active program is real because they know, just look at those smoldering ruins! The sad reality being that evidence either way won’t affect a thing. Meanings do simply not apply where the narrative is set in stone.
“The US, France, and Britain appear to have little reason to want the OPCW visit to be successful. They already used the alleged attack as a pretext to strike Syria Friday, so clearly they weren’t interested in getting the facts before bombing.”
Yep. the war machine keeps rolling forward. We put our tanks in Jordan. Russia bringing in their tanks. I’ll see you and raise you two. Just a matter of time for a shooting war.
There is a British member in the OPCW team. Why? Britain was one of the bombers. The Swiss lab report on the Skripal case indicates something.
Even Porton Down seemed to try and distance itself from the false flag. Brits aren’t all corrupt.
I’ve been quite pleased to see the level of political backlash against May in Parliament, Macron in France and across the EU about the recent attack in Syria. And the US as well. Many ‘lawmakers’ are ticked off about the way things were handled and not being consulted. Still, I think a lot of our congress critters would rather not be consulted. Gets them off the hook as there is bi-partisan support for war and destruction… I’ve seen many average Brits interviewed on the streets of London and most were vehemently against such goings on. Lies and false flags are eventually exposed, though sometimes without much effect. best-dv
May has other problems; Brexit is the main one. Scuttling her government puts Brexit at least on hold or in confusion. The ‘Stay’ side hasn’t given up.
Its a parallel to the U.S. elite divide of Trump’s America First versus globalism.
Globalism is primarily based in Europe; it needs Anglo support to mean anything, and, some members of the Anglosphere depend on globalism for their outsized influence over domestic politics.
May does not seem to be able to navigate political traps very well, and the flak she gets is deserved, but the her failure could set back anti-globalism.