President Trump is in the process of building a new coalition of allies to participate in a multi-nation “strike force” attack on the Syrian government. This talk of coalition action reflects the rapid escalation of plans since US officials embraced Saturday’s allegations of a chemical weapons strike.

Officials said as early as Sunday that the claimed Saturday attack would lead to a US military strike, and President Trump indicated this would happen “very soon.” Instead of a one-off strike, as with last April’s tomahawk missile bombardment of Syria, the US seems to be envisioning starting a whole new war over it.
This new US-led war in Syria doubtless suits much of the administration just fine. After all, this time last week US officials were trying to talk President Trump out of ending US military involvement in Syria. Now, they seem to have a pretext for an open-ended conflict.
This does make starting the war something of a scramble, despite officials still presenting themselves as not wholly decided. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been invited to investigate the allegations, and with no concrete evidence the Saturday attack even took place, such a finding by the watchdog could easily derail the war. That, of course, means US officials are going to want to get it started before the OPCW has a chance to do anything.
They won’t have to worry about a direct UN Security Council investigation, however, as the US and their allies rejected a Russian resolution calling for such an inquiry. This was seen as retaliation for Russia rejecting a resolution that would just blame Syria for it without a proper inquiry.
This raises the risk of the US coalition getting into a conflict with Russia. Already, Russia has warned of consequences if the US attacks Syria over the allegation. President Trump has not only indicated Syria will “pay the price,” but that Russia is going to have to pay as well. If that happens, the war quickly expands from regional to global.
French President Emmanuel Macron has spoken out early and often about intervention in Syria, and has pointed to his nation, along with Britain, being committed to a “strong and joint response” with the US.
Macron, however, suggested he does “not want an escalation,” but rather that the strikes should be against Syrian chemical facilities. That’s always been considered unwise, even assuming Syria had any extent chemical facilities, as it risks leaking chemicals across the region.
But Syria disarmed their chemical program before the war really began, and dismantled all of those sites. This means there aren’t really operating facilities to be bombed in the first place. And despite Macron’s protests, escalation seems to be part of the point for many involved.
The US, France, and Britain will doubtless lead this new coalition, and Australia is expected to join, with Saudi Arabia expected to be drawn into the conflict. Turkey is potentially to be invited too, though Turkey’s recent military acrimony toward its NATO allies may make that complicated.
Israel, who is always attacking Syria at any rate, will likely not join such a coalition formally. They have, however, provided all indications that they will escalate their already frequent attacks. In fact, Israel launched their first salvo Sunday night.
If this indeed the full-scale war it’s shaping up to be, the risks are many. Another war will further destabilize Syria. Saudi involvement assures that the war will quickly include Iranian and other Shi’ite forces in Syria. All of this, as well as the risks of the war expanding across the border, should give officials pause. Instead, it seems all the reasons the war is a bad idea are just adding to the momentum to get it started before something gets in the way.
Supposing that they can scare Russia into backing down is oh so not going to work.
Russia probably won’t back down ? Russia , Syria and most of the whole world feels Syria is completely in the right . No one believes Assad did this gas attack or any of the other gas attacks either .It is generally accepted The U.S. or their allies are the guilty parties in all of these gas attacks . Russia has been preparing for this confrontation for more than 18 years All five of these false flag attacks and the demonization of Russia that goes along with these false flag attacks . Is likely get a very hard counter punch at the very first sign of any more moves by these foolish countries .
“Right” is only an issue between equals in power. The strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must. As you point out, yourself, this has never been about “right”. It is about the US government’s delusion that it is all powerful.
. ☆
I suppose there are a few Chinese ungalars in Syria fighting on ISIS side . Just how many Chinese regular troops are in Syria fighting on Russia’s side . The Chinese Muslims are not allowed to go home once they have been on a foreign jihad . I suspect Russia will use some missiles too . I just don’t know if they have any smaller missiles the kind that they might like to use in limited attack . But considering Assad suffered another false flag attack earlier too. Russia might feel justified in using a little bigger bomb than they maybe should .use
Slim Pickens: Dr. Strangelove (“Noo-ku-lar Combat”) Monologue …
Why isn’t anyone in Congress speaking out?
What happened to Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard?
I totally agree. No voices whatsoever? Have we gone insane?
Yes, insanity. All the signs scream it. The words I have to use now to describe US elites in control is sociopaths and psychopaths, warmongers, morons, liars. How could it come to this? I guess the worst of human nature.
God has given America over to a base and stupid mind.
Angus King is speaking out. Thomas Massie is speaking out. Justin Amash is speaking out.
Not enough, unfortunately. They seem mostly for war and more specifically, Trump taking responsibility for war and its very likely disastrous outcome.
Following the pattern that even when Trump wins his rivals see to it he loses, Trump could be completely successful with Syrian aggression in military terms then be hung out to dry for the smallest of losses.
Rand Paul has spoken out. He has threatened to filibuster both Pompeo and CIA-designate Gina Haspel when the hearings are finally held, and he has made many comments against John Bolton. And who knows if there aren’t more antiwar voices in Congress? If the MSM refuses to cover their remarks, then it’s like they didn’t exist. Of course, the MSM continues to cover every insane utterance coming from Graham and the (dying?) John McCain.
I applaud Rand Paul’s promise to filibuster Pompeo and, Haspel. Unfortunately, there will be no filibuster if World War III starts before the hearings are held. Paul and Gabbard have not gone public with opposition to US/UK/France/Saudi/Israeli attacks on Syria/Russia/Iran/Hezbollah. The Syrian confrontation is more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis. Only the US and the USSR were facing off in 1962. Neither of them wanted nuclear war. A miscalculation by any of the actors in Syria , including Turkey, could start World War III. And Israel, which is committed to starting a war between the US and Iran, has already demonstrated its capability and willingness to act independently to inflame the crisis.
whatta’ you expect from demreps/pseudoinds. They are historically pro global capitalist expansion and pro war. The few only speak out when the odds and numbers make it safe to do so without interfering in the result. Ditto the msm propagandists. Gutless sell out worms.
Says the Zombie commenting on an enemy sympathizer propaganda platform.
As usual, Israel will be happy to watch others fight its wars for them. It will get very interesting when the IDF hits bona fide Russian forces and Russia gets some payback on Israel itself. Russia doesn’t keep its strategic bombers warmed up for nothing. Whoo boy, popcorn time.
putin supporter.
Which war did i call for ?
I dont want to bomb Syria waste of money. Assad is a slime bag. But the US is in debt. Cant afford to bomb every creep who deserves it
Sorry. We’ve got to find ways to stop these wars. World going insane now.
Now think carefully here……… Just HOW MANY REFUGEES were fleeing Syria before the US started their Regime change actions in Syria by funding the likes of Al Nusra Front and other Wahibi Groups, the numbers were very low, how many after the US started to fund, Millions……….. ask yourself the question IF Assad was as bad as they are saying why did they wait to leave until the US backed Terrorists started their actions! Just remember that before the US started their regime change actions with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan women could wear jeans to the market, Women could do the same in Syria, there were Christian Churches literally the Oldest in the world, US backed Al Nusra Front blew them up as first order of business! Ever thought the problem is in fact the US and its partnership with the Saudis noting that Saudi Arabia is an Absolute Monarchy!
My people are in Syria and know close up what is happening. What do you know? Nothing about Assad, about what the West is doing there.
He is a butcher like his dad
What arrogance. Who are you to decide-the present “‘leaders” of the USA are bad enough.
Another traitor
Damn right, and proud of it. You deploy it thinking of it as some kind of smear. For me it is the hallmark of good sense, and a complement of the highest order.
The old anti-Commie cold war has been over for a quarter of a century, but you can never let it go because [attempt to sneak in Jew-baiting deleted – TLK]
What is anything other than right and smart about being a Putin supporter? He’s the preeminent statesman of our time. Rational, careful, focused, prudent. Trying at all times to reduce tensions and seek stability. Also a strategic thinker of the highest order. Going up against Putin militarily is going to be the biggest mistake the US, UK, France, the Saudis, and Israel ever made.
I anticipate that Putin will deter any attack by finding a way to convince the “coalition” of the self-defeating nature of trying to turn their Syria defeat around by doubling down with a military escalation.
While I believe the idea that Russia/Putin interfered in the 2016 Presidential election to be a total fabrication, nevertheless, if he did, and if he managed to defeat HRC and elect Trump, then I thank him for that. (Although, at this point, with war looming, it may not have worked out all that well. But that’s on the Deep State and Neocon psychopaths, and the brainless left, not on Putin.)
Just so you understand what Putin ***could*** do….
First, he puts every last one of Russia’s nuke forces on hair-trigger alert and begins reactivating all nukes currently in storage. Then he puts all Russian citizens on a nuclear war footing, in particular preparing the country’s civil defense readiness.
Then there are three deterrent steps Putin can take. In order of severity:
(1) Obliterate or threaten to obliterate the Saudi oil production facilities. Nine billion fewer barrels of oil per day drives the price of oil to $400/barrel, plunges the Western economies into chaos and hugely benefits Russia/Iran/Venezuela.
(2) Destroy the US satellite fleet — not a single drop of American blood shed — making the US military blind, deaf, and unable to communicate or coordinate.
(3) Obliterate or threaten to obliterate Israel. Israel has a limited nuclear retaliation capability, but if the survival of Russia is at stake, then a comprehensive Russian first will reduce if not destroy that capability. Meanwhile, the US will not be willing to commit nuclear suicide by retaliating for an attack on Israel. Especially when they see the full horror and suffering as demonstrated by the destruction of Israel. (And since Israel is behind all the violence in the Mideast, and the subversion of the US govt, all those problems will be swept away in a single stroke.)
Simply communicating this range of options to “the coalition” should be enough to dissuade them from going ahead with their war plan. If not, then option (1) should elimiate any notion of a Russian “bluff”, and provide a second chance, a chance to rethink.
Mr. Putin will have his own sins to answer for.
don’t we all?
Pround Putin supporter who roots for Putin agaist the US
You are a traitor.
So you think “my country right or wrong”? That is very risky when your country is destroying people all over the globe with NO reason.
Putin is akiller Assadis a killer
I will side with the US over them
And calling for nuclear destruction of Israel anf Saudi Arabia
And who supports Iran .
You justknocked yourself out
My comment was censored. You can find it elsewhere (wink, wink).
I was going to edit it so as to remove the “offensive” part, but upon rereading it, well,… there is no “offensive” part.
Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress. No crime has a right to exist, no criminals in the commission of a crime have the right to self-defense. They have the right to surrender to a competent authority, have the “issue” adjudicated by a fair judicial authority, and if found guilty to be subject to a proportionate penalty, and after having served their time, permitted once again to participate in lawful society.
The greatest existential threat to Israel,… is Israel.
I’m an American and a Jew, just not a supporter Zionist or American criminality.
You, on the other hand appear to be utterly untouched by any taint of ethics outside criminal tribalism. Sad.
Small detail: the Saudi oil production facilities can be destroyed with conventional explosives. Nukes not necessary.
Putin supporter
Assad supporter
Iran supporter
You use this as an insult?
Hello Rosemerry…
…because……”those who cannot be mentioned here on Antiw@r dot com” cannot give up their thousand-year blood feud with the Russ.
The above is what was deleted from my post. Let’s see if it gets past you know who.
It didn’t.
Final opportunity to comply with the guidelines. Otherwise, you will be shown out the door.
Please stop blaming the Jewish people for all of the world’s problems.Anti-semitism and racism shouldn’t be an argument or talking point for anyone.
Marvellous!!! I cannot understand how this Russia hatred continues, with special hatred of Pres. Putin who dared to bring his country back from the deliberate destruction in the 1990s by the USA/IMF and overcome huge problems to bring Russia back into world prominence. If Westerners instead of watching fake news and believing lies, actually saw the interviews, programs, films, every day available online, and investigated the facts, not the spin by the NYT etc, they would see how lucky Russia is to have Putin, and also that most world leaders agree.
France, UK, USA are the most dangerous warmongers and are given platforms to put forward their views, with no arguments needed.
I agree 100% with what you wrote…..of course, I cannot read what was deleted…..and have never blamed the Jewish PEOPLE for anything…..but the “Nation” …well…..this is not the place to discuss obviously… any rate….excellent post. I too find Putin to be an excellent statesman.
In political theory, the horseshoe theory asserts that the far left and the far right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe. The theory is attributed to French writer Jean-Pierre Faye.[1] Proponents of the theory point to a number of similarities between the extreme left and the extreme right, including their propensity to gravitate to authoritarianism or totalitarianism.
The horseshoe theory competes with the conventional linear left-right continuum system as well as the various multidimensional systems.
Yes, I have read this and agree with this. It makes people insane when you try to tell them, as they get angry to be associated with the “other”. I would point out that Hitler and Stalin had similar traits, admired each other, etc, and were at different ends of the political spectrum.
For their sake, you better hope they are prepare because hyenas attack as a pack and they can scare off the biggest bear.
The West is trying to overrun the East that cannot back up any further. This is it, the moment I have dreaded would come.
Poof! Paul Ryan leaving Congress. Wants to save his family.
I don’t blame the guy. Shows he’s actually got some integrity someplace.
Israel won’t be watching this time.
Popcorn time? I’m sorry, but is part of this entertaining to you? Because people are going to die. A lot of people. Innocent people. Men, women and children. This isn’t a game. This is bad. Really, really bad.
I like to f**k around as much as the next bitch, but this sh*t isn’t funny to me. I’m scared. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.
Glen Greenwell and Phyllis Bennis — Aiding and abiding World War Three
● Yesterday on, Glen Greenwell condemned Syria and Russia for the
chemical attack of last Saturday. No proof given.
Today on, first President Trump was shown blaming the chemical attack on “butcher Assad.” Then with no proof given, came —
Phyllis Bennis
“The Syrian people have suffered horrendous attacks by Assad, by Russia, by Iran.”
Then, presented all of a video by the White Helmets showing a big bunch of kids being forced to pretend that they were being cleansed of chemical weapons.
Shame on them all! I gave up on Democracy Now years ago. Shame, shame, shame! This is also why we do not have a legitimate anti-war movement. Nobody can be that damn stupid… best-dv
DemocracyNow and that old hag Amy Goodman are just left-wing – not antiwar.
Hell’s bells they are not even left-wing. best-dv
This really is sad, but so is everything lately. Phyllis and Glenn used to be reliable witnesses of the truth.
We now know what the US is going to do — another aggressive war, like attacking Iraq.
What we don’t know is what Russia is going to do, nor how China or North Korea or whoever else might take advantage of the distraction.
This is an invitation to wild events, what the Bush Admin called “creative destruction” with ourselves having no hand in shaping what our destruction creates, nor even how big it might be.
This is what we get for not punishing anybody for the last time they committed these crimes.
Well, we know now. Russia has just stated they will shoot down any missiles not directed at terrorists, meaning, if the US and its allies effort to attack Assad and his forces, Russia is going to respond militarily…
“This is what we get for not punishing anybody for the last time they committed these crimes.”
“This is what we get for not punishing anybody for the last time they committed these crimes.”
Indeed. Obama’s “Look forward, not back.” And Trump’s unfulfilled promise to “Drain the Swamp”.
The DoJ’s mission has become shielding the political class and other assorted war criminals from accountability.
“The law is a cobweb….”
That said, and yes, things look bad at the moment, Trump still has 2yrs & 8mos to change course. And as we have observed, he is very nimble when it comes to changing course. Also, observe the North Korea “process”: the most over-the-top bellicose posturing/rhetoric, followed by sphyncter-tightening all around, followed by…. wait for it… an unprecedented Trumpian offer of face-to-face negotiations.
Where this will eventually go is fabulously unpredictable — per Trump’s famous self-description. It’s Trump’s balls-of-steel vs (or possibly in league with — ouch!) the most vicious, ruthless, and aggressive psychopaths on the world stage: Israel, the US Deep State, and the Saudis, and their sycophantic suck-ups: the UK, France, and Erdogan’s Turkey.
Love the spectacle. As I have said before, I’m well outside the nuclear blast zone, so bring it on!
But you are not outside the nuclear radiation zone – which if this gets way out of control (not unlikely by a long shot) the entire world will get toasted.
This is truly a grave news, if it’s true. I suspect the elite are heading to “reset” the world order.
Put the bastards on record. Make congress vote for the war. Neither Trump nor Deep State has any legal standing to make war unless congress authorizes it.
Unfortunately, there appears to be bi-partisan support for this nightmare and as usual, the media supports it too. But you are right, if these assholes support unleashing the dogs of war, all of their names should be on the record…
Yes, I fear you are correct. Where is Rand Paul? Sanders? Gabbard?
From what I have heard, Rand Paul is going to raise ‘objections’, we’ll see about that. (He tends to grandstand.) The silence of the Dems. ( I just caught myself in a joke: Silence of the Lambs/Dems., lol) would seem to indicate their tacit approval. Hypocrites one and all. best-dv
I hope that if Trump goes to war with Russia it does not interfere with the investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion!
Now that’s hilarious.
I wonder if this guy has my sense of humor
(link to twitter, which i somehow can’t view myself)
Stranger things have happened.
Well “BONKERS BOLTON” has started.
I’m not convinced Bolton is the craziest person in the White House war room, not that he isn’t up to the challenge of catching up.
Things were bonkers well before he was anointed.
any major western moves in Syria will end badly, there’s no scenario where this will be successful, i disliked Obama but i think even he kind of got this point, which is why he didn’t lay a glove on Assad for 5 years, well, that and the push back from the America people.
Trump is doing this because he is a bonafide narcissist who wants to grandstand as the moral saviour, he’s a churchill cultist too, he admits that when he poses for photos he tries to emulate Churchills facial expressions, he’s a salesman and all the anti interventionist stuff was merely a sales pitch to voters, you cannot trust this man, he’s a snake.
I think you give Mr. Trump too much credit for having any control over the situation. Mr. Trump last week was making statements as to pulling out of Syria, but they manufactured the Ghouta WMD attack, so Mr. Trump has been railroaded by Deep State along with the rest of the country.
Trump has never been a committed non interventionist, he wasn’t against the Iraq war and he openly lobbied for the US to bomb Libya and help overthrow Gadaffi, he is easily moved on these issues because he doesn’t have a scintilla of knowledge on the middle east and the neocons who stuck with him know it, all presidents are narcissists who think they can save the world, Trump is no different.
Bolton and the neocons know how to pull Trumps strings.
He seems to get railroaded very easily and with events that have zero credibility.
i wonder if Trump knew this attack was coming so put out a statement saying he’s hauling out in anticipation of it ? he now gets to say “well, i was pulling out but my hands have been tied by Assads use of chemical weapons” … maybe i’m way too cynical, but i do not trust him any longer, nothing would surprise me with regards the connivance of these people, they’re tunnel visioned sociopaths.
Why does nobody ever need evidence for a crime? The White Helmets are well known as US/UK supported not independent and not rescuers except for TV crews. Red Crescent certified there was no evidence for chemical weapons use (and Syria has none).
No Obama didnt lay a glove on Assad for five years, he has his proxies take of that.
Dear Putin,
Thank you so much for allowing your intelligence apparatus and your paid professional trolls to interfere in our elections and deliver Trump to America. I’m sure you were just looking out for America’s best interests and weren’t expecting anything in return,like getting sanctions lifted. I just wanted to remind you not to forget that America’s mid-term elections are in November so please ,don’t forget to help keep the Republicans in power. The last thing you want is the military sequester allowing,weak enemy appeasing democrats in power that,allowed you to enter Syria and build up a bombing campaign in support of a dictator.Russia, America’s counting on your professional government paid trolls to lead a dis-information campaign and pose as ordinary citizens from rural areas of America to ,start arguements that divide us by also using your trolls to pose as black lives matters supporters and ,we need you to use offensive rhetoric between your trolls against each other to motivate Trumps base again by using hate,racism,and fear to get them out to vote.It worked last time and after watching Mark Z Facebook’s creator testify about exactly how y’all did it,and how it was funded, and how well orchestrated it was I can’t wait to see it happen again hopefully in November. Well dear friend I wish you the best and thanks again for “Making America Great Again ” by helping deliver Trump to the oval office. You’re the best.
Cowboy, Russia entered Syria because they are Syria’s ally. No imagined military sequester had anything to do with that.
Do you actually think things would have been different if Russia hadn’t helped “deliver Trump to the oval office” and the queen bi**h had won? My god, if you’re so ecstatic over the Donald’s war making you’d be in 7th heaven with Clinton
Listen my point was those dumb ass Russians helped get there worst nightmare elected and now they “Reap what they sowed “. Now go back to watching Broke back Mountain and staring adoringly at Putin’s shirtless picture of him riding a horse since your so obsessed with cowboys and find someone else to troll.
How is being satirical,and sarcastic a form of hate speech? I just think it’s funny this man or woman named warsRus is obsessed with this Cowboy fellow. Geez….
Noticing who you are is not being obsessed with the name you used to use.
You don’t get to insult people on the premise of sexual orientation here. You don’t have to like it. That’s how it is whether you like it or not.
How do you know if warsRus is a male or female?As far as I know that’s a gender neutral name. All this complaining about how America isn’t really a free society and on this site you’re going around silencing dissent in order to be politically correct over a comical comment. Wow!!!
You get to “dissent” all you like. You don’t get to post sexual orientation slurs. Questions of “political correctness” are above my pay grade as regards this job. There are guidelines, and I enforce them. If you want it to be different, well, people in hell want icewater too.
Do you actually think insinuating that I’m gay is insulting me? Are you 12? By the way, a poster named Cowboy use to do the same thing. The coincidences are alarming.
Are you a male or female? How would I know? How would I be insinuating your a homosexual if I don’t know what your sex is? Honestly Sherlock Holmes you’re a really interesting person.
Seriously? So the Brokeback Mountain reference meant nothing?
And my point was Clinton certainly would have been just as bad, but likely much worse, than Trump concerning Russia. So no, Russia didn’t “help” get their worst nightmare elected. She lost.
No evidence of that now, actually. I used to say Mrs. Clinton was just as bad, but I think Mr. Trump might be beyond the pale at this point.
Hard to say where we would be right now. She had already compared Putin to Hitler which Trump still, to his credit, hasn’t done. So maybe we’d already be shooting at each other.
Yeah, you’re right.
I think there’s plenty of evidence to refute that view. And of course the manipulation of the elections by powers within, and even friendly powers, makes any possible Russian manipulation of the US political system just grains of sand on a vast beach of corruption and conspiracy.
Bolton is wasting no time getting his war on.
Trump has clearly lost his senses, the UK and USA will start something they cannot control. I think they are seriously misreading the Russian response.
While we doling out righteous justice on the Syrians for all the little children killed in a “gas attack”, even though no evidence of such an event even exists. Perhaps, we can expand the punishment list to include the perpetrators of the latest Gaza massacre, and those responsible for the civilian casualties in Yemen. After all, we do have bodies for those murders.
Its the same old story in Syria 5 false flag gas attacks that Russia says Assad did not do followed by severe United States bombing raids as retaliation . This method happend in Yugoslavia more than 18 years ago . Now we know the Market massacre in Bosnia was likely a false flag attack that immediately was followed by the USA bombing the Christians in Bosnia . Madeline Albright said who else could have committed this crime ? In Kosovo we had the Racket massacre followed by the United States bombing Serbia for 78 days . This stopped the U.S. news talking about Monaca Lewinski . Trump will be no better than Clinton if he uses a false flag attack to stop the talk about Stormy Daniels Russia and China were humiliated in Yugoslavia . Do you think they are going to humiliated again in Syria ?
Why do you bring up Yugoslavia everytime you comment? Bill Clinton is long gone and so is his administration. We’ve got Trump a man that Russia helped get elected so save it already. You should be madder at Russia for not standing up to Clinton not America for being powerful enough to do whatever it is you just can’t seem the get over 30 years ago.
I am on hold for the WH, the wait is long but if anyone wants to sound off, call:
I am not going to be vaporized without letting my voice/dissent being heard.
Just spoke with the WH switchboard and the phones are ringing off the hook and hopefully with like minded people who see the dangers of this situation. Please call and be polite. (The fellow I spoke with was very nice and is having a very stressed out day.) Peace-DV
I also suggested to this fellow that they switch out the ‘elevator music’ with something more contemporary and relevant. 🙂
trump, may and macron are monsters
There was a time when Congress had to pass a declaration of war to authorize attacks against a foreign country.
Today we start our wars when the President tweets “Get ready. Our missiles are coming.” Infantile? Dangerous?
As bad as the 1962 Cuban missile crisis was,at least we believed that the shots were being called by adults on both sides who appreciated the potential consequences.
With a delusional narcissistic infantile child subject to unpredictable mood swings presiding in the oval office, we can only hope Trump’s military attaches have orders to check with Kelly if the Chief throws a tantrum and asks for the launch codes.
MAD worked for 50 years because the actions of the key actors were predictable to each other. This is not MAD. This is INSANE.
Israel, _who is behind the coalition of her proxy zionist controlled states_ will not join and as usual will hide and conceal her direct involvement and watch stupid goy states destroy each other for her aggrandizement.
I think its rather like a mutual support group at this point, with various degrees of social morality affliction. Israel seems to have no qualms about joining the fray in Syria. Perhaps Israel is just another component of Deep State? The various components are like little fiefdoms with their own agendas that cross-pollinate.
I think you meant to say that the Pres. trump is re asserting the U.S.’s support for the Saudi Arabian axis of evil coalition .
Trump–just like our past presidents who promised to keep us out of war when they were running for president.
It just goes to show you how much control a president really has.
This is Extremely Dangerous!
John Hogue – A Psychic and Nostradamus Scholar on his most recent Coast To Coast AM Appearance stated: The U.S. and Russia will Stumble into a Nuclear War.
This Situation Is A Pandora’s Box. Russia has threatened to take out the platforms launching the attacks – That’s U.S. Ships …
As soon as a NATO Ship is Hit, the Situation will quickly escalate to Thermo-Nuclear War – Life on the Planet will be over!
Including everyone Reading This!
Global Thermo-Nuclear War – It Will Ruin Your Day!
But those Russians are such bad, bad men. They do things they’re not supposed to do, right?
It’s not worth being nuked for even if they are!
This can become very personal, very fast!
Even for the USA, this is outrageous. Just as the ridiculous but successful “nerve gas” scare in the UK should have been shown as a false flag by the whole lack of evidence and now the suggestion that the Skripals be put out of the way (in the USA) so as never to speak, we have what should be completely incredible repetitions of the previous “chemical attacks on his own people by Pres. Assad.” Why is anyone even thinking of another “punishment” with no evidence and certainly dire consequences, on a country already destroyed by the interference of foreigners of all types? How can the USA be allowed to veto an investigation? How can the “allies” form a coalition with no casus belli, just “support for our allies” who have so often proved to be wrong? Just after the 15th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (what a success) and noting the other 7 countries where the USA is still immersed in conflict, we must add the UK and the democratic state of Saudi Arabia. What could possibly go wrong???
The US and its Anglosphere and EU vassals are racing toward disaster. Is this how it will end: from false flag operations by a couple of hundred CIA and MI6 vermin agents? For what is humanity being put at such peril?
There is practically nothing left to say to the West that is inflated by its projected demonization.
God help us.
Did ya see the news from Ghouta today? It seems the FSA (Jaysh al-Islam, our headchoppers) who were evacuated in a peace deal, were supposed to leave 5000 captives behind as part of the agreement. They had falsely claimed the existence of so many captives to negotiate as a bargaining chip. It seems that only 200 were left alive since the rest were either executed, starved, or worked to death digging tunnels. Hundreds of distressed families were sadly disappointed by news of the loss of their kidnapped loved-ones.
Undeniably, if an Axis of Evil ever truly existed it was comprised by the United States, Britain and France.
I wonder if the British and French people realize how the U.S. government’s influence over their collective nations foreign policies is probably going to get them, along with everyone else on this planet, NUKED into ANNIHILLATION.
Everyone is forgetting China, in all this talk of a new war.
Israel, the most hated nation in the history of the world despite billions in PR to convince us it’s always the other country’s fault, never Israel’s, always hides its criminal face in these coalitions so that people will be fooled. Don’t be. All of these Near East wars are instigated by Israel.