Since 2001, US presidents have treated the War Powers Act of 1973 as very much optional. The law, which requires specific Congressional authorization for US military operations, has been openly ignored by officials, who claim the vague 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed after 9/11 lets the president do whatever he wants.

The 2001 AUMF isn’t as vague as presidents have presented it, of course. The language is very clear about authorizing war against those involved in 9/11, and al-Qaeda in particular. Still, it’s been used as a pretext for wars across the planet with obviously nothing to do with al-Qaeda, from involvement in Yemen or the Libya regime change.
Congress has been so neglectful in enforcing the War Powers Act with respect to this AUMF, however, and the Justice Department has insisted courts aren’t even allowed to question it, that many in Congress are suggesting the 2001 AUMF be scrapped outright, and new war, more specific war authorizations, be voted on.
Attempts to try to force votes in Congress on War Powers Act violations have been difficult, with the House leadership resisting an upcoming hope on the Yemen War never having been authorized. Eliminating the 2001 AUMF would remove even the pretense of legality.
The revelation that the US is at war in Niger, without Congress even knowing, is adding to the sense among many lawmakers that they really need to get a handle on this whole war thing, if they want to even pretend to have their Constitutionally assigned war-making powers.
The idea of replacing the 2001 AUMF with specific AUMFs with obvious limitations is being loudly opposed by the Trump Administration, which insists that such limitations don’t make sense in the era of “non-traditional” warfare.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis says wars are so unpredictable at this point, that things like restricting them to specific enemies or borders or time-frames, and claimed the wars would be over sooner if Congress just let the military fight its “enemies.”
Even who the enemies are at this point is never publicly stated, and President Trump has been very public about having delegated war-making authority to top military generals, who appear to be able to manufacture entire conflicts like Niger with neither the oversight of Congress or even their knowledge.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson insists that the 2001 AUMF gives the executive branch all the authority they need for all of these wars, and that seems to be something the rest of the president’s aides are comfortable with remaining the case.
If Congress is ever going to limit war-making again, it’s going to be a big fight with the administration, as they aren’t going to easily give up their carte blanche to start wars worldwide.
of course using Al Nusra Front for some of these regime change actions is problematic…………they always were Al Qaeda themselves Al Qaeda in Iraq, and when there was a split they also gave us ISIS!
The house should just cut the military budget to about 300 billion and N Security budget to 15 billion . they would have stop doing what they do and start profiling again
They could have a thousand different names but they are all Muslims on Jihad .
of course it is real easy for Congress to deal with this………….It is called impeachment both the President and the Vice President gone! If you are quick Paul Ryan it could be you!
Wars always increase the power of national governments. Always.
This goes to show why our congress and house should be thrown out. These people are doing nothing for the people except forcing us to pay for ILLEGAL WARS and an Illegal Government!
Throw them out and make sure they are put on trial for treason. I say throw Feinstein and Jeff Sessions to the streets first, and let the people play judge and jury. We know all the government courts are bought and paid for by the government.
This gives us the largest Puke crook (next to his zoo keeper Trump), and the crookedest female in government, Dianne Feinstein. I would have no problem with her going before a firing squad, just like Sessions should. Both deserve death or live in prison for TREASON! Where is the military firing squad?
Well, since they gave them the money already, the rest of the argument is just paper shuffling, imo.
If they wanted to have a real debate, they’d have it when it comes time to cut the trillion dollar check.
The non interventionist wants to be able to intervene when he damn well pleases. Vote for him again idiots.
We have no idea what this administration is going to do ? the last three administrations supported the most violent head choppers every time in every war .When not supporting violent jihadists we looked the other way while 700 traveling Jihadists defeated the Iraq Army we trained so well in Iraq with fast little Toyota pickup . They captured the tanks we gave the much larger Iraqi army . We know so little truth of what is going on in these foreign wars .we have no reason to be there ..
Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia kind of gives us some idea of what this administration is going to do. Or did they quit chopping heads?
Mad Dog and T Rex continue the exceptional country’s role of ruination of the world.