Visiting the Iranian capital city of Tehran on Sunday, IAEA chief Amano Yukiya publicly reiterated that Iran is in all ways living up to its nuclear-related commitments under the P5|+1 nuclear deal.

While the comments were made addressing reporters, Amano’s comments were seen as a message to President Trump, who has been falsely accusing Iran of violating the deal, and has set up an effort for Congress to withdraw the US from the pact.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had specifically asked the visiting Amano to reiterate the IAEA’s position on the matter. Iran has been trying to ensure the P5+1 deal stays intact, with or without American involvement.
Amano has expressed annoyance at comments from the Trump Administration in the past, which are often directly contradictory to the facts of the deal, and he has felt the need to publicly correct the facts and defend the deal
“comments from the Trump Administration in the past, which are often directly contradictory to the facts of the deal”
aka LIES
At least the IAEA has remained somehow uncorrupted by the neocon tide.
Of course, American imperial politics was never known for worrying too much about the facts and even before Trump.