Israel is playing up hysteria surrounding the “next” war with Hezbollah, and US officials seem eager to go along with the narrative, with National Counterterrorism Center director Nicholas Rasmussen accusing Hezbollah of seeking the capability to have the option of carrying out terror attacks inside the US.
While US officials have made intermittent claims for decades of Hezbollah plotters in North America, they’ve never amounted to anything. Officials offered no details on the reason for this latest round of speculation.
They did, however, coincide with the State Department offering multi-million dollar bounties on a pair of top Hezbollah officials, including one that they accuse of a “central role” in the 1983 attack on a US barracks in Beirut.
Israel’s latest hype surrounding Hezbollah included claims Hezbollah “runs the Lebanese Army.” This is sort of true, since Hezbollah is one of Lebanon’s largest political parties, and a major player in the nation’s civilian government, which does control the army.
Proof, please, that Hizbollah seeks the ability to attack within the US. Or is this assertion like all those about Saddam’s WMD?
Oh, I forgot, any organization opposed to the Zionist enterprise is by definition “terrorist” and capable of anything.
Good grief what a bunch of garbage.
Looks like israel still runs the world’s sole superpower’s foreign policy.
Both bombings of the French barracks and the US Marine Barracks were false flags, Rick. Hezbollah had nothing to do with either attack, but the Mossad did. Israel’s notorious for false flags. As far back as 1954, one false flag attempt was expertly broken up by Egyptian authorities, who caught two Mossad agents with bombs that were going to be tossed into a US facility.
The USG accusations on Hezbollah of seeking options of terror attacks inside the US are entirely false. If any group was seeking options of terror attacks within the US, it would be ISIS, not Hezbollah. How many times has ISIS been threatening such attacks since Donald Trump assumed office? There weren’t any such threats from Hezbollah, which is a Paramilitary Organization, not a terrorist one. The problem here is, the USG’s been brainwashed by Bibi Satanyahoo and his band of thugs for too long.
Seems hard to understand how Hezbollah could have had a hand in the 1983 Marine Barracks attack when Hezbollah didn’t exist until 1985. Is that not a problem?
They are talking about an individual, not an organization when they refer to the alleged involvement with the Marine barracks.
Hezbollah started to come together around 1982 to fight the invaders from Israel after Israel established road blocks and curfews for the Shite community in Southern Lebanon. The marines baracks were seen as proof that the US was on Israels side especially since they made no public protest of the Israel’s militaty occupancy of Shite neighborhoods. Faced with becoming the next Palestinians the Shite community began to fight back and bravely fought for their land and their homes. The idea that Hezbollah is a terrorist group is ridiculous. They just didn’t want to wind up like the Palestinian refugees living in squalid tent cities
I assume that that “wanted” poster is recent. As the barracks attack was in 1983; that would make these guys 34 plus whatever age you have to be to be a Hezbollah leader. – I would guess that they are now maybe 75+. I am joining Hezbollah, if I can look as young as these guys at 75.
More fake news?
If Hezbollah has the capability of attacking the U.S. but doesn’t then this shows they are rational and not a terrorist organization. If they were a terrorist organization they would be executing terrorists attacks.
Why wouldn’t they have some contingencies for the case where the U.S. carpet bombs southern Lebanon? The sign of an empire mentality, we are shocked at when people want to fight back.
And on it goes. Anything but dealing with the real problems this country has.
The rich have more and the rest have less and less. Quality health care.
“Seeking the capability to have the option”. Holy s**t, hide the children.
Why do we have to have so much constant interference and lies from that sh…y little country?
Arab women in Israel live longer than Arab women in any Arab country.
Arab babies in Israel have lower infant mortality than Arab babies in any Arab country.
Cuba has lower infant mortality than the US. Does that make Cuba “better” than the US?
I certainly don’t want nor justify any terror attacks on the US. Still, what do we expect from people we are hitting with drone attacks, killing their women and children in their homes? War does not go all one way, no war does. It is not in the nature of the thing.
This is what you get for defeating ISIS.