Over the weekend, Taliban forces attacked the remote northern Afghan village of Mirza Olang. At least 50 civilians were killed, mostly Shi’ites, and another 150 families are still being held hostage by the militants, again mostly Shi’ites. Earlier that week, a pair of bombers, apparently linked to ISIS, attacked a Shi’ite mosque in the city of Herat, killing at least 50 people and wounding scores of others.
It’s generally dangerous to be a member of Afghanistan’s Shi’ite minority, known as Hazaras, but these recent attacks suggest it’s getting even worse. The attack on Mirza Olang, in particular, raises concern that the attacks are the start of a surge in sectarianism.
While bombing a Shi’ite mosque in a big, religiously mixed city is common enough, even if Herat was a particularly deadly incident, the Mirza Olang attack suggested that the Taliban went out of their way to attack a remote, overwhelmingly Shi’ite village with little value, just to hit Shi’ites.
That’s a concern, because it’s different. Throughout the war, the Shi’ites have been a favored target, but Shi’ites living in remote rural areas had generally been safe from such attacks. If that becomes a trend, the Afghan military’s inability to provide security is going to get even more pronounced.
Meant to say praying for a little sectarianism. In Iraq for as long as the resistance was againt occupatior, things looked bleak. But the Petraeus funded Iraqi Awakrning, armed them to fight a non-existent Al-Qaeda — and suddenly a lots of Shia population was found dead in mass graves. And it was on — the much prayed for sectarianism was brewing, and Obama theatrically pulled US forces, leaving Baghdad to suffer daily bombings, and then full on loss of territory to this Sunni “awakening”. Suddenly, ISIS was born full blown, armed, funded and with superior intelligence — setting up Iraqi forces for ambush and slaughter. Then US shows up, puts fown a SOFA sgreement for signature, and demands ouster of prime minister. With conditions met, US then took its sweet time, till ISIS was deployed to Syria, becoming a bogey demon to justify bombing Syria. Still, sweet time was taken till ISIS took over many Turkish-Syrian border towns and villages. That became an excuse to allow Kurds from Afrin to start taking over the territory ethnically cleanse non-Kurdish population, and “liberate” places from ISIS. ISIS became nothing more then placeholder for Kurdish state — an endeavor to link two geographically unconnected areas — Afrin and Kobani — into contiguous area along Turkish border. Turkey, Russia, Iran and Syria put stop to that.
Turkey liberated Jarabus from ISIS, and proceeded to Al-Bab. Turkey took control over various militant groups — groups that resisted Kurd expansion that kicked hundreds of thousands from their homes. Turkey did most of the fighting, Russia hemped from the air once it became clear that Turkey was betrayed by its NATO ally and ISIS had coordinates that hit Turkish artillery. Russia took those out from the air. Once Al-Bab was taken, Syrian Army closed in from the countryside, and ALL paths for Afrin Kurds moving to join with Kobani — were and remain blocked. There is much whining sbout Turkey harming Kurds in fight against ISIS — but this is a deliberate misinformation, and all media people that say this are guilty of spreading war propaganda. Because US promised that Afrin Kurds will not try to take non -Kurd land. In fact, what they already took — Manbij — they did not relinquished, as Biden publicly promised. It was just another lie. Now, whining is starting again — poor Afrin Kurds are prevented from bad Turkey to take the territory for their state and cinnect with Kobani. Afrin Kurds are NOT part of DFS, the name concocted to hide the fact that these are 99% Kobani Kurds. Now, US generals are running out of excuses why is ISIS still there. In fact, bombing civilians in or around Raqqa is just a method used in Manbij, to have population flee, allowing Kurds to hold the territory. But this is resulting in all local militias to join Syrian Army in a despadate effort to have the Army liberate them, and avoid the fate of being forced into Kurdish state. ISIS is grnerally unmolested by US airforce, and is allowed to move freely towards Deir Azzor, a town within same named province — to reinforce the circle around that town. Did we ever here in our media of the fate of people living under ISIS siege for two years — and the only supplies are airdropped by Syrian and Russian planes. However, our media wept when Al-Qaeda was defeated in Aleppo. Not a single media was present to talk to survivors of the siege, and what they went through inside.
Now as Syrian forces are advancing against ISIS, it is clear that we are protecting them to mive forces scross desert — in full view of our airforce. And iwhen Russian bombers take out their columns, there is an ever present complaint of them being too clise to Kurds we protect. The insanity here is — we do not have any authotization on our own legislation to protect a foreign group that cannot legally be out ally. But it is clearly a smoke screen to justify being in a location — and preventing others from pursuing ISIS, Same goes for Iraqi forces that are trying to link up with Syrian and clear their mutual border of ISIS — closing out their supply route.
Now with inability to make Kurds advance past their population base, inability to get Kurdish reinforcements from Afrin — there is credible evidence that Kurds from Turkey are sending reinforcements. That will be a red line for Turkey — and its forces are moving back into Syria. Syrian Army, various militiias supporting Assad, as well as Iraqi army — would be in position to defeat ISIS. But the ambiguous role of US in both countries — is slowing things down to a crawl.
And now, our French playboy Hariri, that was with our help installed into the office of Prime Minister of Lebanon, is bring pushed into action. Talk bad of Assad, send Lebanese Army to defeat ISIS on its border — a fake bravado since Hezbollah, the military wing of Lebanese Army — has already full control. The whole circus is a well known maneuver to create a crisis, a reason to be there.
But the generals given the task to defeat ISIS have failed. They placed higher priority on nation building project with Kurds, on preventin Damascus and its allies to achieve full victory, throwing obstacles in the path of both Syria and Iraq to clear borders, allowing ISIS to relocate forces to fight Assad, and not liberating any meaningful territory — other than what Kurds have land grabbed to keep. Worse, at Al-Tanf, a border town on a major highway between Syria and Iraq, there is now an ad hoc US base protecting some imaginary “vetted” mercenaries — fighting off both Syrian AND.Iraqi forces — protecting ISIS pocket.
This is a failure by all standards. Military and political. Is the plan to drag feet, and hope something happens to justify our intervention? So far, all involved parties have been careful not to give excuses. Or are we waiting to accidentally start a war with Russia? Not a good idea. At present, we have no friends in the region. Openly against us are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey. Against us is also Egypt, as it recognizes Astana proces of deconflicting zones. Egypt is only having a pleasant smile on — as it will muscle out Saudi Arabia as leader of Sunni Arab world. Joining Saudi Arabia in targetting Qatar — it became a leader in ending the crisis and forcing Saudi climbdown on conditions — changing them to “principles”. And yes, we have lost Qatar — that has sakled away jnto Iranuan-Turkish alliance — translate, Russian and Chinese alluance.
Anybody left? Desert kingdoms with minisce populations ghat sre STILL funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists and deeply scared Jordan. Or foolish Hariri, who is forgetting that his President does not agree with him. A playboy that just might push Lebanon in civil war — answering all the prayers in Tel Aviv.
The new plan is — ghere is no plan. Trump communications with the world or his base are being cut off, and McMasters is making decisions not consulting the president. He is briefing George Soros, and disgraced General Petraeus. Under circumstances — anything can happen.