Continuing to hype the threat posed by North Korea, despite their two ICBM tests being eventually conceded to both be failures, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster insisted that the US is fully prepared to launch a “preventative war” against North Korea, to prevent them threatening the US.

The threat is with heavily fictionalized versions of North Korea’s missile program, but McMaster appeared undeterred about the war, saying he wasn’t going to confirm if North Korea really had missiles that could reach the US, before incredibly adding “I mean how much does that matter?”
One would think it matters a lot, since estimates are that a war with North Korea could kill in excess of a million people, destroy large portions of South Korea’s capital of Seoul, and create a region-wide refugee problem in Eastern Asia.
McMaster acknowledged that the war would be “costly,” but again that didn’t appear to separate his assessment that the US is preparing to attack North Korea “preemptively” to destroy a missile program that largely doesn’t work would be a legitimate use of force, saying it would depend on the legal justifications US officials manage to put together.
McMasters is one of Trump’s absolutely worst mistakes.
You know you’re in trouble when your nation’s chief security adviser is a dead ringer for Aleister Crowley and the political establishments’ poster boy is an insane and insatiable warmonger with cancer on the brain.
“Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” I would add incurably stupid and irredeemably corrupt to that passage.
Millions of casualties and millions of refugees is exactly what we have achieved in the mid east while suffering damn near zero repercussions. Why not do the same in Korea? What difference, at this point, does it make?
There were plenty of repercussions, just not for the US, other than a lot of wasteful military spending, and some dead and maimed soldiers. I wonder if inflicting a refugee crisis on Europe is a feature and not a bug. It’s part of a recurring theme of “accidentally” hurting these “allies.” US leaders seem intent on keeping regional wars simmering permanently, while ensuring the threat of attack by Russia or China is just credible enough to keep allies in line, but just calm enough to avoid WWIII. It’s an incredibly dangerous game, but there’s a lot of money and power to be had from it. We need to stop the dollars and soldiers from flowing into this war machine.
There were plenty of repercussions, just not for the US, other than a lot of wasteful military spending, and some dead and maimed soldiers. I wonder if inflicting a refugee crisis on Europe is a feature and not a bug. It’s part of a recurring theme of “accidentally” hurting these “allies.” US leaders seem intent on keeping regional wars simmering permanently, while ensuring the threat of attack by Russia or China is just credible enough to keep allies in line, but just calm enough to avoid WWIII. It’s an incredibly dangerous game, but there’s a lot of money and power to be had from it. We need to stop the dollars and soldiers from flowing into this war machine.
Yah go for it I would rather have Korea refugees than Koran refugees
Insanity utter and complete insanity
Trump should remove McMaster from position.
Why? Trump has been just as hawkish. Same with Iran.
Holy it-shay, McMasters is just plain bonkers crazy. He is the real life personification of Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Brig. General Jack D. Ripper’ from ‘Dr. Strangelove’, and on steroids to boot! It appears that ‘Group Captain Lionel Mandrake’ is nowhere near to walking off screen to actually help impede this cracked pot’s insane scheming for his elective so called ‘preventive’ warfare. And this insanity is handed to us precisely on the eve of the anniversary of the US criminally murderous detonation of nuclear weapons over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, incinerating 150,000 innocent civilians instantaneously in a searing pulse of violent radiant energy, an unpardonable and unforgivable crime under any circumstances for any reason. If such a loose cannon like McMasters is the best there is in DC and the Pentagon the collective goose of all humanity is, more sooner than later, most assuredly certain to be cooked to a glowing incandescent heap of ash.
The McMasters’ of war: how totally sick and sickening. Where did these people come from? The USA keeps producing and endless stream of Nikki Haleys, Clintons, Obamas, Powers, Rices 1+2, the thoroughly mad dogs of the Westmoreland and Petraeus ilk (Waste-more-land and Betray-us) and and all of the vitupertive war mongers and exceptionalists down the line who are dreaming of more slaughter, death, destruction and waste on this fragile blue earth to fulfill their blood soaked wet dreams of so called ‘glory’ and the unrestrained projection of Empire. Bobby Zimmerman summed it up eloquently here an half century ago:
They sre raised in hothouses and selected for the qualities of obedience to oligarchy they display. These people understand this, and want to be “relevant” part of the elite.
One has only to observe how we create elite to run other countries. A promising bright, preferably good loking and maleable student from a foreign country is spotted through a selection system, and is offered scholarships, managed employment record — to create an impressive resume. Corporations are clearly in on it, as short stints in choice positions, and variety of top notch consultancy companies assignments — are all for the preparation of candidates. Upon completion of the hothouse process, they usually become a client of a law firm, that manages “their” finances. The process of placement into the politics, administration or business of their countries begins. Our embassies sell them as “geniuses” and recommend them for posts in top positions in finance, foreign affairs, military, intelligence or are helped form a political party. In Europe, particularly East, Central or Balkans — there are several presidents, ministers of foreign affairs, politicians, diplomats, army of advisors, finance ministers, central banking ifficials past and present — that have been molded by our oligarchy standards and needs. As such individuals eventually get unpopular due to measures they implement — they are just recycled into UN bureaucracy, EU bureaucracy, Soros or Gulen NGO universe, IMF, World Bank, global climate change advocacy, human rights bodies, international judiciary — particularly Hague variety, “trade” agreements bureaucracy, journalism, soft intelligence,
I do not doubt that scouting for maleable individuals works extremely well here. Good example is Condoleeza Rice, a student of Madeleine Albreit’s father, Joseph Korbel — and tracked to become a Sovietologist with places to go. Mr. Korbel had a checkered WWII history in London, a suspected spy, a persona non-grata in Czech government in exile, later being accepted into post WWII Czech government, just to have to run to US with the country moving into Warshaw Pact. There is a circle of those that are ” in
the know” and they scout for suitable candidates. Bad fhings happen to those that go rogue.
the threat of war is a war crime and a crime against humanity in and of itself.
he and Graham and McCain are among the most insane beings on this planet.
Let them sign a peace treaty with North Korea. how unfortunate too that the recently elected president of south Korea, who was basically, once again, elected as a negotiator, willing to talk to north korea, is now also planning a pre-emptive decapitation strike – totally illegal under international law and the UN charter.
Who are all these war mongers and why do the People put up with them?
“According to a report in South Korea’s Munhwa Ilbo newspaper,
which cites an unidentified government official, South Korea’s military
is preparing a “surgical strike” scenario that could wipe out North
Korean command and missile and nuclear facilities following an order by
S.Korea’s President Moon Jae-in. Munhwa adds that the military is to
report the scenario to presidential office after completing it as early
as August 1…..”
Who needs a rationale for war? Believe me, war is good anywhere and with anyone.
I was shocked when president Bush claimed the right to bomb a country with a preemptive strike to prevent a war . I thought this was super foolish to tell this to Russia .Really wha’s the difference in a preemptive strike and starting a war .
The NWO or the new Rome cant’ subdue the Muslims So they are in the process of creating the new Holy Islamic roman Empire . Just like The old Roman empire could not subdue the Christians So they created the holy Roman Christian empire ; You don’t suppose a few hundred years of very dark ages will follow this Holy Islamic roman empire too do you ?
There were no dark ages. Disinfo.
And they wonder why N Korea wants deterrent nuclear weapons.
North Korea is about to learn that their nuclear weapons
are anything but a deterrent.
North Korea doesn’t seem to be falling for the bluster.
A dangerously insane individual if there ever was one.
Makes sense. They’ve destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and more; are in the process of killing all Yemenis. What’s another poor, miserable country they can the mighty, self-righteous Christian America ruin? North Korea of course.
Pieces of a North Korean ICBM were found in Alaska 20 years ago. Keep believing the hype. Just one hydrogen bomb detonated on America’s West Coast and the USA will never be the same. It would be the end of history.
HR “I’m Firin’ Mah Lazorz” McMasters needs to shut the hell up. Why is he even commenting on NoKo- shouldn’t that be the SecDef’s ball of wax?