Continuing the debate over a massive expansion of the Selective Service, the White House today announced that President Obama is in favor of expanding registration for the military draft to include all women when they turn 18.
The announcement comes ahead of a planned House vote on a bill to study the expansion of the military draft, or to potentially eliminate the Selective Service outright. The White House has repeatedly insisted they have no plans to bring the draft back, but want to force everyone to register anyhow to “foster a sense of public service.”
The administration opened all combat roles to women, and officials say they believe expanding the registration system is a “logical next step,” ensuring “gender equality” in forcing the public to register for potential conscription in future wars.
Though there is some call from some in Congress to do away with the Selective Service system entirely as an unused relic of the past, there appears to be considerable support for keeping it in place despite its practical uselessness, simply on the grounds that it doesn’t cost that much.
The Selective Service system was eliminated by President Ford in 1975, two years after the last conscription lottery. President Carter brought the system back in 1980 as part of a show of hostility toward the Soviet Union over the invasion of Afghanistan. The system has remained in place ever since, even though the Soviet occupation ended, the Soviet Union fell, and the US has been occupying Afghanistan themselves for the last 15 years.
Yes Virginia, it’s your body, except when Uncle Sam wants you.
Equal opportunity PTSD! That’s “progress.”
Once you say all authority comes from the people, that the people determine right and wrong, you will end up like we are today, drafting women to fight in the military alongside men. We have decided that to properly honor our god EQUALITY, we must ignore the differences between men and women and adopt a procrustean approach. Quo Vadis ?
This isn’t coming from the people. It is coming from a group of hostile immigrants and their spawn who have infested the offices of the United State government and the education complex.
and the media……..and Wall Street…….and Hollywood……
Stupid and sick. Wholly amoral or immoral- your call. Creating a larger pool from which to enslave people who will have the equal opportunity to kill or be killed on behalf of more corporate global expansion.
Cool! Let’s screw the women too!!
This the gay, Marxist, Muslim with a phony birth certificate and illegal SS# isn’t it??
Might be kind of comforting having young women with you in a fox hole . Ever since we advanced our war making equipment Now women fighting might be just as tough of soldiers as the men .