Another pre-dawn raid by ISIS against the border crossing near Kobani (Ayn al-Arab in Arabic) has been repelled by Kurdish fighters, and more ISIS reinforcements are reportedly en route to try to shift the tide of battle.
The reinforcements aren’t just rank-and-file ISIS fighters this time, as reports say that Chechen commander Abu Omar al-Shishani, one of the top military commanders in the ISIS force, is being sent there to take charge of the situation.
ISIS likely figured they had this battle well in hand, having taking hundreds of villages around Kobani before stalling at the border town itself in the face of intense Kurdish opposition. The offensive has now lasted well over a month, with the battle for the town itself over two weeks.
US airstrikes have been focused on Kobani, trying to keep ISIS from getting its fighters in any faster, and while the US claims massive death tolls from the strikes, ISIS continues to pump more fighters in, and has changed its tactics to make them less easily targeted from the air.
Back off you Empire USA you — Let the stroke of death and coup de grâce begin
For the Sunni tribes have won this Civil War rain and square, by gut courage unequaled and battlefield tactics not even your Empire can withstand.
Which begs the question, is our Empire striving to win a war or maximize profit in trading war materials for Middle-East oil?
For since the 2003 invasion has our Empire maximized confusion by striving in every way possible to keep the Sunni tribes from regaining leadership, a ruling position they have held going back over 500 years.
well i guess slaughtering innocent unarmed civilians for the sake of power is the personification of courage and valor. everyday i learn something new