After the overwhelming unpopularity of the US occupation of Iraq in its waning years, the new US military operation, announced last night by President Obama, has proven surprisingly non-controversial among Congressmen and media outlets. The war has been embraced with open arms.
The major cable news channels trotted out round after round of pro-war guests, all parroting the administration’s “genocide” narrative, hyping the humanitarian problems of the ISIS war and pushing US intervention as the end-all, be-all solution of it all.
On the Congressional side, bipartisan support, virtually without exception, was assured. The only real public complaints from Congressional leaders were that they thought the war should’ve begun sooner, and should be bigger than it has gotten so far.
A handful of antiwar Democrats expressed concern about mission creep, though this too was included amid backing the war as currently laid out by the administration, and was more about reserving the right to complain about the quagmire the war will inevitably become, as opposed to not wanting to start down that path to begin with.
Take names. Don't ever vote for these politicians again. Stop watching these channels, stop paying attention to these journalists. If nothing else, the second part of this will vastly improve your life. And if enough people actually voted against the wars they say they oppose, well …..
I've come to the conclusion that it really does no good to rail against the war machine anymore. Our leaders have made it abundantly clear that they really don't care what "We the People" think. They used to make an effort to hide that from us…but not anymore. Even here in Vermont, the usually antiwar reps we send to Washington are braying about the newest "humanitarian" crisis which it you dig down into the guts of it is a result of US misadventures in "spreading democracy" and taking direction from Israel in pursuit of their genocidal plans.
And the media, you know, the people who should be asking the "hard question?" Completely worthless.
Not a single politician screaming bloody murder, why, it’s almost as if their paid actors hired by the corporate rich.
Not a single mainstream media using truth to force the mental darkness to give way, why, it’s almost as if we live in,
“Babylon, land of deepest shadow and deep darkness, where even light is like darkness.”
Comment is running heavily in favor of this. Examples I see I estimate at 20:1.
I think this reflects lessons learned by neocons from the unexpected frustration of their Syria War. They paid more attention to rallying such opinion, and avoided those like the Brits who wouldn't go along.
The biggest move was many more of the former Republican neocons shifting to be "liberal hawks." The very same people moved over to Dem political groups and were welcomed. That is all our politicians seem to care about, not policies — power, not what is done with it.
An episode of The Americans found the Russian spymaster counseling an adventure that the spy handler, Granny (Margo Martindale), believes is fatally risky. She says: , “That's what we always say…right before our people die for nothing. The next thing we always say is ‘it was so obvious.'” The most profound utterance on television this season.
I realize this may not be an attractive opinion to folks still stuck behind the new Iron Curtain in the USSA, but this war may be the best thing in the end for the rest of the world, as it will result in another quagmire for the US, which will quite possibly be the straw that finally breaks the back of a sorely overstretched camel, and finally brings about a collapse of FedGov and the military-industrial complex that sucks at its teat. Call it politique du pire, but it really is the last hope for the world, including you poor saps back in the USSA.
I am afraid that before that happens they will have us in poverty, and blame Russians or somebody else for it, and have all the population turn patriotically red. It will not be the first time in history.
Switching the focus away from Gaza are we ? US and Israeli Zionits are a PLAGUE on this Earth. They both need the literal 2×4 upside their heads !!!
This the same country that saw nothing wrong at all with causing the death of over500000 Iraqi children"that were worth the price"now shedding Crocodile tears over few new thousand Iraqis who are being driven out of their homes.It is the same country that have caused far more death and destruction of Iraq and Iraqis,and millions who ended refugees all over the world and lost everything as consequence of it actions.
The politicians and corporate owned media concluded that the uunappiness of population with wars is merely due to the fact that they have not been determined enough, that instead of focusing population on war propaganda, they allowed partisan bickering to take precedence. Now, they are "correcting" thje problem. Obama has reinvented himself as war president, and now it is their sacred duty to have the populace "reeducated'. They will NEVER teke responsibility for anything. They screwed up Irak, Afghanistan, Balkans, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Rwanda and Congo, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Mali. Chaos in the wake of their stupidity is enourmous, and will engulf us — but they believe that if they just get a shovel, and dig this hole deeper, all will be fine. Now they are screwing up in Ukraine, and hoping foir a "little" nuclear war. Yeah, and Russians are just going to sit and wait untl another made in the west disaster kills of another 25 million people. Sure.
It is all about money and money. But it has to come at the expense of economy. And every time they whine about deficits and not having money for anything at home — makes me furious to think how easily the money is found for their war mongering.
I think I'm watching evolution at work from the business end. It's not pretty.