Early in the search for three kidnapped Israeli teens, the Israeli government was quick to blame Hamas. There was no evidence, but the assumption was that they were planning to move for some prisoner exchange.
Today, the teens were found slain, with signs they were killed shortly after their capture. Despite that shooting a hole in the Hamas prisoner exchange theory, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists he still holds Hamas responsible and vowed revenge against them.
And when Netanyahu is calling for violent revenge on someone who might not even be responsible, you know the farther right wing of Likud is going off the deep end, with Deputy DM Danny Danon calling for a full-scale war to wipe out Hamas, as well as destroying every single home of every single “Hamas activist” in Palestine.
Hamas denied any involvement in the kidnapping almost immediately. A group calling itself ISIS-Palestine, and claiming to be affiliated with ISIS, claimed credit for the incident early on, though they have not commented since.
Hamas is no pushover then there is Hezbollah who fought them to a standstill that will not stand idly by the best is yet to come hello ISIS come on in.
since when have the zionists needed evidence? that would also assume they care a wit about the actual law. nahhh..
Just another excuse to undermine a Palestinian unity government. The recent murder of 2 unarmed children by the IDF was initially denied by Israel and eventually blamed on the children and received little mention in the Western media. At least 3 Palestinians were killed by the IDF during the search for the 3 Israelis. The hypocracy of Israel is stunning, they wantonly kill Palestinian children with impunity but when their own are killed by yet unknown assailants it justifies the escalation of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.
Israel just murdered three Palestinian kids in cold blood the other day… on video.
Game theory-based warfare and propaganda. Nevermind the truth.
ISIS is about to rip the Israeli play book to shreds.
Bibi and his Zionist scum are bigger hypocrites than Obozo.
Where is the proof linking Hamas to these killings? This is
just another ploy by the rogue state to scuttle any plans for
a Palestinian unity government.
Are there any relevant facts that substantiate Netanyahou's judgement? I have to question why the teenagers were supposedly "hitch-hiking" in the Occupied West Bank. Wouldn't they know that this would be provocative? Would off-duty American GIs hitch-hike around Afghanistan? Would they be so naïve as to accept a ride from just anyone?
But maybe, Netanyahou isn't telling everything he knows. Could they have been on a road restricted to Jewish "settlers" only?
I certainly hope Abbas and Fateh will not stand idly by while Gaza is pounded.
Nutty Yahoo is desperate for US sympathy & cash. Think: Shin Bet & False flag.
Dead teenagers found in West Bank, Israhell attacks Gaza. Pure blood lust, nothing else makes sense.
If there was a way to magically teleport every single ISIS member, fully armed, into The Only Democracy at a random locations.
Mad Scientists should submit proposals now.
I thought this was an anti-war site. I haven't seen this much hate mongering in such a short space anywhere. Go blow yourselves up and get your virgins. we have no use for you here on planet Earth.
please check the Jerusalem Post article on this event, scroll down to the comments section, and compare : now that's hate mongering! some are even talking about eradicating palestinians, just to show how far real hate mongering can go đ
Three teens murdered while hitchhiking. Was it political or was it a sick crime by a sadist or someone who simply hated Israelis? Was it a paranoid? Something personal or maybe homophobic? Whatever it was, it is apparent that the politicos in Israel will not let a crisis go to waste if it advances their goals of splitting up anyone not Israeli Jewish in the middle east. Divide and sort of rule. If this crime allows you to firebomb people out of their houses and make more disgruntled refugees – fine. I would think the "civilized" world would be sick of this response to violence – a kind of Roman way of multiplying by decimation anything that happened to your guys against the other side. Come to think of it, I know of a more recent example in Europe. How many shall die for this – thirty? three hundred? three thousand? Because we will always back up the Israelis and give them extra money when they re-offend, they have no incentive to change their approach.
Using the Military for Collective punishment for people that DIDNT commit the actual crime, without proof and without a trial, that BIBI is a War Crime in itself, if anybody dies or is injured YOU BIBI are the Murderer, and a War Criminal!
This smelled like "false-flag" from the beginning. Think the Izzies wouldn't sacrifice a few of their own to further their agenda? If not, you obviously don't recall that Israelis assassinated their own Prime Minister rather than accept a proposed peace pact with the Palestinians.
@ Samson: if you're "anti-war", you sure as hell shouldn't be defending the Izzies.
Gypsy >^..^<
This smelled like "false-flag" from the beginning. Think the Izzies wouldn't sacrifice a few of their own to further their agenda? If not, you obviously don't recall that Israelis assassinated their own Prime Minister rather than accept a proposed peace pact with the Palestinians.
This is just a falseflag. These guys were hitchhiking on a jews-only road, how would Hamas get to them?
The Zionists have no problem sacrificing their own for their dream of a greater isreal from the Nile to the Euphrates. Think Pat Tillman.