The Pentagon has been clear about the last Afghan surge being a resounding success, despite death tolls soaring throughout the period and the level of violence still enormous nationwide. That doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t going to do it again.
After being given a recommendation in a report by retired Gen. John Allen, the Pentagon is now said to be considering another surge post-2014, adding a secondary “bridging force” on top of the deployment already planned for the nominally “post-war” period.
NATO is all set to declare the Afghan War over after 2014, deciding that apparently 13 years is the charm, but also seems perfectly comfortable with doing everything they’re doing now, and just not calling it a war.
But even their expectations of a sort-of-ready Afghan military in 2015 appears to have been dramatically over-optimistic, and that has the Pentagon looking for new ways to add yet more troops to the conflict “above and beyond the Enduring Force.” They say this secondary force could stay for 2-3 years, meaning by the end of 2017, or so the plan goes, the troop level could drop a bit.
OK, all Hagee supporters and other stooges for Israel–time for another rendition of "Onward Christian Soldiers" On to Damascus, on to Tehran!
And on to Jerusalem!
Yeah, this all looks great…on paper.
Only surge that is needed is a rush to the exits. We lost and we damn well deserved to lose. At least, we can show some rare class and just leave,
"Drop off the key, Lee
And set yourself free
Just get on the bus, Gus
No need to discuss much…
…and as long as ignorant American taxpayer keeps footing the bill, we'll keep closing schools, hospitals and firehouses just so Afghanistan can have them instead. Haven't we been hearing this pointless drivel about a stand-alone Afghan Army for years now?
It's a load of bull***.
Anyone who expects the US to leave doesn't understand the purpose. It's to keep the US military engaged in active theatre combat, in perpetual war, with anyone who will "cooperate", forever, or as long as possible. It doesn't matter who the enemy is. Ideally, the atrocities and ongoing bloodshed will further "radicalize" the locals and create yet more "extremist" enemies for the US to fight. Ok with them, it's the bloody goal!
Leaving doesn't satisfy the goal of perpetual war, and perpetual new enemies, so the US doesn't leave.
"War is the health of the state."