More than half the people who donated money to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection campaign are Americans who also donated to the Romney campaign and/or the Republican Party.

“According to records published by Israel’s State Comptroller office,” reports McClatchy, “Netanyahu has received donations from 47 individuals. Only one of them was Israeli, and 42 were American. Twenty-eight of the American donors also gave to Romney and/or the Republican Party.
Romney and Netanyahu have known each other for years, done business with each other, and their acquaintance has been a campaign issue in the past, with accusing Netanyahu of displaying an improper preference for Romney over Obama.
But the real question is what would motivate so many wealthy American Romney supporters to send money to Netanyahu’s campaign. US policy towards Israel hardly changes between Democratic and Republican administrations.
One of the major donors, the Falic family of Miami, not only donated to the Netanyahu and Romney campaigns but also to pro-settlement groups of Israeli Jews settling in the occupied West Bank.
The revelation reveals how bizarrely close the politics of Israel and the United States are, and how bold the Republicans are about bolstering right-wing elements in Israel (two of Netanyahu’s donors also gave to the Democrats).
But it also reveals the joint commitment many in the US and Israeli political class have to denying Palestinians rights. The defunct peace process has never been so broken, and that is primarily because Netanyahu has no interest in a two-state solution. His Likud Party Charter declares Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza as “the realization of Zionist values” and describes the whole of the West Bank and Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.
The quirky ideology of the extreme right-wing in Israel could have some further compatibility with Romney’s religious Mormonism, which has traditionally taught, according to Wikipedia, that “its adherents are either direct descendants of the House of Israel, or are adopted into it.”
Political scientists David E. Campbell and Robert D. Putnam have performed surveys showing that “the religious group that gives them the highest rating of all” are “Jews.”
The Netanyahu campaign refused to comment on the findings, but one of his aids spoke to McClatchy on condition of anonymity and said the prime minister considered America a “natural place to fundraise.”
“They have always welcomed Netanyahu with open arms in the United States. The people, the donors there, could not give to him enough,” the former aide said. “And he and Romney also share a lot of natural friends.”
“its adherents are either direct descendants
of the House of Israel, or are adopted into it.”
Only if they are spiritual, namely pacifist harmless, a real problem as 99% of all Christians, Jews and Zionists are ready, willing and able to kill in the name of God and country
Makes sence to me why they have the same donors, Bibi says of that the west bank settlements are an example of zionist "VALUES", ie. stealing land and Mitt the twit says that Israeli success compared to the Palistinians must be "CULTURAL"ie. the Zionists cultural tendency to steal land from others. Hence the same donors.
Absolutely evil and disgusting; what more can I say about the Synagogue of Satan, other than these two creatures – Mitt the twit and Bibi Nut&Yahoo – are two of its most prominent members.
Sure, since the sponsors own both countries, it stands to reason that they're sponsoring the same two fascists. After all, it's a well-known fact that them Chosen People don't like blacks. Or browns. Or anybody who's not one of them. And even those of their own kind who don't kow tow their line of terrorism and neo-colonialism. That's the great thing about jews thought, they're equal opportunity haters and phuckers.
This boils down to a set of religious beliefs, and the rantings of the mad men at the head of the said religions. Beliefs are not facts. Plain and simple. If the book is fact or true, then there is not any of the Semites left alive. Moses and his gang killed them all and assumed their lives and identities. That makes the Hebrews/Jews the only anti-Semitic people on earth. Or the books are all lies and the whole religious thing developed from the books is just a form of mass mind control to ensure that those in power stay there and keep getting richer. King James still controls many of you from his grave because you think the book he wrote is fact. He wrote that book to maintain his power base, that the Celtic monks version of the book was undermining. He also murdered all of those said monks and burned them and their books to keep his power. Yup a real christian thing to do. Oh yeah that last book in that bible says that in order for the god to kill off all of the Hebrews they must be all in one place. Guess the israeli's didn't get that memo did they? That is the real reason any assumed christian groups may support a "Jewish State" with all or most of them all in one area. Makes it easier to kill them all, as their christian god says it must be done. Might be a little late coming pay-back for all the Semites they killed 5000 years ago. Their god did say that vengeance was his department did he? Most of these self assumed christians don't actually go by the rules in their books, they only demand others to do so, or they would not allow any pollution from any bad stewards of the planet, or let any greedy people rule, or they would swallow their pride and admit they are wrong about the wars of lies we have been fighting for hundreds of years all for the profits and power of the greedy bankers, corporations and dictators. Or all your beliefs are just myths and stories made up to keep you slaves to them.