Speaking today in an interview on Pakistan’s Geo News channel, US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter chided Pakistanis for continuing to express anger about the US attack on a pair of military bases just over two weeks ago.
“We have pledged a full inquiry,” reasoned Munter, expressing surprise that the killings were still a subject of discussion inside Pakistan, and advising viewers to “not forget that Pakistan and US are on the same side” and “get beyond” criticism.
“When people die, whether they are Pakistanis or Americans, it is too many,” insisted Munter, added that “we have really tried to make it clear how sorrowful we are about this event. We feel the pain of the Pakistani people.”
The November 26 attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, and top Pakistani military officials say the attack was not only deliberate but was “pre-planned.”
First they came to express 'condolences.' Next they came to express 'surprise.' Then we came to express outrage and there was no one left to 'get beyond' it.
Wait, who said 'full inquiry?' Is that like when your Mom tells you to stay away from the cookie jar and you say 'I'll get right on that?' Dear lord, did he really pull out 'we feel your pain?'
Had I been the interviewer, I would have bust out laughing at hearing Munter say that he "felt the pain of the Pakistani people", or more probably I would have thrown my shoe at the mother fucker.
The US ambassador to Pakistan displayed his insensitivity to life other than American or Israeli when he told the Pakistanis to "get over it", that is the killing of 26 of their military who were on there own soil. Who gives the USA or Israel the right to go into any country in the world and mete out their form of justice? The violation of sovereign borders has always been a no-no for most Western advanced civilizations. The Bush era has set Western civilization back by at least 30 years or more. Please America, stay out of other countries until you are invited.
The Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama era you mean. For 23 years we have had lunatics and liars running our foreign policy.
It goes back to Vietnam, Korea, even Nicaragua in the last century. US imperialism and the total lack of empathy for the people and nations destroyed is a common thread. Thanks to big media lies and the imperial culture in Washington the entire imperial policy of the US is one of delusion. The imperial elite create a narrative so far from reality I guess they really learn to believe these lies.
You nailed it. Pretty much since the end of the Cold War the US's behavior has been way out of balance with geopolitical reality.
Munter is one arrogant idiot. Won't Munter act all surprised when Pakistan gives him the boot. Which Pakistan should do.
Pakistan should ask him to explain his idiotic remarks them send him packing on spying charges which the whole US embassy in Pakistan is doing.
You know, in a country where should-fired armaments are a common stock on the black market shelves, one might think that an American diplomat might consider being just a little careful about making indelicate statements concerning the host natives. There are many dangerous places in the world and right now Pakistan is pretty close to the top of the list… I'm sure this makes those responsible for protecting the diplomats there really, really happy.
It's election season….. Nothing is sane…!!! !
When Pakistan 'mistakenly' kills a bunch of US troops, I'm thinking that 'getting past it' will be the last thing on the military's mind- and the public's as well, if the MSM has anything to do with it.
They feel Pakistan's pain? Americans, like Israelis, only feel the pain of their own casualties and there's not a lot of that either.
Killing to Americans means nothing, absolutely nothing. They've turned it into an artform! Yet they claim to be bringing peace to the world.
I suppose death is a form of peace.
How the hell can the terrorists bring peace when two biggest terrorist countries, US and Israel, are to busy making wars in every part of the Muslim world? Pakistan should tell US clearly that we are not interested in your make belief war on terrorism. Any further violations Pakistan boarders planes or helicopters they will be shot doen.
The U.S. ambassador Cameron Munter is offering sound advice and I urge the American people to listen to him. Remember September 11? GET OVER IT! The world has made it clear how sorrowful we are about that event. We feel the pain of the American people. But really it’s time to GET OVER IT! I am chiding the American people for continuing to express anger about the Saudi attack on a pair of U.S. Buildings 10 years ago but really it is time to GET OVER IT! Don’t forget that America and Saudi Arabia are on the same side. GET OVER IT!
Pakistan needs to pursue its own course with China as its main partner. The US war on terror is complete bullshit. The US always needs a boogeyman in order to justify its military industrial complex, and keeping Americans in fear. Pakistan will do better without US meddling, and drone attacks upon civilians, and those resisting American terror.
The U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter is offering sound advice and I urge the American people to listen to him. Remember September 11? GET BEYOND IT! The world has made it clear how sorrowful we are about that event. We feel the pain of the American people. But really it’s time to GET BEYOND IT! I am chiding the American people for continuing to express anger about the Saudi attack on a pair of U.S. Buildings 10 years ago but really it is time to GET BEYOND IT! Don’t forget that America and Saudi Arabia are on the same side. SO GET OVER IT!
Who ordered the kidnapping of small boys and their mothers in Iraq ? And the US Army raped the boys in front of their mothers to force intel from the father. It was filmed by a female soldier. I don´t believe the SS and Gestapo could have done that. And Fallujah is worse than Hiroshima because of depleted uranium weapons as revenge for the killing of three Blackwater mercenaries. The Great Satan is worse than Nazi-Germany !
There is a modest chance that US forces will be abandon and left to die in Afghanistan. Our government will not care about them.
well by the standards of Israel/America shouldn't pakistan blow up every bridge in the united states then move on to electricity and water treatment plants.
No no people are dieing only for american arroganz with no justification.
So called war is american only america is responsible for CIA agents inside pakistan for horrible suicide bombers just to abuse islam and is a well known policy.
We must with draw from this intrigue and save pakistan.It,s time america must leave the region.
I wonder what would happen if Pakistan suggested Uncle Sam get over 9/11.
the US should get beyond 9 11
"Feel your pain"? Lord forgive me, but I laughed at that. Until they feel the DEATH of the victims they won't get it, and then they would be past understanding anyway.
'We feel the pain of the Pakistani people'… Could anyone anywhere in the world seriously believe that? Is there even one fool left in the entire world who could say that with conviction and sincerity about America or its government/military (they are now one and the same)?
Would he say the same to israel if an israeli gets hit by a rock?
I guess Mr. munster is used to dealing with Americans, who tolerate anything from its government and where a cowardly word of "regret" is sufficient to make it all go away. Most countries aren't like that. As an ambassador you should at least know that. People don't appreciate unprovoked deaths and don't forget. Get used to it Mr. munster.
US sends in their smoothest talker to ease the situation, all is well
Osama Bin Laden to Americans ….. Get over it.
Osama Bin Laden appeared on Faux News today just two weeks after the 9-11 attacks with the message to Americans that they need to 'get over it'. "We've pledged a full investigation into the incident, including how Al-Qaida forces were involved".
Mr. Bin Laden continued "After all, we are all on the same side in trying to combat the dangers of Shite extremism." Bin Laden also stated that he is sorry the attacks occurred and that he 'feels the pain' of Americans who lost loved ones in the attacks.
<end sarcasm>
Ambassador Munter
Islamabad, Pakistan
To Ambassador Cameron Munter
Your excellency:
Cameron……. Dude… !!! Just because you and [apparently] Obama think the wogs in Pakistan are jus the cannon fodder of empire…… you may find, that expressing such sentiments in public, whether implicitly or explicitly, can be counterproductive.. O.K. ?????? Thanks for your kind attention to this topic. Your friend, a taxpayer, who is sponsoring these wars financially…….. against my will : but think they are a lost cause…
Old Hash Smuggler
200+ US service member's remains dumped in a landfill? GET OVER IT !!
If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
William Shakespeare
Hillary must have brougt this guy in from her bondage/S&M club.