It is the war that has been declared “over” many times and has largely been lost in the shuffle of a higher profile conflict in Afghanistan (and one looming in Libya), but the Iraq War is now entering its ninth year. Eight years of fighting and massive death tolls later, the end game is no more clear now than it was when it began.
Nominally, the US is required under the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) to leave the nation by the end of the year, but all indications are that this won’t happen. Indeed, reports are that a mostly behind-the-scenes debate is ongoing not on if the US occupation will continue, but how big it will be.
War opponents will, to be sure, still be protesting the Iraq War on its anniversary. Largely, however, it is an afterthought, a war most Americans assume was won years ago. With pre-packaged “last combat troops leaving” footage broadcast over the course of last summer, this is hardly surprising.
This anniversary of the Iraq War will surely be the least noted one since the 2003 invasion, but with the indications of an open-ended continuation of the conflict, there will be plenty of additional opportunities to remember a war that is still going on.
America has no intention of leaving Iraq.
Elusive? The end is nowhere in sight. And the bitterest irony is that “the end” will not be anything we can call victory. Trillions of dollars, thousands of dead Americans, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis and the end will be like Vietnam. An American evacuation. Read it and weep.
The US and EU didn't invade Iraq as if they were going to have a picnic for a day or two, they attack Iraq to open the gates to hell in Middle east and open their strategical of impotence to be there for a long time. Their second gates of hell is the gates for wars with Russia and China, their third gates to hell is for wars in Africa horn countries going through Saudi Arabia and Black Sea.., with help of Saudis and Israel.., to the north through Afghanistan and toward Iran and Russia Afghanistan is their best strategic solution.., therefore they are not getting out of Afghanistan neither. What was Hitlers mistake invading Russia to get to Persian Gulf and its oil was that he invaded Russia from north not knowing that the fascist army will face the red army, here the US and EU didn't make the same mistake knowing that there are no red army.. , they waited 14 years and bombed Iraq to its knees before they opened the gates to hells from all directions.., now they are trying to do the same in Libya getting their foot in Northern Africa from via Muslims Brotherhood.
what can Libya do?. Stop the flow of oil from all over middle east and do it as quickly as possible. help get rid of the fuedel monarchs.
The USA is setting up a puppet government in Iraq to make them democratic like America, only problem is the USA is coming to an end and is no longer working. Their freedoms have become a joke even to the people in America who are loosing their jobs and their children go hungry. The big bankers get fat and look at all the oil the American government is getting for them to sell while they make slaves out of their own people. They tell the world USA is free, free to make slaves out of everybody who has something they can take. The CIA is behind making trouble in different countries so America can take their oil, nice trick only problem is the people fall for it. The CIA did this trick in South America in the 1960's. They also did it in Cambodia and Vietnam only things did not work out so good for them. America is the masters of disaster and thinks it can take what it wants when it wants while it's own people suffer. Soon Americas will see riots and protest in their streets and the people will rise up and take their country back. America must be stopped before it is too late and they destroy the world and all the people. America is on a conquest to take and get any and all things of value out of any and all countries they can take over, they are doing the same thing Russian did. If you want to see a future stop the USA aggression on the world or you all will end up slaves. America knows all about slaves, look at their 400 year history when they took over the Americas from the American Indians ( Indians they killed so they could take their lands ) and brought in African slaves to do their work for 400 years. The American government is taking away unions who get a decent working pay wage for the workers. They will end up making slaves out of their own people and the people in countries who they take over.