Israel had telegraphed its move for weeks. They had promised to stop the aid ships at all cost, they had promised to use force against the aid workers. Somehow, no amount of official bellicosity could prepare anyone for the carnage that unfolded.
At least 19 aid workers were killed and dozens of others wounded when Israeli commandos, backed up with helicopters, boarded the Mavi Marmara, one of the six aid ships, and opened fire on the passengers.
It was by no means the largest massacre of civilians in Israeli history, or even recent Israeli history, but unlike the others there was no way to couch the deliberate attack on a civilian aid vessel in international waters as Hamas’ fault, or an example of human shields, or even a narrow miss of the real target.
Indeed it has spawned what must be among the lamest attempts at hasbara (public explanation) in Israel’s sordid history, as one of the commandos in the region’s most heavily armed military explained opening fire on civilians by saying “they beat us up with metal sticks.”
Metal sticks notwithstanding, the aid flotilla was violating no international laws in trying to deliver medicine and food to civilian victims of an Israeli blockade. Israel on the other hand was most assuredly violating international law in attacking an unarmed aid ship on the open sea.
There has been talk in the past of Israel running afoul of international piracy laws for capturing previous aid ships. Say what you will of that, but in the previous engagements Israel didn’t massacre the crew, they just took them captive and held them on dubious charges.
Even Israel’s right-far-right coalition seems to have some sense of wrongdoing here, even if they would never admit so publicly. After making a big deal of setting up Ashdod as a “welcoming” facility to process the 700 soon-to-be-captives and loading it up with favorable media, Israel re-routed the ships to Haifa, to escape scrutiny of their handiwork.
The reaction to the massacre has already been enormous. At least five countries have already summoned Israeli ambassadors to demand explanations for the massacre, while thousands of protesters in Istanbul stormed into the Israeli consulate just after the story broke.
A top Fatah official predicted the massacre would enhance the ongoing boycott against Israel and would cause an increasing number of European states, many of whom had MPs on the aid ships, to turn against them. While it is too soon to gauge the level of international outrage it cannot but be noted that people have said the same thing about previous Israeli atrocities, only to find that international support runs far deeper than anyone had imagined.
Yes, we have been disarmed by the other atrocities by the nazis. But that was 65 years ago, and frankly at least I do not feel any remote guild or assistance to those atrocities. It is only tha simple fact, that our leaders are from natural causes older than the average, and thus might have som residual psychological mechanisms to always feel pity with the israelis, no matter what the reality is at present.
It had to come some day, and perhaps it was exactly the diminishing power over human minds, that brought them far over the line, probably now beginning a reversal. IF the palestinians can play the Mandela card instead of their all too easy manly proudness role.
Really, unlike most of the Right Wing, the IDF studies Gianfranco Sanguinetti closely.
Lieberman was transparently setting the stage for the whole scenario with his characterization of the Gaza flotilla as "VIOLENT propaganda".
No doubt the Israeli Commandos who dropped from the sky came complete with drop weapons and "evidence" plants as well.
Obviously the Israelis also had agents and agents provocateurs on the ships.
They also had communications jamming in full play–because they wanted no live reports from any of the flotilla people or objective observers.
On the internet and in the press the Israelis had the whole script ready–including the "violence."
Note also that the IDF script had the same location–35km from Gaza–to be cited by all its little online and media propagandists,even before there were direct reports available.
According to live Turkish reports from the Turkish ship cut off as the piracy began, however, the ship was 200km from Gaza when it was attacked by IDF commandos who boarded with guns blazing.
Good points E.A ,I saw the same…. israeli murderers are called comandos,arab comandos are called rerrorist (FREEDOM FIGHTERS). GEORGE CARLIN.
Interesting how the Yahoo! article on this story says that only 9 people died when the Al-Jaazera article has the death toll at "at least 19." I guess the propaganda machine has already swung into motion about this incident and decided to lower the casualties so that it would look less like the massacre that it really was. It's really incredible how much they can get away with. I bet Alan Dershowitz is going to be on TV soon to defend this slaughter.
Pigs. Bastards. The true face of Israel revealed for the world to see.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong.
Israeli soldiers came to the ship only to check that it intended to Hamas weapons, and once the Israeli soldiers had landed, the Turks began to attack them with sticks and chairs, the Israeli soldiers were not prepared for such a situation and to save themselves they had to use weapons.
The violence of the Turks towards the soldiers you can see the following video :,7340,L-3897066,00.html
Everyday your Hasbara shill talking points are less and less effective with the free flow of information on the internet. Don't you fear a terrible backlash if you continue to lie and spin for murder and land theft? Hint millions of Americans have had just about enough of funding this and having AIPAC Likudniks whispering war with Iran in our paid off corporate whore politicians ears. đ
Moshe, if what you say were true, why did Israel send commandos? You boarded a civilian ship as any self-respecting pirate would. I understand commandos are the best soldiers there are, so from the beginning, you intended this to be a lesson for everybody to see. Sure, to save themselves from being attacked with sticks, these really tough guys had to assassinate 19 people. It's either total incompetence or total indifference to human life. Given the record of atrocities you have, I tend to believe in the latter.
The Hasbara brigade is out in full force today. How come I have to come here to hear about at least 19 dead? The Israeli's are up to no good. First they send 3 nuclear missle subs to the Persian gulf and now this. What is Rahm Emmanuel doing in Israel all this time anyhow?
it is time for what is called "world power" to boycott Israel totally and let this brutal regime to understand that there are others who also have the right to live a life, it is time for the people of the world ..,by all legal means.., to demand of their governments for such measure to be enforced by the EU.., Russia.., China..,US and rest of the world to implement the peace. There is no other language that Israel will ever understand then a total economic and political boycott.
It's not like any of this wasn't completely predictable. Next time, let us hope the organizers run a genuine CONVOY (and not some ramshackle and undefendable "flotilla") with a Turkish naval escort. That will put an end to the high-handed Jewish piracy. It will also cause the FedGov no small amount of anguish, because a Jewish attack on the Turks will automatically activate the NATO alliance. While it's a no-brainer that the FedGov will back Israel, there will almost certainly be major blowback within NATO, as the entire raison d'etre of the alliance is demolished on the rocks of US support for the Zionist pirate state. The intra-NATO conflict could have immediate repercussions in Afghanistan.
(1) Yes, it was all predictable
(2) The Gaza Flotilla organizers also predicted it, as did Turkey.
(3) Nope–they acted exactly correctly, and the more ramshackle and undefendable the future flotillas the better.
Lieberman telegraphed the IDF punch by calling the flotilla "VIOLENT propaganda".
What this means is simple: like the British in India, the Israelis have decided to be very violent and murderous even with non-violent resisters.
Gandhi's "non-violence" by the way is much misuderstood. He knew very well that the British would be very bloodthirsty and murderous.
Haifa and Tel-Aviv should be nuked.
Actually, there's at least one minor scenario envisionable in which Netanyahu's Israel nukes itself.
No. They shouldn't.
who cut the feed? did israel cut the feed.? why would they stop people from recording them then insist they did nothing wrong after they pulled the plug?
why wouldn't they just leave it going?
Some of the Israeli sources reported IDF plans for jamming earlier, as well as substituting false videos.
Apparently, the IDF,like the US military brass, watch a lot of Mission Impossible reruns.
You see, for them, it's all about the Spectacle.
Amazing.Just watch cnn manipulate the news in favor of poor defensless Israel. Other MSM totally avoided Israel’s piracy on the high seas,as if it never happened. LET USSAY A PRAYER FOR OUR DEAD AND DYIN MAIN STREAM PRESS.
yea, i heard it too. The woman said israel has the right to the blockade…Wrong! it is illegal and immoral and violates international law…This is like the nazis defending what they did. Does israel have the right to attack unarmed ships on the high seas like pirates and kill people?
Did someone remind the bimbo reporter that it was an attempt by the Arabs to blockade Israel that led to The Six Day War?
The courage of the people on the flotilla is awe-inspiring.
The hasbara line is already out, "Israeli acted appropriately because the boat that the people were killed on were bad guys, a terrorist front group [i.e. charity]".
Reminds me of the wikileaks video, some soldiers probably felt like having some fun and getting their rocks off, so they did. Now comes the whitewash. Don't expect congress to care if Americans are killed, wounded, or held for ransom by Israeli pirates, there are important horse races in November and both parties need the votes.
there is no way this wasn't deliberate policy stemming from the highest levels of israeli government Peaceful. They've been planning for this incident for months and set the stage with detention camps and armed commandos set to storm unarmed aid boats. Why do you think the commandos always wear masks? you wear masks when you know you are about to commit war crimes in international waters and don't want to be identified and charged by the ICC.
Israelis have used the trump card of the holocost every time there has been international condemnation of her actions against the Palestinians . The aptly named '' operation grapes of warath'' where they slaughtered over a hundred lebanese in a UN refugee camp scarcely raised a finger of international admonishment .
The refugees were mostls Lebanese but some Palestinians who had been assimilated into Lebanese society were among them.
Why does Europe now particularity that we have our own relationship with Israel, one not codependent on the USA opinion , speak out against this atrocity.
Part of the answer is that our EU spokesman to the EU is Tony Blair- a man reviled for his dublicity in the Arab world, and the least possible trusted head of state in the western World.A lap dog of the previous Bush administration.
What will happen now . Bibi is back and has been justifying the attack . – they were attacking our soldiers with bars- this coming form a country whose commandoes have the most sophisticated weaponry available from taser guns to – hallucinogenic drugs, to paralysing drugs – all for use in the field .. and they responded to an attack with ''steel bars'' with devastating gun power.
I see Mark Regev now describing the aid ship as an attack on Israel… an assault oon the State of Isreal.
Catapults and iron bars against automatic weapons in the hands of marksmen ?? where's the proportionality there.
Will there be an international enquiry.? Of course not . The commandos will probably be decorated .
And as for the aid so necessary in Gaza , will the embargo on tonnage be 15,000 tons/wk be lifted.? Unlikely More likely to be restricted further .
But the world will watch and forget . As we all did even after Operation Cact Lead showed the disproportionate response to the Hizbullah where the Israelis used white phosphorus against civilians.
How will the relationship between Israel and Turkey develop ? Will the Israelis retaliate againstthe wrath of Turkey by changing its mindset from one of forbearance to one of enmity over the Turkish massacre of Armenian civilians in 1915 ?-
But this is not a time for history lessons ,
It is a time for expulsion of Isreal from all civilian discourse until she adheres to the UN determination that she withdraw to her pre 1966 borders
The international inquiry is already underway.
Don't confuse the British and American "media" with reality.
Or with the truth.
My understanding is that a Holocaust survivor was on the boats also to try to mitigate that excuse.
Just heard on the news that at the last minute, the elderly Holocaust survivor didn't board and stayed in Cyprus instead.
The U.S. must stand up to the ISRAELI LOBBY and BLOCKADE ISRAEL. Today Israel ATTACKED the flotilla of ships with humanitarian aid for GAZA killing at least 10. This brings to mind on MEMORIAL DAY the June 8, 1967 ISRAELI ATTACK on the USS LIBERTY that killed 34 and wounded 174 U.S. Navy Servicemen. It's time to hold Israel Accountable!!! Remember the LIBERTY!
On this memorial day here is the military's Liberty memorial way out on an air base in West Texas:
I was thinking when I heard of the flotilla from Turkey that the participants should really be ready to die for their cause if they are realistic. It is unfortunate that my worst fear came to be.
The BBC, no friend of Israel, is reporting 9 dead, not "at least 19". But since when does factual accuracy influence the rabid bigots who operate and support this website?
The irony is delicious. A site calling itself "antiwar", attracting bloodthirsty, genocidal maniacs who scream for "nuking" whole cities in response to an incident obviously provoked by violent morons on a supposed "humanitarian" mission (who just happened to possess plenty of "humanitarian" objects like knives, clubs, molotov cocktails, grenades, and guns). Antiwar, indeed!
What passes for journalism on this site is a sick joke. Goebbels would be proud. Look how many of his brainwashed disciples gather here!
Only 9 murdered aid workers in international waters, not 19. Is that your story? Get out of here with your self-pitying crocodile tears you sick freak.
We often hear the phrase "Israel's right to exist" and along with it, "Israels' right to self-defense." Notwithstanding the faux-legitimacy given these concepts by decades of repetition, there is another, truth-based, ethics-based point of view.
In 1917, the British imperial executive (the Foreign Office) and the World Zionist Organization colluded in a criminal conspiracy to steal Palestine from the 95% Arab population who had lived there for 70 generations, and to give it to the Jews/Zionists. This "plan" was a crime then, as it is a crime now. A crime is still a crime, despite control and censorship of the media. A crime is still a crime despite 90 years of impunity from prosecution or 90 years of propaganda. NO AMOUNT OF TIME CAN CHANGE A LIE INTO THE TRUTH; NO AMOUNT TIME CAN CONVERT A CRIME INTO A LEGAL ACT.
The Zionist entity called Israel is nothing less than a geopolitical
crime-in-progress. This is reality. This is fact.
So when next you hear about Israel's "right to exist", consider: no crime has a "right to exist", no criminal enterprise has a "right to exist". Correspondingly, no criminal has a "right to self-defense". No criminal has a right to commit violence in the furtherance of a crime. No criminal has the right to fight back against the lawful authority that arrives to halt the crime and arrest the criminals.
Israel, the Zionists, their enablers, and their supporters are criminals: thieves and murderers on a global scale. They have no "right to exist" (as criminals) and they have no "right to self-defense" as they commit their crimes.
But they do have rights. They have the right to surrender to a competent authority. The right to a fair trial. If found guilty, the right to a proportionate penalty. And once the offending parties have "done their time", the right to rejoin society and resume a peaceful cooperative existence.
Good on YOU!!!! Ignore the neg. comments. There are lots more who hate Israel for Gaza, and all the rest I so totally agree with you
Since Israel has never defined its own borders, how can it be said to exist beyond an abstract conception? Additionally, how can the Palestinian people be asked to recognize a country whose territorial boundaries haven't even been declared by the Israeli government itself?
See Philip Giraldi for more:…
Jeff Davis conveniently forgets to mention that "Palestine" was not Palestine in 1917 but what was then part of Jordan, there is no Palestine or Palestinians.
When you have no substantive argument, play word games. Play with yourself, Schmuck.
Mr Goebbels Number 2,
how much did you get paid for spreading your false information here? Is the propaganda machine spinning now?? Just go and on – and I will tell you one thing: being an "antisemit" will be the most honorful name in not so long!
No doubt you and many other "Wolfgangs" long for the good old days when it was fashionable to be a strident, unapologetic, Jew-hating bigot. You have no argument, just mindless hatred, and you're proud of it to boot.
As for "false information", look no further than the rabid rantings of your fellow propagandists on this site. There's even one wacko conspiracy theorist claiming that the evil Israelis planted the weapons and staged the whole thing!
To Rplying to The Hated
"Israeli Army Radio said up to 16 people may have been killed in the operation" – this is what I cut from another website. It is clear the USA wants to play it down because of their total sycophancy toward Israel.
Would that mitigate something .
If you want to not be "hated" stop shilling for land theft and murder, pretty simple. Oh and stop engaging in usury as well.
National Public Radio had a commentator from something called Asia Pacific Foundation or something, with a curious accent, who stated without basis in anything than Israeli reports, that these ships had come in to stage an incident so that Netanyahu would not be able to meet with Obama.
If that is true, then there are a lot more suicidal Australian journalists and human rights people than we have ever imagined.
And if the NPR listeners believe this glib assessment, a kind of explanation for aid to Gaza (it is to give otherwise benevolent Israel a black eye and at the cost of human life if necessary – their own that is), then we have finally entered a propaganda world only dreamed of in Soviet days – where the West is so stupid, they act as though they will be sent to Siberia if they openly disbelieve and challenge these types of statements. The media walks around smeared in excrement these days, and we are invited to smile at the fragrance, as though it is rose petals.
Goebbels had a copy of Bernays' work on propaganda in an honored place in his library.
As for nuking, Israel has the nukes, and is not shy about threatening their use, including against Iran,and as blackmail against the US.
Surely a nice little Deleuzian enculage is what Netayahu and the Israeli Right Wing have setup for themselves, but who can prevent it if the Israeli supermen screw up and nuke themselves, especially mucking about underwater in a completely unfamiliar medium?
Like the US and Britain, Israel is brim full of complete incompetents in power, you must recall.
Back in 1948 some Palestinians fled the war and took with them their house keys(which is their symbol of their desire to return to their homes). Expecting to return after the fighting was over. After the fighting,israel refused them the universal right of return in violation of Artcile 13(2) of the universal declaration of human rights(UN) and resolution 194. So here they are after 62+ years rotting in the largest, ugliest open-air prison in the world and for what, what was their crime? They are an irritant, an embarassment to israelis ethnic cleansing policy. They have done no wrong to deserve this fate……learn…teach…do a search engine on the word 'hanthala' and then understand why i use it and spread it like butter on toast…
Geniuses who set this up! Having the Isreallys? make themselves look like mad butchers!
The chutzpah of these people. Pumping raw sewage onto Gaza, after sucking all the fresh water out from underneath them, then attacking the international peace activists, bearing water purification filters. What next, claiming the crayons were potential weapons of mass destruction?
Israel has a habit of attacking ships in international waters, and since this is Memorial Day those forgotten heroes, the men of the U.S.S. Liberty who Joe Biden conveniently forgot once again in his Memorial Day speech, are recalled to mind. They too were attaccked in international waters, without provocation.
Israael is an outcast, a criminal nation, that disgraces itself as well as the United States and the U.S. government that condones and supports Israel’s wanton destruction of human life.
Of course, as always Israel will declare itself as victim and the U.S. will back them, its cowardly politicians afraid to confronnt the Israeli Lobby.
One of the survivors of the USS Liberty attack was on board one of those Aid ships. Now he has been attacked twice by the Israeli military in international waters. twice. the irony is staggering…
Not to him, I'm sure.
"Of course, as always Israel will declare itself as victim and the U.S. will back them, its cowardly politicians afraid to confronnt the Israeli Lobby." Go, John! My thoughts entirely.
Israel is like having a best friend who does drugs and beats up old ladies to get money for his habit. Hanging around with him makes you look bad and eventually drags you down the toilet in the process.
Israel is NOT America's "friend".
We *wish* Israel were not our "friend" but that would requite elections not funded by AIPAC and oil companies. đ
It’s sad to see these so-called protesters get away with traumatizing those poor Israeli commandos by reaching around their guns and pulling the triggers to kill themselves. It’s an obvious provocation against a peace-loving, democratic state. The world should be outraged that Israel is victimized yet again by people trying to smuggle medicines of mass destruction to the children of Gaza. Europeans and Americans should know that if these ships had gotten through, these same terrorists would be bringing evaporated milk to Paris, London, or New York next.
It's is difficult to gauge at this point.
Uri Avnery is right–the Israeli Right Wing, for whatever reason, is bent on dislodging Rahm Emmanuel from the Obama administration.
The way Netanyahu played this murderous little scenario was the exact same pattern he played with Biden in Israel.
Where does it go from there with Obama and Emanuel, who have just been left holding the bag?
Hard to tell..
Emanuel, however, as is well known, does not like to be made a fool of and holds intense grudges.
In a knife fight between Netanyahu and the ballet dancer, one's bet is on the ballet dancer.
No, Isn'treal has been showing the world for 60 years that the Nazis were right.
they've learned their lessons well as they become what they hate, as they do to others what was done to them and call it justice…
By the end of the week at least 500 US Senators + US Reps will have signed another letter pledging their undying fealty to Israel.
That's good.It will make it much easier for Madame LaFarge to knit all the names into a quilt or maybe an Afghan.
I'll admit it: a well-honed guillotine on the National Mall is a fantasy in which I sometimes indulge. *Swish* *Chop* and another congressman loses stature. Bring another tumbrel load!
There is apparently not one whit of common sense—let alone decency—to be found among Israel's ruling class. Thanks to the Internet, such acts of criminal aggression can no longer be hidden or sanitized by the MSM propaganda machine. More and more people are growing aware of the Israeli state's rampant violence, racism and treachery. And because Israel is insanely conducting itself as though none of this new, technologically enabled scrutiny exists, it is rapidly rendering itself an international pariah. And it has probably long since obliterated any chance it might have had at peaceful coexistence with its Arab neighbors. When Israel's American hosts finally reject the parasitical embrace of Tel Aviv—and this WILL come, whether by a revolution in public opinion or because of the United States' economic implosion—they will be left alone. Alone, financially strapped and *despised.* And that will be their end.
As it turns out, militant Zionism is the real existential threat to Israel.
They seem to think that the Holocaust narrative will serve them as a perpetual "get out of jail free" card. Notice how they immediately attempted to represent the soldiers invading the flotilla as victims.
Yes, the hasbara arsenal is looking mighty sparse these days. Even the old antisemitism slur has nearly lost its potency; heck, it's hardly good for a laugh anymore.
Anyone possessing a modicum of intelligence and human decency will realize that brazen PIRACY and MURDER in INTERNATIONAL WATERS cannot be explained away as self-defense or victimization. Such limp excuses for propaganda will find acceptance only among the politically and financially interested (which is to say our own corrupt ruling classes), the true believers (that is, radical Zionists of both the Jewish and Christian varieties), and the thoroughly ignorant.*
*Note that none of these groups are mutually exclusive.
Israel let her mask slip. Attacking the freedom flotilla in international waters showed her true colors: she is a rogue state indulging in piracy and in the same class with Somalia.
Far worse than Somali pirates who at least have a legitimate grievance about illegal dumping in their waters. The Israelis OTOH just murdered many people for their "right" to starve and withhold medicine from a people they hold captive after stealing their land. Did I mention fuck Israel!
I wonder how the Obama administration will deal with this if any of the killed/wounded are Americans.
Probably the same way Johnson dealt with the Liberty, sad to say.
Obamanation has already said it would target Americans whenever it feels like !
You forgot already ?
By kissing Israel's butt and proclaiming it tastes like delicious fudge.
What could the raiders have been expected to do? According to a spokesman for the nut and yahoo Netanyahu on a video released by the Israeli military ( which, according to the New York Times ( "seemed to support his (Netanyahu's) claims", "the young servicemen" storming the ship "were shot at with knives and clubs".
My links don't seem to work, although they are correctly transcribed. The nyt article is titled "Deadly Israeli Raid on Aid Flotilla Draws Condemnation" and the video is linked from that article.
All israhell citizens in the US should be deported immediately. All dual israhell-US citizens working in the federal government should similarly be deported. Consider all israhell citizens global terrorists and should be treated as such. Turn them in and deport them back to their militarized ghetto.
With state and national elections coming up, vote ALL israhell supporters out of office (hint: it's the entire US congress so it shouldn't be too difficult).
A journalist named Chris Dowd has informed me that he has an anonymous source in his neighborhood who assures him he works for Israel in some capacity but isn't authorized to speak about this incident- said that the Israeli soldiers boarded the boat and found 10 dead activists- killed in honor killings on the boat by their shipmates before the Israeli soldiers arrived.
At the risk of enigma, the Israelis–even of they were native to the area, which they are not–are completely at sea the moment they reach the water's edge.
In fact, "Israeli submarine" is a laugh and a half.
What tough guys they are….attacking an aid ship.
Come on, everyone knows the Israelis are supermen. Why the last time they invaded Gaza they made it look like shooting fish in a barrel.
Oh, guess it was shooting fish in a barrel.
As usual, Dr. Finkelstein sums things up nicely:
Of course the reaal truth is that Israel was being invaded by a group of international terrorists . They came on a shipsa campuflaged as a ssanger and cargo vessells, but in their holds were 2 nuclear warheads – a 10000 tons of Anthrax , Nerve gas , Botulinus , Pencils and Catholic Holy water ( 10 Gals)
The commandos were massively out manned and out gunned but true to the heroism oof their ancient Hebrew forbears , they managed to overpower the enemy , from their light semi inflatables.
True , they were armed with water pistols which foiled the enemy from unleashing their destructive power. The ships , which were in Israeli waters were escorted and treated with the utmost civility and curtesy. They moved the attackers into 4 star hotels in Tel Aviv and all media were forbidden from upsetting the convalescing visitors, and hence a ll commuunications were blocked , so that the Israeli psychiatriists could offer them succour for post traumatic stress.
It is understood that Mr Obama will receive Mr Netenyahu in the coming days, and there is already widespread talk oof a Nobel Peace Prize for the Israeli supremo.
Roumers that Israel are about to expel the ambassadors from EU , UK , USA , Russi , Syrian . Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt… saiid Mr Netyenyahu- are exagerated '' wildly exagerated !
– We dont do that kind of thing , he added .
I heard the real reason that the flotilla was attacked was because it had cargo on board most threatening to the existence of Israel: Hundreds of handsome unmarried goy come to marry all the Jewish women away from the Zionism.
have they all been checked for circumcision do you think.. or will that present a problem.. for the Army I mean ..not the Israeli girls
Yup, just aid supplies on those ships. If so why did the people on the ships start clubbing the soldiers as soon as they got on board, as shown by the videos that the Israelis released? Tell me when any of you will protest the rockets fired into Israel killing innocent civilians. When you do, you will matter.
The Turkish ship was carrying Greeks, did you know that?
And the Greeks were carrying pork sausage–lots.
And lobster bisque.
And squid and octopus.
And canned reindeer meat.
Maybe they were trying to club the shit out of the bastards after they, the IDF, started opening up on them for no other reason than they imagine themselves to be ubermenschen!
Sometime after the release of the Goldstone would be the appropriate time .,,to comment on The killing of the 10 Israeli civilians during Cast Lead.. but that's been delayed yet again.. Why would that be I wonder?
But maybe you want to start counting at an earlier date.. say when ..
Say 2000 BC ?
This reprehensible drivel above , must be aggressively rebutted.
Of course the real truth is that Israel was being invaded by a group of international terrorists . They came on a ships camouflaged as passenger and cargo vessels, but in their holds were 200 nuclear warheads – a 10000 tons of Anthrax , Nerve gas , Botulinus , Pencils and Catholic Holy water ( 10 Gals)
The Brave Israeli Commandos were massively out manned and out gunned but true to the heroism of their ancient Hebrew forbears , they managed to overpower the enemy , from their light semi inflatables.- Ribs !
True , the Commandos were armed with water pistols which foiled the enemy from unleashing their destructive power. The ships , which were in Israeli waters were escorted and treated with the utmost civility and courtesy. They moved the attackers into 4 star hotels in Tel Aviv and all media were forbidden from upsetting the convalescing visitors, and hence a ll communications were blocked , so that the Israeli psychiatrists could offer them succor for post traumatic stress.
It is understood that Mr Obama will receive Mr Netenyahu in the coming days, and there is already widespread talk of a Nobel Peace Prize for the Israeli supremo.
''Roumers that Israel are about to expel the ambassadors from EU , UK , USA , Russia , Syria . Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt..''. said Mr Netyenyahu- are exaggerated '' wildly exaggerated !
– We don't do that kind of thing , he added ., for clarity.
Never thought that I would say it,but, perhaps it is time to "remove Israel from the pages of history"
Our Govt. here in OZ threw out a Israeli diplomat recently over the false Australian passports fiasco. We should get rid of the rest of them straight away and send them home so they can be removed from the pages of history together!
This is an act of war, not only to the Palastinians, but to all nations who value freedom and democracy. Israel has forfieted its right to exist as a nation/state!
Send them to a desert somewhere (Mars perhaps) where they can walk around in circles for fifty or so years until they come to their sensesI
Oh yes, and give back Israel to its rightfull owners. The Palastinians of course.
The creation of Israel was a terrible mistake.
An Irish boat — the 'Rachel Corrie' — is headed for Gaza now.…
Erin go bragh!
You heard of Rachel Corrie?
The press won't tell her story
Caught between a house and bulldozer
She found out that Israel
Hates gardens and it will kill
Americans who help rebuild the Gaza Strip.
[ten foot pole]
Israel = Nazi Germany
assalamualaikum, peace upon all
i don’t think everyone have heard of Malaysia.
there were also Malaysian on the ship and yet we still didn’t know exactly the nationality of the victims.we want our citizens to be back safely and others too. may God bless them all no matter where they come from.
mr/mrs peaceful_idiot. majority of the crew were muslim and as muslim suicide are not permitted like suicide bomber or what so’s a sin. it’s in the Quran chapter 4(an-nisa’) verse 29. and i think it goes the same to other religion, Christian, buddha n many others. moreover, they’re all good people and they won’t kill themselves just to blackmail israel
they’re all selected people and been screened. they willingly join the crew for this gaza’s aid programme. they’re doctors, television’s crew, NGO’s n others. they’re all like us who have pure heart and care for others. is that a crime?
islam is religion of peace.we avoid violance. but whenever our country been invaded or our people been killed then we must defend ourselves. but when the bad people surrender or ask for peace we Muslim have accept it. Allah already reminds us about this thousand years back, it stated in the Holy Quran chapter 2 (Al-Baqarah), verses 190-194
we never know what exactly happened on that day (before dawn), but i believe in the crews because what they wish to do was not wrong against the law. I HEREBY CONDEMN THE ISRAEL VILLAINOUS ACTS!!
Here Israelis celebrate the attack. At the Turkish embassy in Tel Aviv.
I have just watched the youtub footage and I am ashamed to have been an Israel supporter for so many years…. Exodus and all that s@&t
Celebrating an attack on a civilian aid convoy in "open waters" heading towards Gaza! With over 20 now confirmed dead!
You unspeakable BASTARDS!!!
It is up to the US to undo what they have allowed to occur. All the weapons "aid" given to these bloody minded butchers to be taken back (by force if necessary) Bomb them "back into the stone age" like the US is doing for them in Afghanistran!
I am mad as hell…
Thanks for that link.
Like all the rest it seems highly organized and premeditated.
Toward what end?
From the point of view of the engineers–as opposed to the participants who are just dumb tools–surely to engender hatred, resentment, and a feeling of helplessness among both Gazans and Palestinians and to show them that no other nation, including the Turks, will help them or interfere with their "Master", to wit, Israel.
In the process the Turks, former allies, are turned into blood enemies.
But that too was Netanyahu's intention all along.
Now i've heard that one of the israeli commando's say that they didn't have guns, they only had paintball guns….i am not making this up or joking….
hanthala is correct! (just google it)
Paintball rifles. Ones that can kill over 20 people. It is reported that one Israeli "hero" had to open fire with his paintball rifle when people began throwing things at him!
This is getting curiouser and curiouser. Must be a sick joke…..surely
Netanyahu is banking on Obama not being able to do anything but go along with whatever Israel does, and with an election coming up.
He is probably already trying to schedule another big and showy meeting at the White House,post-massacre and with big smiles.
Clearly just another Meta-Spectacular manipulation, and he figures he has the disjunct covered both ways.
Obama may not be bright enough to follow what is going on. Emanuel, however, is perhaps the most intelligent in the inner circle(whatever you think of his politics).
And in fact it is Emanuel, not Obama, who is the Chicagoan.
For one reason or another Saint Valentine comes to mind.
Wonder what rewards we should expect the US to dole out to Israel for the restraint it exercised in the face of provocations. Tut, tut, imagine having to settle for just 19 lesser lives – it really must have torn the Israeli war machine to keep its twitching fingers from the triggers. Won't Hillary remind us again just how "unprecedented" these magnanimous gestures really are? Won't the US administration now begin chiding these 19 terrorizing peaceniks for inconveniently dying on them?
Your site is very interesting. You call yourself anti-war, but seems to look the other way when people considered terrorists use violence to achieve their goals. Went to google and found that your site was called anti-state before Why did you change your name? The word hypocricy seems to reign in the vocabulary of ALL the people who write for this site, in their analisys, etc. Why don't you apply to yourself what you are constantly blaming others for? Also, Obama was very accepted by your group of followers, until he began to act like Bush in matters of foreign policy. Could it be that after he became president, and was breifed by the security agencies of the USA, he was of course revealed the actual dangers of the people and goverments that oppose the USA? Before that, Obama was not allowed to know the security top secret information that the US president has to know in order to fulfill his primary duty of defending the security of his citizens. I think that even you or I are not aware of the dangers out there, but I can see that Obama will not fail, like any other president, to fulfill his sacred duty.
Just a bunch of radical activist getting their just desserts!
Why is anyone surprised by anything that Israel does? Don’t you all know that ‘The Master Race’ can murder the ‘goyim’ (the rest of us) because we are all lower than whale shit.
Read ‘The Protcols of the Elders’ – a supposed forgery – BUT – interesting how Israeli actions seem to prove their validity!
Before this present crisis, many phone calls were made to the U.S. State Department, from the New York area and elsewhare, asking that protection be given to the ships going to Gasa in the face of Israel's threats. Why wasn't something done? Israel told the world their plan.
How sad it is that we plan for war and not for peace.