Administration officials say that President Trump will soon announce his decision on a response to Syria’s alleged chemical weapons attack. All signs point to Trump ordering military action against the Assad government, and everything said by officials today underscores that.
President Trump even suggested that the US might take measures against Russia over the attack, as other administration officials try to blame the Russians for the attack. Trump told reporters that Russia, Syria, and Iran may all “pay a price,” and that the US will ensure “everybody will.”
In April 2017, similar allegations of a chemical attack, with a similar lack of concrete evidence, was used as a pretext for a US tomahawk missile attack on Syria. US officials have indicated for weeks they were looking at carrying out something along those lines, but bigger, and this allegation seems tailor made for a public excuse.
Russia has warned the US against a hasty military action on Syria, saying there would be grave consequences. Trump’s comments today, however, suggest that he may be advancing toward a military confrontation with Russia at any rate.
The National Security Council was scheduled to meet earlier Monday, and officials suggested Trump would make his decision by Monday night. No public announcements were made as of Monday evening on specifics, but comments out of the administration still suggest officials are leaning toward aggressive military action.
There’s no one in the room to suggest that if you are going to risk world war 3, it might be a good idea to see whether the event you’re determined to punish actually happened?
That’s because we all know its not about the event, its about staying in Syria as an occupation force.
The event is so transparently a false flag, it primarily serves as a statement of dominance, as does the sending out of just one cruiser (and an unknown number of submarines).
Not that the Syrians or Russians will be all that impressed.
It did not worry Theresa May or her hangers-on in NATO.
Not to these idiots
Ok but if WWIII was to happen do you really think we will have the electricity to discuss it? We are giving personal opinions and I believe bolton indicates the worse. Bolton is my age and is on record stated he did not feel he should die in a rice field. He entered the reserves. To me having been in the draft at the time know only those with special fiends got into the reserves or the get out of vietnam ticket.. Botton is a war monger and I believe he will get us into the war as he pushed so hard to destroy iraq. The man will eventually push until the nukes fly. Sadly he loves Israel and that is the nation most at risk. Syria is already a wreck. Europe will have a really lot of refugees if bolton has any luck. The USA will get a ton of them also
Looks like Amerikastani war criminals which knew what they were getting into when they signed up are going to get what they deserve.I’m anticipating the sweet music of mourning howls as mates and spawn of Amerikastani war criminals display their grief on television in Amerikastan.
Eva, You must mean the Assad government. America has a regime.
I’m not Eva. I just shared her tweet.
‘America will be great again!’, shout the well-groomed media boys and girls feeling thrills run up their legs.
Let’s hope that Putin was not bragging when he announced his new generation weapons and show us what they can do. The invisible under water torpedoes may be able to sink a couple of aircraft carriers from where cruise missiles are launched and Russia’s nuclear driven missiles with unlimited global range could eliminate all US airbases in the ME. Including Israel’s . May be wishful thinking but keep my fingers crossed.
I suspect these weapons are still in the prototype stage at best.
“This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes, again”
But what did you expect
from a species insane
How could it be
anything but psychopathy?
Killing ourselves in wars
since the days of fire and caves
better weapons
more people
rats in a cage
Still i had my hopes
alas it seems
all in vain
for the end of humanity
what of millions of other species
will mourn the demise of man?
I looked up ‘Deganawida’ and see the name is based on the Iroquois “boy seer” or prophet and great peacemaker… Fascinating. I also recognize, in this poem, some lyrics from The Doors/Jim Morrison’s song ‘The End’: “This is the end, beautiful friend. This is the end, my only friend, the end…” Are you, as the poster, the author of this poem? Because it is pretty damn intense. (Or is the author someone, perhaps a ‘known’ author, with whom I am not familiar?) Either way it is very relevant, even in its dark message and there are moments, in-spite of my own hope (and belief) in humanity, I share similar thoughts. I should add, it is also a bit of brilliance and it is nothing if not haunting… Please let us know the origins of this poem. best-dv
Thank you. Like you, i too, just a screaming voice in the tempest in the middle of the forest. Yes, i did take the first stanza from Jims song ‘ the end’ and then added my bit. Thought more on it and then took his out and fleshed out my own after and then posted that. Ironically, many years ago i wrote a poem about humanity’s end on the premise of what would surviving species think of our demise. That poem was lost decades ago and i forgot about it till now. i remember the gist of it and so incorporated it a bit into this piece. Am a known author? Ah, that question speaks volumes. No, though i have written and published 5 books so far, i am not too well known. My poems do not attract a large audience and that of course, hurts but alas i still do what i am supposed to do and wail in the storm for i have to… Thanks though for the notice and note. It helps to know one is not completely alone in this mental institution…
We are sitting here, in the middle of the night (depending on where you are), speaking of unthinkable things and frightening possibilities.
I have been reading the predawn news and all of it speaks of the likelihood of global war/confrontation.
I am unable to sleep because I am reminded of ‘duck and cover’ drills in the sixties (and I remember thinking then, even as a child, how truly messed up that was) and yet here we are again.
The Cuban missile crisis is emblazoned in my memory and what we have now is ‘that’ on steroids.
How fragile all life is, in the face of such destructive weapons and how fleeting our existence seems, while we are at the whim of things well beyond our control. We are tiny specks in the Universe, yet, I imagine what we could do or could have done if we were able to shift this hellish paradigm.
Thank you for sharing your poem and yes, sometimes all one can do is: wail in the midst of the storm…
Dulce Et Decorum Est III & A Taste of Armageddon
(Or the Empire has no Clothes but a Disposition Matrix)
In due homage
to Horace, Owen & Mikhail
i humbly nod
for how sweet & glorious
it must be to kill or die
for God & country
via pompous duty
in ersatz honor
and a fool’s pride
so c’mon kiddies,
any up for good jingo sport?
who’s hungry & poor,
who wants to play
the hubris ‘anything for profit’ killing game?
As newspapers, rah rah
pied piper patriotism
with journalistic integrity
star spangled objectivity ha ha!
as a new battle/fear lies just around the corner
& armed forces day just weeks away hooray!
rally loyal citizens
to whitewash warm innocuous blood
off disgraced musket & sullied polluted flag
strike up the marching parade
manifest destiny down main street usa hurrah!
Awaken & open thine eyes
chauvinistic folk
come & see
your overseas deeds of nefarious brutality
You’re liable
for this appalling
tax-paid supported violence
exported to hamlets & villages
Assaulting families
who’ve never
did you any harm
in lands you’ve never heard of
nor care less for
so step on up
one & all
Take a trip
to the overflowing morgues
filled with small smashed bodies
once toddlers
full of laughter & life
Deeply inhale
the rancid stench
of scorched flesh
crispy burnt
to a black bubbly mass
by phosphorus
Gaze into doll dead eyes
frozen forever
by shock & awe
via your God blessed terror from overhead
From atop a cold gurney
a stiff finger of a tiny hand
amidst a mish-mosh of mangled flesh
bulls-eyed at you war supporters
as grief-stricken father’s
in shattered silence
sifting through ragged debris
devastating destruction
for lost sons
missing daughters
ripped wet mangled body parts
strewn out as pieces of a human jig-saw puzzle
taking home
the ear, the hand, the foot
to be quietly buried
while 6000 miles away
heroes giggle and snicker
calling this crime against humanity
to the heart-piercing shrieks
as soul-torn asunder mothers
wail like howling wild animals
as they find their loves buried
broken & bloody
in the rubble
of your glorious works
Then if you can
please explain
to the unresponsive moaning
neonatal orphan
why your armed forces
just murdered his parents
by accident
then wave a condolence payment
like juicy enticement in his face
as your special op-forces
silently & quickly
dig out bullets
from civilian bodies
to cover their tracks
from being at the wrong address
Declare as a national holiday
murdered women at a bridal shower
or when
4 kids are droned to smithereens
while tending sheep
in exported evil exploits
as great american victories
for which your war crimes always are
Trust flim-flam,
the PR propaganda spin
from subjective mass media
obey leaders and church bosses
pay your taxes
which finances anglo-terrorism
through illegal & immoral aggressive violence
Raise your filthy faux flag
higher higher ever higher
to cover the rising pile where the butchered lie
dear good christian citizens
no civic rag
could ever soar over
the sick slaying of the innocent
Consider Fallujha
surrounded & caged
as the cowering cringing unarmed civilian inhabitants
are shot, burned & barbequed
like slaughtered sitting ducks
in a ‘free-fire zone’ shooting gallery
upon your sanctimonious attack
at a school in Bajour
where 69 children are massacred by joystick
as you deceive yourself
into believing
it did not happen
washing your hands
turning as you walk away
This is Sand Creek
Wounded Knee
My Lai
too many other mass-media
contorted & distorted great triumphs
To whit
no doubt in my mind
the next war crime called
a ‘battle’
or a ‘humanitarian bombing’
will be patriotically anointed too
sanctioned of course
ta ta
Dig Two Graves
If you want to fight violence do it with your wit and smile not a snarl and sword
If you hate violence then don’t apply it
If you want justice for your people then treat one and all justly
If you want to confront the monster be careful you don’t become one yourself
I can’t advocate nuking those who would have the Samson option
I cannot hate one group for hating another
I will not commit the same crimes on others because they are criminals
If you are seeking revenge, then you better dig deep two graves
I agree with our cause and I am in full empathy
But when you advocate utilizing the same tools that you despise then you are out of line
I will not hand out injustice as vendetta for injustice
I will not shoot those who shoot those I support
How can I teach a man to abstain from hate if I feed that hatred?
How can I practice what I preach if I ignore my own principles?
How can I face down anger if I rage myself?
How can I resist not evil if I do evil things?
So many are full righteous rage and horrendous hate for evil deeds
But then they don’t realize now that they have been consumed by what they hate
They can’t see humor, they cant hear laughter, they cant smell the roses or think they could be wrong while they are deaf to one and all if any disagree
They are the flipside of their enemy and became the same as them
You’re blinded by your hate and anger to the hate and anger
Violence begets violence in a cycle never-ending
An eye for an eye will make our whole blind and then no one will be left to see right from wrong
And your anger will only consume you as it does your foe
Your hate will not outlast their hate
Your rage will not conquer their anger
Your violence will not eradicate their violence
Your injustice is no more just than their injustice
As you blog your hatred and racism for their hatred and racism
You might want to look in the mirror and tell yourself what you see
If you go out today for vengeance instead of justice you better dig two graves before you leave home
Because now you’ve become your own enemy and that is a bad place to be
this was written after i went to confront occupation in Palestine 10 years ago as ChristianPeacemakerMember with 11 folks all over the world for two weeks. Most support the used of violence, i do not. i will not fight evil with evil because i know that the only victor in such a battle is evil..
Truer words have never been spoken. Thank You
thank you
Everything that you…
By toto che handala
Everything that you
taste, touch, hear, see
all that you
ponder postulate presume
experienc gargantuan and/or perceive is
intricately connected
Each molecule, atom, quark
that makes you
is just an iota
of something
incomprehensibly granduous
This all is
just because your vision cannot
its a dream-state
like they said all along
what you think is real
nothing but illusion
What we label
the universe is an holographic onion
layers upon layers
of a great totality
you and i
simply cells
that are parts of this form
Yet you and i
come here
screaming without memory
of where we were
before or what we were
such a short day
in this timeline
to pay and serve
then leave to
where not we know
It is
all light within
light without
from the humblest bacteria
to the greatest soul
in every rock
in the splitting of every twig
we are
one of
the same…
Nevertheless, we seem to blow it all up now and then. Every 2 or 3 million years or so. Please see And what about the Piri Reis map ? It can only have been made from the air some 2 million years ago. My surgeon in Colombia suggested that we first arrived here as few survivors following all-out war Moon-Mars. But we claim to be an ape OR that some unknown invisible god made us only 6000 years ago. But we don´t really know, do we ? Some few always survive in the mountains, I guess. The US never accepted MAD, they aim to achieve a Disarming First Strike Capability. As it´s SUICIDAL, the great missile engineer Bob Aldridge resigned and outlined the danger of a Disarming First Strike Capability in his books and on What else can the Russians do but Launch On Warning ? And we may all die because of a mistake forced upon us by the aggressive, stupid, crazy bloody fools in Pentagon/NATO.
noviolet warrior?
My ‘hope’, since we are ‘born’ here in amnesia, is that each of us is here, because of wrongs we committed somewhere/sometime else, and this is the mental institution of the galaxy. All the nutjobs come here to pay off their crimes,to relearn love, to work their way into the understanding that there is no higher form of intelligence than Kindness. This is hell my brother, a school, a prison and learn what you need to redo and then if we all eventually do this, we will have no need for such a place again. We grow up, we leave our insanity behind.
Or this is a movie, a play, a live reenactment from our offspring who came back to relive(out of curiosity?, boredom?) through us what is like here( Like a shakespearean play but instead of watching the play reminiscing life back then-they through advanced technology come here and through us,actually experience it ). Living the play out as it were.
Is this even real? i tend to hope not, its a dream, a fantasy,or we are dead and to die we are born…Gets crazy? We do not know…yet…But you can do as i do, as long as i’m here i try to be a ‘good person’. What else is there here to do?
WE are insignificant yet priceless and since we cannot change the world we must strive to become the change we seek in the world and in others. If we succeed somewhat we become better for it…i think..
I initially had the same fears as you but then I recalled the old admonition about keeping your eye on the sparrow! Our Israeli handlers pulling the strings on this entire charade, wouldn’t risk something spoiling their hood, would they now!
“officials are leaning toward aggressive military action.” As if the US knows anything else but kill and destroy.
Trump or Oboomer; it appears it doesn’t matter who is in the WH.
The Pentagon will continue ‘business as usual’.
They do know. Its called Light Military Action, you know, like a drone strike on a wedding.
“If Your Only Tool Is a Hammer, Then Every Problem Looks Like a Nail”!!!
If Trump does go through with an attack, it should be interesting to see if they’ve figured out how to overcome cruise missile jamming.
The problem with nuclear weapons is, when one party figures out they dare not be used, war at the sub-nuclear level is little more than an envelope to be pushed.
Of course, that works both ways.
This is fucking insane
“…ain’t that America…”
John Cougar Mellencamp?
Seemed to fit.
Little white drones for you and me….
Why isn’t anyone in Congress questioning this insanity?
What happened to Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul?
There is almost nothing in the MSM except stories about Trump’s mistresses, Mueller’s subpoenas and Zuckerbergs’s apologies.
Trump usually pulls stunts like this to remove those headlines; the MSM caught on.
they’re going to blow the world up
Donald Trump the ultimate “Petty Tyrant”.
So this is the end
A little finger from a tiny hand
A sociopathic narcissistic
Prodded by fools
But what did you expect
From a species
Created insane
How could any end
Be but a columbine
We’ve been doing this
Since the days of fire and caves
More and more crowded
But with better weapons
Rats sardined in a shrinking cage
Still I did have my hope
Fleeting and stupid
As it now seems
But one cannot escape ones fate
Especially when it was preordained
Yet one final whimsical note
Who will mourn
The passing of humanity
Will any sing our dirge
Of the birds we caged and ate
From the sea we depleted
Filled with choking plastics and chemicals
Any plead our case
Of this 6th mass extinction
Will those who survive
Place laurels at mans tombstone
Or will they piss on our grave
An impeachable offense against the Constitution! Just like his first strike and nobody did anything in Congress! America is dead!!!!
Political Question Doctrine allows for negligence.
The great loophole of Constitutional rule of law.
Hope Russia strikes back hard & fast.
The Russians have a real capability to shoot back. They can sink ships, shoot down airplanes, and attack elsewhere in reply. They can also sabotage other important US goals, such as with North Korea.
Military aggression against the helpless seems “tough” exactly because it is safe and really isn’t tough at all. Military aggression against a major power able to shoot back is lunacy.
If Russia strikes back you’ll witness first hand a bombing campaign so massive they’ll be begging America andit’s allies to stop. Assad might even end up on the chopping block and America under Trump will use all assets in place in the middle East ,we’re not just in Syria pal.
“If Russia strikes back you’ll witness first hand a bombing campaign so massive they’ll be begging America andit’s allies to stop.”
That’s the “cake walk” theory of US military policy that’s been the claim ever since Desert Storm turned out to be easier than anticipated.
The problem with it is that since Desert Storm, it’s never worked out that way again.
The US could probably win a conventional war with Russia, provided it did not attempt to invade and occupy Russia itself. For example, a full-scale confrontation in Syria. The US would probably lose a carrier or two and some other surface ships, a few hundred aircraft, and a few tens of thousands of soldiers killed in action, but yeah, it could eventually impose its will there versus the will of Putin or Assad, although the occupation/insurgency would turn the war into a loss as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And all of that assumes that Putin and/or Trump wouldn’t decide to leave a radioactive crater where Washington and/or Moscow once stood, at which point all bets would be off and most of us would likely be dead in the fairly near term.
I could be wrong but, I think that 5000 to 10000 American casualties in a short period of time would would result in a lot of the mindless lumps that are Americans to sit up and take notice. Maybe they’ed even start to ask what the heck we were fighting for. But then at that time the filth that control our country would activate another false flag to change the subject.
Obviously I don’t have a lot of faith in the intellect of my fellow citizens.
I have a lot more faith in you and your fellow citizens than I do in your government and the two political parties that run this country
I don’t think NATO or the USA get into a war with Russia without getting into a war with China . China will sdtart shooting down U.S satelites before the war starts .. They will probably say this is accidental
Lol. Keep dreaming.
Sean Insanity? Old fool McCain?
Like all neocons. you are easily triggered.
A heavy price will be payed and anyone that thinks they can protect someone from the wrath of the free world can go along for the ride. Bombs backed up by a weak ruble may entice China into taking advantage of Russia’s energy resources but,it doesn’t impress the nation’s who’s currency is stronger than ever and are also nuclear capable. People on this site need to quit going back 20 to 50 years trying to compare what was happening than to what’s happening right now. It’s easy to criticize and be complicit of the nation’s one lives in, where your allowed to type these things on a forum like this but, try it in Iran,North Korea, even China was censoring It’s citizens from having a little fun with humiliating names of Kim Jon Un when he visited a few weeks back, Russia re-facilitated its whole network to censor dissent and access to outside information. I can only imagine how the people on this site with so many freedoms enshrined in America’s constitution would feel,if they were citizens in a country like NK, where the citizens and military risk being shot running across the de- militarization zone in search of freedom from oppression. This has been happening for almost 50 years but, somehow that gets lost in the ole America is evil mentality. Maybe the people on this site should cherish there freedoms they take for granted and pray for the citizens living in those oppressive regimes that can only dream of what that’s like.
Keep dreaming.
Get a new line already.
What freedoms are you talking about? We are living under the facade of so called ‘democracy’.
It’s the same ‘democracy’ we export every single day to other countries in the form of war.
We live under a repressive regime and have been for decades, only now they are taking the gloves off.
Do you get paid for being this idiotic? (By the ‘Uncle Sam’ you love so much?)
wow-Not bad dv…not bad at all..Nice to see some of us still breathing air,caring,instead of being good lil’ obedient citizens and just waving the flag like fools..
Uncle sam is a trump…need i say more? The quintessential ‘ugly american’ and he is dragging us to the edge of the cliff,all of us all over the world…
The ancient Greek Philosopher Socrates defined democracy as “mob rule” wherein the majority rule and the minority have no voice.
The US was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. The nation’s Founders knew a whole lot better than to create a democracy; the fledgling nation would’ve ceased to exist and be under British rule once again.
I appreciate the essence of what you are saying but, in fact, if you took a poll today, most Americans (and even politicians, for whatever that is worth) perceive and refer to America as being a ‘democracy’.
We most certainly are not but are we truly a republic? No. (Rome thought it was a ‘republic’ and look how that ended…)
We have become a totalitarian/oligarchical/fascist state and have been for many years.
As for the British? The US and Britain do everything together and have done so for a very long time. (They are essentially ‘joined at the hip’. It is damn near incestuous.)
They are about to embark on another military adventure, along with the French, to attack Syria.
These are very cozy relationships…
The founding fathers, I am sure, would not approve of marriage between ‘first cousins’.
More Zionist warmongering bs. What happens in these countries is none of our business.
But why, pray tell didn’t you mention Mexico as one of those countries that needs a little TLC from the US. Mexico has more head-choppers than Isis. Heck, 43 students were killed in cold blood with the help of the Mexican government and where the demand for US intervention. And this is just one incident out of countless that are happening daily. If the US needs to go looking for dragons to slay, Mexico is the first place to look. But, our corrupt Zionist controlled government is in cahoots with the corrupt Mexican government, indeed the US supplies them with the weapons they use to keep Mexicans from rising up and over throwing that vile government.
Mexico is not America and guess who’s crossing there borders searching for a better life in America, where they can call the cops if a crime is committed ,without being handed over to the cartels because of corruption,Mexicans. So by your own logic America’s institutions are looking really enticing not only to our southern neighbours, God bless them but, to the world that yearns for freedom and a system that’s not corrupt like Mexico.
“Mexico is not America” trump, that you ?
Actually everyone with a brain knows Mexico isn’t America.
I’m not quite sure I understand your response. Sure people want to come the the welfare state called the US, but that will change once the US gets into a shooting war with Russia. At that point every one in will want to leave. So why would the US unnecessarily confront Russia (who btw is not a natural enemy of the US) ?
Maybe you should stop the embarrassing Russia is so scary routine, America is a very capable nation. We won’t be alone and we know what we’re up against and so do they.
“we know what we’re up against”
History since the end of World War II says otherwise.
Pray? In your great america? Pray that our taxes are not used to murder slaughter and terrorize people in lands we have no right to be in? Get your head out of the sand and wake up. Pray that our representative gov does what WE THE PEOPLE tell it to do and quit exporting terrorism? 50 years ago? Like when MLK in his ‘beyond Vietnam’ speech said that ‘america is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today’? What has changed? We still are, far more and we are now the largest exporter of terrorism too.
Pride. Pride in being 4.7% of the population while we consume 25% of its energy? Pride in selling more weapons that the rest of the world does combined? Pride in spending more on militarism that the rest of the world combined? And you find its ‘easy for us to criticize’? We have to. It is our right not as americans, but as human beings who live in a faux representative democracy that allows its few at the top to do whatever it pleases. And we should, pray,bow down and thank the powers that abuse this democracy, this nation for its own selfish, greedy profit and ego? Are you mad sir or just delusional? The usa is a psychopath on steroids with its 1000 military bases in 150 nations and you find that,something to boast about? You are being (like the rest of us) to kid and used,abused for their agenda not yours. i find it nefarious and disgusting. Quit believing the bs you are fed like baby food to a infant. What is done in your name, with your blessing is criminal,evil and needs to be stopped.
Oh yea, we have the freedom to complain? WE THE PEOPLE should have the power to stop this carnage but we dont do we? Yea, we’re ‘allowed’ to vent but not to affect decisions and that is the cruelest cut of all . It shows how much of a diluted democracy we are when we cant even affect things. So your saying shuddup, love it or leave it,allow your tax $ to commit crimes all over the world, lick the hand that doesn’t hit is like we were kids of Wayne Gacy? You would have made a good german in 38. Personally i want to be in a ‘White Rose’ protest group because if i dont i will lose my sanity dealing with our actions and meatheads like you…This empire is obsessed,addicted to war,patriotic pissing,delusional egomaniac and we are just the biggest,drunkest,bully on the block that uses its muscle like any other gang to get its way. That’s what we are, a bloated,fat ugly, egotistical bully and we have been since we first got here. We did it from coast to coast,then we went south and then global. Read your history. Not the distorted crap they make you memorize in school but truth…
Save it for the cult I didn’t even take the time to read it.
It is you !
Peek a boo!
If you want to really save lives you can’t do that on this forum go to Syria and throw up a peace sign while Assad drops canisters of poisonous gas,I’m sure he’ll stop killing his people if you show up there….SMH….Wake up.
Why do you keep on lying about Assad? Assad doesn’t have any chemical weapons; the terrorist groups have them. Nearly three years ago, Russia helped the Assad gov’t dispose of its stockpiles of chemical weapons; so, were have you been, moron? In La-La-Land somewhere?
The current attack claims hint at use of chlorine, which was not included in the agreement under which Syria surrendered its chemical weapons because it is a common chemical used in all kinds of products and processes.
Of course, that doesn’t prove anything. If I was going to run a false flag attack, of COURSE I would choose the one weapon which I knew they could still have.
Don’t waste your time. He’s hopeless.
We know that but sometimes, it’s a little fun to poke back a bit. 😉
“Oh mothers don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboy….”
LOL! I needed a laugh.
Than read your posts nothing funnier than the rantings of a brain dead zombie.
I’m still laughing and remember she who laughs last, laughs the best. 😉
Sherlock I see your still trolling my posts instead of obsessing over your man crush on the Cowboys of Broke Back Mountain how about typing something relevant.
Someone has to feed you.
Please save the Zombie food for yourself and your comrades here at antiwar.
the world of nations is like a city run by various gangs with changing powers and affiliations…We need laws that are fair,honest,and most importantly enforcable..
USA CLOSEOUT SALE ! Missles,smart bombs,dumb bombs,bombs,bombs,bombs…..EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! This sale is HYUUUGE ! Bring the wife, kids, Uncle Ham, light meat,dark meat, all cooked to incredible precision. Gets yours today !
The rule of law has been destroyed!
The rule of fraud is its replacement!
The zionists and Israel will claim success!
Endless war and destruction will be the result.
The world itself is at risk of being destroyed.
Gad, to state the obvious, responsible leaders are critically needed who have the balls to challenge the zionists. No one in the west appears to be so qualified.
The US is now proposing to attack to support the terrorists and Israel (and Wash zionists):
Tucker Carlson on Fox has a very astute statement: (transcript and video):
Imagine that, Tucker Carlson actually makes sense. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, Tucker has come a long ways since his blather in a bow tie .
The Russian Defense Ministry issued a detailed warning published in Lebanese media on the 6th of April that a false flag chemical attack was being prepared by the ‘rebels’, noted in Justin’s current column, but just in case anybody missed the short link:
Yes everyone gobble up a foreign adversaries governments official response it’s not like Russia has any reason to lie about the dictator it’s supporting gassing his people to keep him in power.So many gullible people complaining about a free nation’s society, all the while promoting a foreign adversaries talking points of a nation that’s truly corrupt, it’s comical .
Somehow this seems fitting (Everybody Knows-Concrete Blonde):
Let’s give Jason Ditz a ‘shoutout’ for all of his hard (and good) work here at AW. Thanks Jason!
Yeah thanks Jason for going to Syria and getting the story…Wink wink
When you go to Syria ‘Uncle’ (crikey sounds communist doesn’t it?) we can all compare notes… (I am going to rise above myself and pray for your soul…)
Why are you here? (We can wax philosophical on that point, as in why you were born, why you are on this website…)
If you are pro-war and pro all the things you profess, there are many fertile grounds for you to visit and lay down your rap.
In the meantime, I do feel sorry for you. I truly do.
All of humanity is at stake and you act like a mischievous garden gnome.
Seek the higher ground.
Practice what you preach,while you’re advocating for the nation’s military that’s dictator is gassing babies.I’ll pray for your soul and pray that if you’re allowed into Heaven,you’re greeted by the villages of the people that were murdered by Assads war machines. Who knows your judgment but, the Lord up above ,a lake of fire may be your destination for everything you pretended you didn’t see,and for turning a blind eye to those suffering because it didn’t fit your narrative .
You dare preach christianity? Turn the other cheek? Thou shalt not Kill? Forgive not 7 times but 77 times? Love thy neighbor? Beat swords into plowshares? You cherry-picking hypocrite what a fool you are. Anyway your empire is the greatest purveryor of violence in the world totday and its largest exporter of terrorism by far. Your schools are cages of domino mass shootings and your gov cant even slow it down or enact laws to curtail it because the nra has them by the balls with $…Dude your a lost sheep talking what you dont know,believing bs, following a faux religion that you cherry pick, faux god and a neo-nazi naiton…Have a good time
Says the Zombie commenting on an enemy sympathizer propaganda platform in defense of a dictator that’s gassing babies.
And where are you commenting, zombie?
Ship movement updates:
John Helmer reports that the Russians are moving toward a “Stavka” war fighting organization similar to what was used in WW II when fighting the Germans.
Is there ever any other response to any event? Can anyone in his right mind pretend that Syria is some sort of national security threat for the USA?? Do not people notice the repeat performances of these “gas attack by the evil Assad régime” whenever finally the SAA is able to achieve some limitation on the foreign-backed “rebels” against it?
Syrian girl has an interesting take on this, quite different of course from the MSM. Probably youtube has removed her again.
An SU-34 carrying Kh-35u or Kh-38 air launch anti ship missiles has been spotted over Tartus. Apparently the Russians are not going to stand idly by and let the US attack Syria.
A single Bear Tu-95 can carry 14 of those, to fire as a salvo, to ensure some get through. And Bear’s don’t fly alone on such missions. Like our B-52 and B-2, they can and do come a long way from their bases, having started out as intercontinental bombers.
Trump says everyone is going to have to pay a price for the last gas attack in Syria . I think he means everyone accept the people that actually committed the attack . No body is going to spend any effort to come up with any evidence of any kind . We have to accept Trump knows the truth because they all say so .
Another disgusting vile venal Demican republocRAT willing to have others rain down death and destruction while he sits munching on cheeseburger in his protected enclave. Hillary Trump is his name.
US ship movement in South China Sea:
This is starting to read like a Pentagon ‘White Paper’, only scarier…
The run-up to the coming war seems just as stupid, pointless and needless as the process that led Europe into WW I.
I have a very bad feeling I think our world famous vietnam era reservist John Bolton believes he can be lucky and pull off another Iraq or Libya success. Russia I am sure has noticed the circle of military posts being constructed around russia. I think russia will nuke Israel and I think that will lead to WWIII with massive number dead I hope I am wrong.
Is it just a coincidence that this is announced around the same time John Bolton is hired in his administration? I think not.
According to wikipedia, “He began his tenure as National Security Advisor on April 9, 2018”. That was yesterday.
Tell me, buddy, has “Bonkers” Bolton been confirmed by the Senate yet? If not, he’s not Trump’s National Security Adviser. I don’t believe he has been confirmed, and Wikipedia’s scribblers lied about “Bonkers” having begun his tenure.
With H. R. McMaster gone, the post of National Security Adviser currently stands empty, and Chief of Staff John Kelly must take on the duties of NSA until somebody’s nominated/confirmed.
Why am I saying this? “Bonkers” is hated by over half the Senate, smashing any hopes he may have of assuming this post and creating chaos in the Mideast.
It’s time for Pres. Trump to withdraw this lunatic’s name for NSA and appoint a sane, reasonable individual in his place.
The National Security Adviser does not have to be confirmed by the Senate.
Every day I think it cannot get any worse but it continues;
Douglas Faith, of the Iraq war fraud, interviewed with trump for two hours; bolton is working fast, hiring and firing. He will not be contained, he is a rabid lunitic as are most of the zio cons running rampant.
I have been around the block a few times but I cannot recall this much rampant and obvious evil as is present today!
It’s very simple. There is no legal justification for the war without a authorization by Congress. If the Military/Industrial/Zionist/Saudi Complex wants a war, then they cannot use the AUMF to justify an attack on a sovereign nation. They’ve been using the AUMF in a tortured way to justify the so called “war on ISIS”, but the ISIS war has just been a way to justify the illegal insertion of US military personel into Syria. We need to insist on Congressional approval, put the bastards on record if they want to agitate for optional war.