While most of the Trump Administration opposes the president’s efforts to come up with some pretext for withdrawing from the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has appeared to be on board with the idea, even declaring Iran in violation of the deal in June, shortly before President Trump grudgingly admitted they were in compliance.

President Trump has suggested he’s going to claim a violation next time, and Haley is reportedly planning to visit the IAEA in Vienna later this month, with the visit expected to focus on Iranian compliance. The IAEA has affirmed Iran remains in compliance monthly since the deal went into effect.
Neither Haley nor Trump are believed to be particularly concerned with the factual details of compliance, so much as declaring Iran in violation would give them a pretext to withdraw from the deal, and escalate sanctions and military threats against Iran. Opponents of the move warn the US would be blamed for trying to kill the deal, and suffer diplomatically
Haley’s visit, then is likely to be done mostly to make a show of engagement with the international community ahead of declaring the violation. Though her past claim was that Iran was “violating” the nuclear deal by supporting the Syrian government against ISIS, she may also look for some excuse at least loosely related to the nuclear deal itself, as opposed to a random US grievance.
So does the stupid media consider Nikki to be one of the “adults”?
Someone recently referred to Haley as “John Bolton’s Ovaries”, if that helps…
Whoever bangs the drum for war is an “adult” according to the bought off media.
Of course, the ‘deal’ was that the US would release sanctions in exchange for Iran ending a nuclear weapons program that the western intel agencies say it never had. So, if the world wants to talk about compliance with this deal, then a hard look at the US slapping even more sanctions on Iran would be a part of this discussion.
Of course, the US is never concerned about its own ‘non-compliance’ with the agreements that it signs. Just ask a surviving American Indian. Remember, the Great White Chief speaks with forked tongue.
Does this mean that she will actually read UN resolution 2231?
so you’re saying “called upon” is Iran’s legal loophole? http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2017/02/03/513229839/did-irans-ballistic-missile-test-violate-a-u-n-resolution
The dumbest, craziest individual Donald Trump had picked for the position of US Ambassador to the UN was none other than the former Waffle House waitress, Nikki Haley. I thought “Bonkers” John Bolton was bad, but this banshee outdoes him by a mile. Why on Earth did Trump ever choose her when there were a lot of experienced diplomats to choose from? And there was also Congressman Dana Rorhabacher, a long-time member of the House Foreign Relations Committee. Maybe Trump did ask him if he wanted the job of US Ambassador to the UN and Rohrabacher politely declined. Whatever the case, there were several seasoned diplomats that deserved the opportunity, but Trump never gave them a thought.
Haley has embarrassed not only herself, she’s embarrassed the US delegation under her, as well as this nation itself .. And for this, there’s no other option but to dismiss her and replace her with a seasoned diplomat, before the US is reviled even more than it is now. She’s going to continue with her lunacy and stupidity in Vienna.
Jonah Goldberg’s wife writes Nikki Haley’s speeches at the U.N.
Hey Niki . . . when’s the last time Israel obeyed a UN Resolution? You don’t have to make it so obvious that the game is fixed for Israel! If you expect the world to believe that Iran is NOT complying with these terms you have another thing coming! You must be Joe McCarthy reborn into a “woman’s” body.
Haley’s quality or lack thereof as an ambassador aside, I’m wondering why you constantly focus on the fact that she once actually did honorable productive work for a living as if that was a bad thing?
Truly embarrassing but Samantha Power set the bar extremely low; I think the term banshee fits her as well.
Meanwhile Renault will build its cars in Iraq and the French oil company Total will develop off-shore oil fields for Iran.
Haley has a degree in accounting which has nothing to do with nuclear science. How on earth can she judge what the IAEA is doing in Iran?
A US official prepares to tell lies as a pretext to start yet another war. Knock me over with a feather.
This Haley is in my opinion more nuts than Kim Jung Un.