Egypt’s official toll for Wednesday’s massacres, per the nation’s Health Ministry, was 642 dead and thousands wounded. Over 173 more were killed today, bringing the three day toll to over 800 by official reckoning.
That reckoning is almost certainly well below the actual toll, with hundreds of slain not included in the official count and a large number of wounded also ignored for seeking treatment outside of the Health Ministry’s official facilities.
Exactly where the death toll actually lies is something we may never know, though the Muslim Brotherhood, the organizers of the protests, suggesting 4,500 may have been killed.
Today’s protests were met by the same heavy-handed violence as the protest sit-ins on Wednesday, with Friday’s marches beginning after morning prayers. Tens of thousands turned out in Cairo alone for protest marches, though having the people marching through the streets instead of in a makeshift camp surrounded by heavily armed troops likely kept the death toll much lower today, allowing protesters to more easily escape the attacks.
Though international condemnation continues to grow, Egypt’s junta defended the killings again today, reiterating that the protesters are “terrorists” and that the police were authorized to respond with “deadly force” to protect their rule.
The killing of people although tragic, but it was not the Egyptian people who asked for this, they still demanding for a functioning democracy for all Egyptians. Tragedy started when Hillary Clinton the second highest political entity of the american democratic party, the head of the USA (other government) state department, got involved in Libya, in Syria, and Egypt by promoting Muslim brotherhood as the front runner for Saudis interests all over the middle east and north Africa.
The branches of all kind of terrorism like worms started pupping out, so, for US and EU governments they had no idea why or who to support or supporting the next day. What they wanted is to change the government of Syria, Libya and those "liberals left or right" who might become a feature problem for Saudis, those who might become united with the Iranians or by themselves. Now after almost three years of bloodshed, over a million Syrian refugees and over 80.000 thousand Syrians killed, now in Egypt they face their own created dilemma where Hillary Clinton meet Muslims brotherhood. This is yet another reasons for people around the world denouncing EU and American foreign policies toward nations in Middle East. Look: we said it before saying again, these wars, the killings of innocent people are not what people wanted when they started their uprising, these created turmoils by the west are the protective measures for the US, EU, Saudis and UAE interest from Saudi Arabian peninsula to North Africa. The Libya invasions was a corridor for US, EU, Saudis and EU to enter Africa militarily, Egypt by Muslims brotherhood in power could have become the second corridor to Africa.
You're disgusting.
Demand an end to Washington's support for this slaughter.
Obviously USA conducts its divide and rule strategy anywhere.
What do the people now do which the hired for toppling Mubarak ?
Or does the things go their own way and they lost control?
Does anybody here know what actually happens there?
What does this mean:
The German News-TV website <a href="” target=”_blank”> quoted an woman of the protestors in Egypt saying (condensed): "We will die either, so we have no fear of bullets"
"Why will they die either???? Why this news channel did no ask her why and report this too? What do the hide?
What's the matter?
Also Germany as most other NATO countries did finance the revolution against Mubarak with e.g. revolution-journalist education and a revolution newspaper – was Mursi not the result they wanted ?
Some details about German involvement:
Even other NATO political institutions in Egypt prepared Rebellions, see the here the German KAS-Video at 2:07 what they teach their young opposition journalists for the Arab spring: ARABREBELLION (KAS means the political party foundation of the ruling German government Party, a NGO or better GONGO, Government owned NGO): (see Video at 2:07 where the German teacher writes ARABELLION at the blackboard for the young Egypt revolution journalists) commented photo of Journalist classes
On December 29, Egyptian security forces carried out raids on a number of international non-governmental organizations in Cairo, claiming that they were providing “political funding” to opposition forces in the country. 0 08oo-blog mit nur key info in D+Engl
There was a report from Cairo of an impoverished teenager trying to escape the slaughter, when a well dressed shop owner came running out with a big club to knock down and hold the boy captive until the police arrived.
Such a slave-driver mindset, chain slavery all over again and one has to wonder if Egypt is not 200 years behind civilization in the real world?