In a move that will likely drive a stake into the heart of the near-term prospects for the US-backed “crippling sanctions” against Iran, Turkey and Brazil have managed to come up with a compromise deal that provides everything the Western nations claimed to have wanted from the third-party enrichment deal in the first place.
The deal was announced last night but details were only made available this morning. According to the announcement, Iran will ship 1,200 kg of its 3.5% enriched uranium to Turkey, exactly the amount sought in the P5+1 enrichment deal, and will receive fuel rods for its medical reactor one year later, again the amount of time given in the P5+1 deal.
Though the inclusion of Turkey is a new rub, everything else about the deal seems to be designed to be verbatim to the P5+1 deal in October, which the Obama Administration has repeatedly demanded Iran sign.
Iran’s problem with the initial deal with the use of France as an intermediary, as France has previously reneged on nuclear deals with Iran and was not trusted by many in the government, who thought they might simply make off with Iran’s stockpile.
Turkey on the other hand is an incredibly inconvenient intermediary for the war party, because they are simultaneously a key US-NATO ally in good standing and have trustworthy relations with Iran. Turkey would be obligated to return Iran’s uranium if the West fails to provide the fuel rods, and could likely be trusted to do so.
As Iran has now accepted the deal, President Obama will struggle to back out of it without doing serious damage both to his international reputation and to US-Turkey relations.
Western diplomats however suggested they would attempt to do just that, claiming that the 1,200 kg is no longer sufficient because, six months later, Iran has a slightly larger stockpile of low enriched uranium. This seems little more than a rhetorical obstacle, however, as the remainder of the low enriched uranium is bound for a Russian-built nuclear power plant in southern Iran.
Iran has been attempting to produce 20% enriched uranium itself in an effort to create the fuel rods for several months, but has suggested that it will stop that higher level of enrichment if a deal emerges to give it access to the fuel rods to create badly needed medical isotopes.
One good nail pushed right inside Israel's eye.
The next nail will be North Korea who was a member of the NPT
who can easily say why the IAEA does not go to Israel's facilities
USA had weakened the very agency it control by protecting Israel
In a dacade, more countries will built chinese, Russian, Indian, Brazilian, nuclear power and all of them will want the same rules from IAEA..
Egypt Yemen Syria Libya Tunisia and every country needs this technology one rule can make it easier for the IAEA to control it if many rules of preference are exercised, countries will bare IAEA to its facilities…. imagine if there were 5-10 country ignoring the IAEA visits to their facility
will they all get economic sanctions by USA and EU will russia china follow the sanction
Sanction do not solve the problems nor do wars Iraq is an example were a trillion or more dollar was wasted
Here is what US tax payer had lost multiply by two or three
phonk, do your homework…Google..!! N Kora quit the NPT in 2003
N Korea Quits Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty | YaleGlobal Online …
North Korea became the first country to withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) on Thursday, but the international community appeared no ……/n-korea-quits-nuclear-non-proliferation-treaty – Cached
BBC News World Edition
Friday, 10 January, 2003, 06:06 GMT
N Korea withdraws from nuclear pact.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il visits Kaechon, west of Pyongyang
Kim Jong-il's secretive regime has raised the stakes
North Korea says it is withdrawing immediately from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which seeks to control the spread of nuclear technology. Friday, 10 January, 2003, 06:06 GMT
Thanks for your GOOD JOB on the trillion dollars on pallets……. It's a great eye opener…
On Iranian issue, during the last couple of days, very high and consequential drama started to take shape.
As an example refer to this…
Ever since May 13 when Hillary sent a message to (or lectured) Turkish FM why his country should watch out mediating between the West and Iran and as she declared her intention to do the same with Brazil, the political atmosphere got filled with excitable air.
The question became will they (Brazil and Turkey) obey the “obliterator’s” orders?
Now we know…they didn’t.
This is a real big one… from any angle you look at it…..
Globally Israel, US, France, UK are now in precarious position, the whole world is watching them……….
The actions for spreading “lies / half-truths” or masterminding foxy plans have already started.
Tones of posts like these are out there::……
Spreading lies, half truths,and masterminding of all out war is what Hilliary Clinton is best at.
This is a big move by the non-aligned movement. The arrangement is a brilliant one, that satisfies the supposed concerns on both sides, and it puts the lie to Obama's constantly and harshly reiterated claims that Iran is unwilling to negotiate.
NOW IT IS TIME FOR ALTERNAPUNDITS TO STOP GIVING OBAMA THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. Well, actually it's LONG past time. But if Obama refuses to accept this deal, no one can claim with even the slightest shred of credibility anymore that he isn't exactly the brutal warmonger he appears to be. NO MORE EXCUSEMAKING FOR OBAMA. And that means no more excuse making for alternapundits who continue to refuse to recognize the brutal, warmongering nature of 'the Regime'.
Just as long as Iran continues to enrich uranium on Iranian soil! That is important. I don't want Iran backing down to US bullying. I don't want them to go the way of Libya! Keep enriching uranium to low levels and ship them to Turkey and if Turkey reneges, just enrich the uranium yourself. That is your right! Enrich the uranium to 20% , just don't cower to the US! A better deal would have consisted of just a straight swap on Iran's soil with the third party.
Watch the US just go on to Syria demonization. You're gonna start to hear bad stories about the government of Syria and how they rigged their elections on CNN and fox news. Or you'll hear about how Obama wants them to completely stop ALL enrichment, the same demand that the defense minister of Israel said seven months ago.
Yes, that's what they have gone to now. Iran must stop all enrichment. Even Medvedev, the bastard, is demanding this. Iran has the right to enrich uranium and everyone of those assholes knows it.
It's as obvious as it can be now, if it wasn't before, which it was, that they will have their damn war, and they don't give a damn about anything else.
Economically, Turkey and china and even russia won't allow it. They
want to make money with the Iranians.
The Israelis are gonna have to draft their Syria demonization plan
now. Their Iran plan didn't work.
Do not jump to conclusions. Both Russian and German officials had on several occassions been forced to correct what press has been saying about their official possitions. This all requires watching very carefully. As far as I know just from observing the gatherings, comings and goings of various parties, the outline of this was put together at the meeting of BRIC in Brazil. Since, there were a bunch of meetings, especially a flurry of activities between Turkey, Brazil and Russia. Russia's role at this point is to shepherd this through IAEA, to insure that the deal is acceptable. This is going to be by no means an easy task. For that reason, it has to remain cautious. But the air has been taken out of the sanctions tires. I was sure that the deal was going to be struck, because Turkey and Brazil would not have put their repulations on the line if that was not preagreed, and possibly through consulting with other countries. The rest is just for drama and effect.
Yes indeed, wasn't chess invented in Iran?
Yup. The warmongers are already at it, blowing off the amazing breakthrough for peace, and continuing to push for sanctions, ie, war.…
Now watch the alternapundits continue to refuse to recognize the radically and brutally militaristic nature of the Obama Regime. WE NEED TO START CALLING THEM ON THIS. There is no excuse anymore. We need to call Obama out for the vicious warmonger that he is. He may get his damn war, we can't necessarily stop that, though we can try, but at least call him what he is: a warmonger.
1- State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said that in her call to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Clinton had stressed that "in our view, Iran's recent diplomacy was an attempt to stop Security Council action without actually taking steps to address international concerns about its nuclear program."
2- Make a note of the wording…, in our view.., which means no others views is important nor is going to be considered as a view…, No matter what the Iranians or any other country in this world do the US and the European government will come up with a excuse to embarrass themselves more and more…, whey.., you might ask.. is simple.. they are losing and lost their power of deceptions in Middle East in last 10-20 years…, so the only thing is left for them (US and Europe NATO) is their militarism and their empty word of war.., that is to say that Hillary Clinton is nothing but a puppet from a puppeteers regime where she and her husband are orchestrated and modified by bunch of fools who reject the fact that there is law and everyone is bound by it. Again.., is Hillary Clinton ever going to stop paying the Adolph Prince the American working people taxes.., is she ever going to prosecute the chain of command in Adolph Prince circle for what they have done.., is she ever going to be a true and a real democrat who understand the basics in democracy and its social political and economical principals where it says thus shell not pay the thieves’ and killers and mercenaries for their thievery nor their killing services.
It is extremely satisfying to watch the warmongers squirm out of their own noose. Of course this setback won't deter them, but the fact that they can no longer snap their fingers and receive immediate obedience from the rest of the world is important. It is asign that the velvet covering their iron gauntlet is getting holes and that they will have to resort more and more to blantant force.
wow forgot mi was on an island,( tose links have been moved,censorred,possibly lost,alot of movement on this one,thats 3:05 pacific daylight tyme the 17th right,pm,,,,OO,,,i’ll be surprised if ya even see this note
Well, I see the note. What should I infer then?
Anyway, well played, Iran.
And here we go with the propaganda propellment:…
>>The State Department said it was seeking clarification on the agreement. US Admiral James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, for Nato said the announcement was "encouraging". But he said there were "a million miles to go" before Iran could be said to be complying with the wishes of the international community.
Uh yeah…
"I was sent to outer space
To find another happy place
Now I'm left here all alone
Million miles away from home"
Iran and the rest of the world are defying and defeating the Great Satan!
"You can build a wall of protocols to keep the wolves at bay,
but history dictates that someone has to pay"
They cannot make Obama an offer he will not refuse.
Netanyahu and all the other yahoos will not allow acceptance.