Obama Cheers ‘Successes’ of a Decade of War Praises '9/11 Generation' for 'Extraordinary Decade of Service'
Syria’s WMDs: The Scaremongering Begins Anew Analysis: A Combination of Unrelated Factoids Prepare to Lie America Into Another War
Nonviolence or NATO? Syria’s Protest Movement Starts to Split Some Activists See NATO Intervention as Key to Libya-Style Regime Change
Texas Congressman Praises Iranian Terrorists as ‘Freedom Fighters’ Rep. Poe Termed Cult's Iraq Camp a 'Bastion of Freedom'
Congressional Committees Fight Over Cyber-Turf As 'Experts' Play Up Need for Escalation, Subcommittees See Opportunities
House Overwhelmingly Approves Record $649 Billion Military Spending Bill Fretting Over Deficit, House Still Approves Record Budget
Senate Hawks Push Obama to Make Case for Libya War Lieberman, Graham Say Lack of Explanation Keeping Congress From Approving Conflict