‘Unpredictable’ Trump Sends Mixed Foreign Policy Signals Pushes Increased Military Spending, Modernizing Nuclear Weapons
Cruz: Trump Would Give Victory to ISIS by Leaving NATO Trump Had Suggested Reducing US Spending on Operations in Europe
Trump: Torture Could Have Prevented Brussels Attacks Says US Should Close Borders in Response to Bombings
Trump’s Mixed Foreign Policy Agenda Insists Countries Should Pay for US Military Involvement, but Courts Israel at AIPAC
The Myth of Giving Iran $150 Billion in Nuclear Deal Money Was Already in Iranian Accounts, Simply No Longer Frozen
Trump: World Better Off If Saddam, Gadhafi Were Still in Power Says Politicians Should Have 'Taken the Day Off'
Pentagon: Trump’s Call to Ban Muslims a Threat to National Security Military Spokesman Offers Rare Rebuke to Candidate
Trump: Middle East Would Be More Stable With Saddam and Gadhafi Says Ousting Assad In Syria 'Going to Be the Same Thing'