Hillary Clinton: Putin, WikiLeaks, Trump Plot to Hack the Election Insists Putin Wants a 'Puppet' as US President
Top House Dems Insist FBI Probe Trump Ties to ‘Russia Hacks’ Lawmakers Term Alleged Trump Involvement 'Ongoing Criminal Activity'
Republicans Say Trump Shouldn’t Deny Russia Behind Hacking Short on Evidence, the Consensus Is Still Russia Is to Blame
At Debate, Clinton Blames Russia for Many Things Vows Military Action in Syria as 'Leverage' Against Russia
Clinton Won’t Reject Idea Bombings Were Russian Plot for Trump Accuses Trump of Giving 'Aid and Comfort' to ISIS
Trump Blames Freedom of the Press for Bombings Complains Freedom of Speech Stopping Govt From Arresting More People
Trump Aide: US Aid for Israel ‘Won’t Be Limited’ Presents Record Obama Deal as 'Limiting' Aid to Israel
Trump Vows Huge Military Spending Increase If Elected Backs Off Previous Comments Warning of Excessive Spending
Clinton Campaign Manager: Trump A Kremlin Puppet Attempts to Derail Questions About Clinton's Foreign Donations