Trump Seeks More Nukes, Claims US Has ‘Fallen Behind’ Non-Proliferation Group: US Already Has Top Arsenal in the World
China May Be Pressing US to Talk with North Korea Coal Cuts Seen as a 'Message' to Trump as Well as Pyongyang
Top North Korean Officials Still Seek to Go to US for Talks State Department Has Yet to Approve Visit
Commander: US Forces Getting Closer to Front Lines in Iraq Restrictions on 'Non-Combat' Troops Loosening Under Trump
Mattis Assures Iraqis: US Not Here to Seize Your Oil Americans "Have Generally Paid for Our Gas and Oil All Along"
Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster Named National Security Adviser Time Magazine Called McMaster the 'Architect of the Future US Army
Netanyahu Backs off New Settlement Pledge, Citing Trump Says Another Solution Needed for Amona Evacuees
Trump Administration Sends Conflicting Messages on Future of US-Russia Ties Better Ties? Some Say Yes, Some Say No, Trump Won't Say At All