UN-Backed Libyan Govt Says US Missiles Found at Haftar Base US sold missiles to UAE, now in possession of Hafter forces
State Dept Defunds Twitter Troll for Attacking US-Based Critics of Iran Policy Account suggested critics of hawkish policies were 'stooges' for Iran
U.S. Believes Russia Conducting Low-Level Nuclear Tests Russian MP notes tests can't be carried out secretly
State Dept: All North Korean WMDs Violate UN Resolutions Trump previously said he doesn't view North Korean tests as a violation
State Dept: Venezuela Talks Must Only Focus on Maduro’s Ouster US demands Maduro's departure be made a precondition for talks
State Dept Misses Congressional Deadline to Explain Iran Report Discrepancies Officials called report 'skewed,' said it attempted to justify military action
Venezuelan Opposition Meets With Pentagon, State Dept Officials State Dept rules out any negotiations with Venezuelan govt
Officials: Trump Admin’s New Iran Report Skewed, Intended to Justify Military Action State Dept ignored intelligence assessments, drew its own conclusions
State Dept Bars 16 Saudis From Entering US Over Khashoggi Murder Newly banned Saudis are suspected members of kill team
Congressman Pushes US Officials for Details on Recent Civilian Deaths in Yemen Pushes Pompeo, Shanahan on US response to killings