With Hagel Gone, Does Anyone Really Want to Be Defense Secretary? Frontrunners Flournoy, Sen. Reed Both Reject Job
US to Buy Arms for Sunni Tribes in Anbar Province Pentagon Says Not Arming Tribes Would Mean They Wouldn't Fight ISIS
Gates, Panetta Fault Obama for ‘Micromanaging’ Wars President Sought Direct Lines of Communication to Commanders
Joint Chiefs Chairman Predicts ISIS War Will Last Four Years With Goals, Scope Still Unclear Timeline Not Based on Anything
Hagel: Pentagon Needs ‘Game-Changing’ Technology to Extend Military Edge Hopes Robots, 3D Printers Might Somehow Be Involved
Western Militaries Complain of Strained Budgets After Busy Year Western Officials Have More Excuses to Intervene Than They Know What to Do With
US Air War on ISIS Killing Civilians, But How Many? No Real Efforts to Count Civilian Deaths in Airstrikes