Pakistan Accuses Karzai of Backing Taliban Factions ISI Says Afghan Govt Directly Financing Terror in Tribal Areas
Pakistan: Karzai an Obstacle to Taliban Peace Deal Afghan President Heads to Qatar to Try to Shore Up Taliban Ties
Suicide Attack Kills 17 Soldiers in North Waziristan Explosives Vehicle Slammed Into Checkpoint Near Army Barracks
Pakistan Pushes Global Ban on Unilateral Drone Strikes Foreign Ministry Warns Strikes on Other Nations a Dangerous Precedent
State Dept Reiterates Sanctions Threat Against Pakistan Over Iran Pipeline Gas Pipeline Seen as Vital to Pakistan's Economy
Pakistan’s Christians Protest After Lahore ‘Blasphemy’ Attacks Demonstrators Clash With Police as Religious Violence Continues to Grow
Karachi Party Urges Shi’ites to Patrol Their Own Neighborhoods Pakistani Govt Unable, or Unwilling to Stop Attacks on Shi'ites