Bipartisan Senators Reintroduce Bill to Block NATO Withdrawal Bill would require any future president who wants to leave the alliance to get approval from two-thirds of the Senate
Top US/NATO Commander Prepared to Use ‘Full Weight of the Transatlantic Alliance’ Against Russia and China
Russia Deploys Two Armies, Three Airborne Units to Counter Threat From 40,000 NATO Troops on Its Border
US Officials to Meet With NATO on Afghan Deployment May 1 deadline fast approaching, plans remain uncertain
US, EU, and NATO Take Steps to Unite Against China US and EU agree to hold a formal dialogue on Beijing, and the head of NATO said the alliance will work with 'like-minded' countries in Asia
NATO Chief Sees Rise of China as an ‘Opportunity’ for the Alliance A report released by NATO last year called for more focus on China
NATO Chief Says ‘the Rise of China Is a Defining Issue’ for the Alliance NATO released a report last year that called for the alliance to put more focus on China by partnering with Asian countries
Biden to Munich Security Conference: ‘America Is Back’ The president said how the US and Europe confront China will be the most 'consequential efforts we undertake'
SecDef Austin Tells NATO There Will Be No ‘Hasty’ Withdrawal From Afghanistan NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said no decision has been made on whether or not the alliance will leave Afghanistan by May 1st