Palestinians: US Offered to Send Troops to Jordan Valley Border Israel Insists on Retaining Military Control of Region
Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Program Precludes Peace With Palestinians Says Program Also Undermines Peace With Egypt, Jordan
UN Says No: Growing International Opposition to Syria War Few Want Any Appearance of Involvement in US War
Report Claims US, Israeli Trained Rebels Moving Toward Damascus CIA, Israeli Commandos Directly Involved in Training FSA Fighters
Jordanians Greet US Deployments With Suspicion Govt May Be on Board, But Locals Fear Getting Sucked into War
US to Leave 1,000 Combat Troops Along Syria’s Border Jordan 'Exercise' Ended, But Troops to Stay There
Jordan’s King Tells Soldiers: We’ll Emerge Victorious From Syria ‘Threat’ Nation Hosts Growing Number of US Troops, Weapons
Turkey’s Protests Will Complicate US Intervention in Syria US Expected to Use Jordan as Staging Ground for Involvement
US: Patriot Missiles, Warplanes Sent at Jordan’s Request Pentagon: US to Support Jordan's Security Requirements